Overview of course material: Numerical solution of PDEs
Hans Petter Langtangen (hpl at ifi.uio.no)
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Finite difference computing with exponential decay models
Background knowledge for INF5620 (and probably something new on software?):
Preliminary notes for a future textbook
Hans Petter Langtangen,
Center for Biomedical Computing at
Simula Research Laboratory and Department of Informatics, University of Oslo.
Finite difference methods for vibration ODEs
Finite difference methods for wave motion
Scientific software engineering; wave equation model
Finite difference methods for diffusion equations
Truncation error analysis
Approximation of functions
Stationary variational forms
Time-dependent variational forms
Variational forms for systems of PDEs
Solving nonlinear ODE and PDE problems
Study guides (or slides for lectures)
The study guides are summaries of the main points in the course
material. The guides are made such that they can be used as
slides in lectures and also hopefully as reading material for
self-study prior to and after reading the corresponding full text.
Finite difference methods for vibration ODEs
Finite difference methods for wave motion
Scientific software engineering; wave equation model
Finite difference methods for diffusion equations
Truncation error analysis
Approximation of functions
Stationary variational forms
Time-dependent variational forms
Variational forms for systems of PDEs
Solving nonlinear ODE and PDE problems
FEniCS tutorial version 1.6
See http://hplgit.github.io/fenics-tutorial/doc/web/index.html
This document replaces the official FEniCS tutorial which is now outdated.