Let us extend the function above to also include the quadratic damping
formulas. The F(t) function in (1) is required to be
available as an array in the solver_linear_damping
function, but
now we will allow for more flexibility: the F
argument may either be
a Python function F(t)
or a Python array. In addition, we add some
checks that variables have correct values or are of correct type.
import numpy as np
def solver(I, V, m, b, s, F, t, damping='linear'):
Solve m*u'' + f(u') + s(u) = F for time points in t.
u(0)=I and u'(0)=V,
by a central finite difference method with time step dt.
If damping is 'linear', f(u')=b*u, while if damping is
'quadratic', we have f(u')=b*u'*abs(u').
s(u) is a Python function, while F may be a function
or an array (then F[i] corresponds to F at t[i]).
N = t.size - 1 # No of time intervals
dt = t[1] - t[0] # Time step
u = np.zeros(N+1) # Result array
b = float(b); m = float(m) # Avoid integer division
# Convert F to array
if callable(F):
F = F(t)
elif isinstance(F, (list,tuple,np.ndarray)):
F = np.asarray(F)
raise TypeError(
'F must be function or array, not %s' % type(F))
u[0] = I
if damping == 'linear':
u[1] = u[0] + dt*V + dt**2/(2*m)*(-b*V - s(u[0]) + F[0])
elif damping == 'quadratic':
u[1] = u[0] + dt*V + \
dt**2/(2*m)*(-b*V*abs(V) - s(u[0]) + F[0])
raise ValueError('Wrong value: damping="%s"' % damping)
for n in range(1,N):
if damping == 'linear':
u[n+1] = (2*m*u[n] + (b*dt/2 - m)*u[n-1] +
dt**2*(F[n] - s(u[n])))/(m + b*dt/2)
elif damping == 'quadratic':
u[n+1] = (2*m*u[n] - m*u[n-1] + b*u[n]*abs(u[n] - u[n-1])
- dt**2*(s(u[n]) - F[n]))/\
(m + b*abs(u[n] - u[n-1]))
return u, t
Two types of import.
This time we replace from numpy import *
, which imports over 500
variables and functions, by import numpy as np
, which just imports
one variable, the package numpy
, here under the nickname np
All variables and functions in numpy
must now be reached via the
prefix np.
, as in np.zeros
, and np.linspace
, and np.pi
(for \pi ).
The advantage of the prefix is that we clearly see where functionality
comes from. The disadvantage is that mathematical formulas like
\sin (\pi x) must be written np.sin(np.pi*x)
. We can always perform
an explicit import of some names, like sin
and pi
, to write
the formula as sin(pi*x)
import numpy as np
from numpy import sin, pi
def myfunction(x):
return sin(pi*x)
Another disadvantage with the np.
prefix is that names are no longer
(almost) the
same as in Matlab. Many will therefore prefer to do from numpy import *
and skip the prefix.
Doc strings. The string, enclosed in triple double-quotes, right after the function definition, is a doc string used for documenting the function. Various tools can extract function definitions and doc strings to automatically produce nicely typeset manuals.
Avoiding integer division.
At one line we explicitly convert b
and m
to float
This is not strictly necessary, but if we supply b=2
and m=4
a computation like b/m
will give zero as result because both b
and m
are then integers and b/m
implies integer division, not the
mathematical division of real numbers (this is not a special
feature of Python - all languages with a strong heritage from C
invoke integer division if both operands in a division are integers).
We need to make
sure that at least one of the operands in a division is a real
number (float
) to ensure the intended mathematical operation. Looking at
the formulas, there is never a problem with integer division in
our implementation, because dt
is computed from t
, which has
elements (linspace
makes float
elements by default),
and all divisions in our code involve dt
as one of the operands.
However, future edits may alter the way formulas are written, so to
be on the safe side we ensure that real input parameters are float
Flexible variable type.
As mentioned, we allow F
to be either a function or an array.
In the former case, we convert F
to an array such that the
rest of the code can assume that F
is indeed an array.
It is easy to check the type of variables in Python. The
test if callable(F)
is true if the object F
can be called
as a function.
Checking correct variable type.
To test that F
is an array, we can use isinstance(F, np.ndarray)
is the name of the array type in numpy
). In the code
above we allow that F
can also be a list or a tuple. Running F
through the asarray
function makes an array out of F
in the cases
where F
is a list or tuple. The final else:
clause takes care of
the situation where F
is neither a function, nor an object that can
easily be converted to an array, and an error message is issued. More
precisely, we raise a TypeError
exception indicating that we
have encountered a wrong type. The error message will contain the type
of F
as obtained from type(F)
. Instead of using the syntax isinstance(F,
we may test type(F) == list
or even type(F) in
We could simplify the if-else
test involving F
to just the two lines
if callable(F):
F = F(t)
if we are sure that F
is either a function or a numpy
Should the user send in something else for F
, Python will encounter
a run-time error when trying to index F
as in F[0]
(in the
statement computing u[1]
To be absolutely safe, we should test that the other arguments are of right type as well. For example,
if not isinstance(I, (float,int)):
raise TypeError('V must be float or int, not %s' % type(V))
and similar for V
, m
, b
, while s
must be tested by callable(s)
must be np.ndarray
, and damping
must be str
Calling the function.
Below is a simple example on how the solver
function can be called
to solve the differential equation problem mu'' + bu' + ku = A\sin\pi t ,
u(0)=I , u'(0)=0 :
import numpy as np
from numpy import sin, pi # for nice math
def F(t):
# Sinusoidal bumpy road
return A*sin(pi*t)
def s(u):
return k*u
A = 0.25
k = 2
t = np.linspace(0, 20, 2001)
u, t = solver(I=0, V=0, m=2, b=0.05, s=s, F=F, t=t)
# Show u(t) as a curve plot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.plot(t, u)
Local and global variables. We use in this example a linear spring function s(u) ,
def f(u):
return k*u
Here, u
is a local variable,
which is accessible just inside in the function,
while k
is a global variable, which must be initialized outside
the function prior to calling f
method evaluates
the function formula given the independent variables as arguments.
This requires, of course,
knowledge of classes and special methods like __call__
As an example, the f(u)
function above can be implemented as
class Spring:
def __init__(self, k):
self.k = k
def __call__(self, u):
return self.k*u
f = Spring(k)
Because of the __call__
method, we can make calls f(u)
. Note that
the k
parameter is bundled with the function in the f