We shall now explain how we can, quite easily, realize software with the capabilities demonstrated in the previous examples. Each object in the figure is represented as a class in a class hierarchy. Using inheritance, classes can inherit properties from parent classes and add new geometric features.
Class programming is a key technology for realizing Pysketcher.
As soon as some classes are established, more are easily
added. Enhanced functionality for all the classes is also easy to
implement in common, generic code that can immediately be shared by
all present and future classes. The fundamental data structure
involved in the pysketcher
package is a hierarchical tree, and much
of the material on implementation issues targets how to traverse tree
structures with recursive function calls in object hierarchies. This
topic is of key relevance in a wide range of other applications as
well. In total, the inner workings of Pysketcher constitute an
excellent example on the power of class programming.
We introduce class Shape
as superclass for all specialized objects
in a figure. This class does not store any data, but provides a
series of functions that add functionality to all the subclasses.
This will be shown later.
One simple subclass is Rectangle
, specified by the coordinates of
the lower left corner and its width and height:
class Rectangle(Shape):
def __init__(self, lower_left_corner, width, height):
p = lower_left_corner # short form
x = [p[0], p[0] + width,
p[0] + width, p[0], p[0]]
y = [p[1], p[1], p[1] + height,
p[1] + height, p[1]]
self.shapes = {'rectangle': Curve(x,y)}
Any subclass of Shape
will have a constructor that takes geometric
information about the shape of the object and creates a dictionary
with the shape built of simpler shapes. The most
fundamental shape is Curve
, which is just a collection of (x,y)
coordinates in two arrays x
and y
. Drawing the Curve
object is
a matter of plotting y
versus x
. For class Rectangle
the x
and y
arrays contain the corner points of the rectangle in
counterclockwise direction, starting and ending with in the lower left
Class Line
is also a simple class:
class Line(Shape):
def __init__(self, start, end):
x = [start[0], end[0]]
y = [start[1], end[1]]
self.shapes = {'line': Curve(x, y)}
Here we only need two points, the start and end point on the line. However, we may want to add some useful functionality, e.g., the ability to give an x coordinate and have the class calculate the corresponding y coordinate:
def __call__(self, x):
"""Given x, return y on the line."""
x, y = self.shapes['line'].x, self.shapes['line'].y
self.a = (y[1] - y[0])/(x[1] - x[0])
self.b = y[0] - self.a*x[0]
return self.a*x + self.b
Unfortunately, this is too simplistic because vertical lines cannot be
handled (infinite self.a
). The true source code of Line
provides a more general solution at the cost of significantly longer
code with more tests.
A circle implies a somewhat increased complexity. Again we represent
the geometric object by a Curve
object, but this time the Curve
object needs to store a large number of points on the curve such that
a plotting program produces a visually smooth curve. The points on
the circle must be calculated manually in the constructor of class
. The formulas for points (x,y) on a curve with radius R
and center at (x0,y0) are given by
where t∈[0,2π]. A discrete set of t values in this
interval gives the corresponding set of (x,y) coordinates on
the circle. The user must specify the resolution as the number
of t values. The circle's radius and center must of course
also be specified.
We can write the Circle
class as
class Circle(Shape):
def __init__(self, center, radius, resolution=180):
self.center, self.radius = center, radius
self.resolution = resolution
t = linspace(0, 2*pi, resolution+1)
x0 = center[0]; y0 = center[1]
R = radius
x = x0 + R*cos(t)
y = y0 + R*sin(t)
self.shapes = {'circle': Curve(x, y)}
As in class Line
we can offer the possibility to give an angle
θ (equivalent to t in the formulas above)
and then get the corresponding x and y coordinates:
def __call__(self, theta):
"""Return (x, y) point corresponding to angle theta."""
return self.center[0] + self.radius*cos(theta), \
self.center[1] + self.radius*sin(theta)
There is one flaw with this method: it yields illegal values after a translation, scaling, or rotation of the circle.
A part of a circle, an arc, is a frequent geometric object when
drawing mechanical systems. The arc is constructed much like
a circle, but t runs in [θs,θs+θa]. Giving
θs and θa the slightly more descriptive names
and arc_angle
, the code looks like this:
class Arc(Shape):
def __init__(self, center, radius,
start_angle, arc_angle,
self.start_angle = radians(start_angle)
self.arc_angle = radians(arc_angle)
t = linspace(self.start_angle,
self.start_angle + self.arc_angle,
x0 = center[0]; y0 = center[1]
R = radius
x = x0 + R*cos(t)
y = y0 + R*sin(t)
self.shapes = {'arc': Curve(x, y)}
Having the Arc
class, a Circle
can alternatively be defined as
a subclass specializing the arc to a circle:
class Circle(Arc):
def __init__(self, center, radius, resolution=180):
Arc.__init__(self, center, radius, 0, 360, resolution)
Class Curve
sits on the coordinates to be drawn, but how is that
done? The constructor of class Curve
just stores the coordinates,
while a method draw
sends the coordinates to the plotting program to
make a graph. Or more precisely, to avoid a lot of (e.g.)
Matplotlib-specific plotting commands in class Curve
we have created
a small layer with a simple programming interface to plotting
programs. This makes it straightforward to change from Matplotlib to
another plotting program. The programming interface is represented by
the drawing_tool
object and has a few functions:
for sending a curve in terms of x and y coordinates
to the plotting program,set_coordinate_system
for specifying the graphics area,erase
for deleting all elements of the graph,set_grid
for turning on a grid (convenient while constructing the figure),set_instruction_file
for creating a separate file with all
plotting commands (Matplotlib commands in our case),set_X
functions where X
is some property like
, linestyle
, linewidth
, filled_curves
Any class in the Shape
hierarchy inherits set_X
functions for
setting properties of curves. This information is propagated to
all other shape objects in the self.shapes
dictionary. Class
stores the line properties together with the coordinates
of its curve and propagates this information to the plotting program.
When saying vehicle.set_linewidth(10)
, all objects that make
up the vehicle
object will get a set_linewidth(10)
but only the Curve
object at the end of the chain will actually
store the information and send it to the plotting program.
A rough sketch of class Curve
class Curve(Shape):
"""General curve as a sequence of (x,y) coordintes."""
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.x = asarray(x, dtype=float)
self.y = asarray(y, dtype=float)
def draw(self):
self.x, self.y,
self.linestyle, self.linewidth, self.linecolor, ...)
def set_linewidth(self, width):
self.linewidth = width
det set_linestyle(self, style):
self.linestyle = style
The simple classes Line
, Arc
, and Circle
could can the geometric
shape through just one Curve
object. More complicated shapes are
built from instances of various subclasses of Shape
. Classes used
for professional drawings soon get quite complex in composition and
have a lot of geometric details, so here we prefer to make a very
simple composition: the already drawn vehicle from Figure
2. That is, instead of composing the drawing
in a Python program as shown above, we make a subclass Vehicle0
the Shape
hierarchy for doing the same thing.
The Shape
hierarchy is found in the pysketcher
package, so to use these
classes or derive a new one, we need to import pysketcher
. The constructor
of class Vehicle0
performs approximately the same statements as
in the example program we developed for making the drawing in
Figure 2.
from pysketcher import *
class Vehicle0(Shape):
def __init__(self, w_1, R, L, H):
wheel1 = Circle(center=(w_1, R), radius=R)
wheel2 = wheel1.copy()
under = Rectangle(lower_left_corner=(w_1-2*R, 2*R),
width=2*R + L + 2*R, height=H)
over = Rectangle(lower_left_corner=(w_1, 2*R + H),
width=2.5*R, height=1.25*H)
wheels = Composition(
{'wheel1': wheel1, 'wheel2': wheel2})
body = Composition(
{'under': under, 'over': over})
vehicle = Composition({'wheels': wheels, 'body': body})
xmax = w_1 + 2*L + 3*R
ground = Wall(x=[R, xmax], y=[0, 0], thickness=-0.3*R)
self.shapes = {'vehicle': vehicle, 'ground': ground}
Any subclass of Shape
must define the shapes
attribute, otherwise
the inherited draw
method (and a lot of other methods too) will
not work.
The painting of the vehicle, as shown in the right part of
Figure 6, could in class Vehicle0
be offered by a method:
def colorful(self):
wheels = self.shapes['vehicle']['wheels']
under = self.shapes['vehicle']['body']['under']
over = self.shapes['vehicle']['body']['over']
The usage of the class is simple: after having set up an appropriate coordinate system as previously shown, we can do
vehicle = Vehicle0(w_1, R, L, H)
and go on the make a painted version by
A complete code defining and using class Vehicle0
is found in the file
The pysketcher
package contains a wide range of classes for various
geometrical objects, particularly those that are frequently used in
drawings of mechanical systems.
The really powerful feature of our class hierarchy is that we can add
much functionality to the superclass Shape
and to the "bottom" class
, and then all other classes for various types of geometrical shapes
immediately get the new functionality. To explain the idea we may
look at the draw
method, which all classes in the Shape
hierarchy must have. The inner workings of the draw
method explain
the secrets of how a series of other useful operations on figures
can be implemented.
Note that we work with two types of hierarchies in the
present documentation: one Python class hierarchy,
with Shape
as superclass, and one object hierarchy of figure elements
in a specific figure. A subclass of Shape
stores its figure in the
dictionary. This dictionary represents the object hierarchy
of figure elements for that class. We want to make one draw
for an instance, say our class Vehicle0
, and then we want this call
to be propagated to all objects that are contained in
and all is nested subdictionaries. How is this done?
The natural starting point is to call draw
for each Shape
in the self.shapes
def draw(self):
for shape in self.shapes:
This general method can be provided by class Shape
and inherited in
subclasses like Vehicle0
. Let v
be a Vehicle0
Seemingly, a call v.draw()
just calls
However, in the former call we call the draw
method of a Composition
whose self.shapes
attributed has two elements: wheels
and body
Since class Composition
inherits the same draw
method, this method will
run through self.shapes
and call wheels.draw()
and body.draw()
Now, the wheels
object is also a Composition
with the same draw
method, which will run through self.shapes
, now containing
the wheel1
and wheel2
objects. The wheel1
object is a Circle
so calling wheel1.draw()
calls the draw
method in class Circle
but this is the same draw
method as shown above. This method will
therefore traverse the circle's shapes
dictionary, which we have seen
consists of one Curve
The Curve
object holds the coordinates to be plotted so here draw
really needs to do something "physical", namely send the coordinates to
the plotting program. The draw
method is outlined in the short listing
of class Curve
shown previously.
We can go to any of the other shape objects that appear in the figure
hierarchy and follow their draw
calls in the similar way. Every time,
a draw
call will invoke a new draw
call, until we eventually hit
a Curve
object at the "bottom" of the figure hierarchy, and then that part
of the figure is really plotted (or more precisely, the coordinates
are sent to a plotting program).
When a method calls itself, such as draw
does, the calls are known as
recursive and the programming principle is referred to as
recursion. This technique is very often used to traverse hierarchical
structures like the figure structures we work with here. Even though the
hierarchy of objects building up a figure are of different types, they
all inherit the same draw
method and therefore exhibit the same
behavior with respect to drawing. Only the Curve
object has a different
method, which does not lead to more recursion.
Understanding recursion is usually a challenge. To get a better idea of
how recursion works, we have equipped class Shape
with a method recurse
that just visits all the objects in the shapes
dictionary and prints
out a message for each object.
This feature allows us to trace the execution and see exactly where
we are in the hierarchy and which objects that are visited.
The recurse
method is very similar to draw
def recurse(self, name, indent=0):
# print message where we are (name is where we come from)
for shape in self.shapes:
# print message about which object to visit
self.shapes[shape].recurse(indent+2, shape)
The indent
parameter governs how much the message from this
method is intended. We increase indent
by 2 for every
level in the hierarchy, i.e., every row of objects in Figure
11. This indentation makes it easy to
see on the printout how far down in the hierarchy we are.
A typical message written by recurse
when name
is 'body'
the shapes
dictionary has the keys 'over'
and 'under'
will be
Composition: body.shapes has entries 'over', 'under'
call body.shapes["over"].recurse("over", 6)
The number of leading blanks on each line corresponds to the value of
. The code printing out such messages looks like
def recurse(self, name, indent=0):
space = ' '*indent
print space, '%s: %s.shapes has entries' % \
(self.__class__.__name__, name), \
for shape in self.shapes:
print space,
print 'call %s.shapes["%s"].recurse("%s", %d)' % \
(name, shape, shape, indent+2)
self.shapes[shape].recurse(shape, indent+2)
Let us follow a v.recurse('vehicle')
call in detail, v
a Vehicle0
instance. Before looking into the output from recurse
let us get an overview of the figure hierarchy in the v
(as produced by print v
The recurse
method performs the same kind of traversal of the
hierarchy, but writes out and explains a lot more.
The data structure represented by v.shapes
is known as a tree.
As in physical trees, there is a root, here the v.shapes
dictionary. A graphical illustration of the tree (upside down) is
shown in Figure 11.
From the root there are one or more branches, here two:
and vehicle
. Following the vehicle
branch, it has two new
branches, body
and wheels
. Relationships as in family trees
are often used to describe the relations in object trees too: we say
that vehicle
is the parent of body
and that body
is a child of
. The term node is also often used to describe an element
in a tree. A node may have several other nodes as descendants.
Figure 11: Hierarchy of figure elements in an instance of class Vehicle0
Recursion is the principal programming technique to traverse tree structures.
Any object in the tree can be viewed as a root of a subtree. For
example, wheels
is the root of a subtree that branches into
and wheel2
. So when processing an object in the tree,
we imagine we process the root and then recurse into a subtree, but the
first object we recurse into can be viewed as the root of the subtree, so the
processing procedure of the parent object can be repeated.
A recommended next step is to simulate the recurse
method by hand and
carefully check that what happens in the visits to recurse
consistent with the output listed below. Although tedious, this is
a major exercise that guaranteed will help to demystify recursion.
A part of the printout of v.recurse('vehicle')
looks like
Vehicle0: vehicle.shapes has entries 'ground', 'vehicle'
call vehicle.shapes["ground"].recurse("ground", 2)
Wall: ground.shapes has entries 'wall'
call ground.shapes["wall"].recurse("wall", 4)
reached "bottom" object Curve
call vehicle.shapes["vehicle"].recurse("vehicle", 2)
Composition: vehicle.shapes has entries 'body', 'wheels'
call vehicle.shapes["body"].recurse("body", 4)
Composition: body.shapes has entries 'over', 'under'
call body.shapes["over"].recurse("over", 6)
Rectangle: over.shapes has entries 'rectangle'
call over.shapes["rectangle"].recurse("rectangle", 8)
reached "bottom" object Curve
call body.shapes["under"].recurse("under", 6)
Rectangle: under.shapes has entries 'rectangle'
call under.shapes["rectangle"].recurse("rectangle", 8)
reached "bottom" object Curve
This example should clearly demonstrate the principle that we can start at any object in the tree and do a recursive set of calls with that object as root.
With recursion, as explained in the previous section, we can within
minutes equip all classes in the Shape
hierarchy, both present and
future ones, with the ability to scale the figure, translate it,
or rotate it. This added functionality requires only a few lines
of code.
We start with the simplest of the three geometric transformations,
namely scaling. For a Curve
instance containing a set of n
coordinates (xi,yi) that make up a curve, scaling by a factor a
means that we multiply all the x and y coordinates by a:
Here we apply the arrow as an assignment operator.
The corresponding Python implementation in
class Curve
class Curve:
def scale(self, factor):
self.x = factor*self.x
self.y = factor*self.y
Note here that self.x
and self.y
are Numerical Python arrays,
so that multiplication by a scalar number factor
a vectorized operation.
An even more efficient implementation is to make use of in-place multiplication in the arrays,
class Curve:
def scale(self, factor):
self.x *= factor
self.y *= factor
as this saves the creation of temporary arrays like factor*self.x
In an instance of a subclass of Shape
, the meaning of a method
is to run through all objects in the dictionary shapes
ask each object to scale itself. This is the same delegation of
actions to subclass instances as we do in the draw
(or recurse
method. All objects, except Curve
instances, can share the same
implementation of the scale
method. Therefore, we place the scale
method in the superclass Shape
such that all subclasses inherit the
method. Since scale
and draw
are so similar, we can easily
implement the scale
method in class Shape
by copying and editing
the draw
class Shape:
def scale(self, factor):
for shape in self.shapes:
This is all we have to do in order to equip all subclasses of
with scaling functionality!
Any piece of the figure will scale itself, in the same manner
as it can draw itself.
A set of coordinates (xi,yi) can be translated v0 units in
the x direction and v1 units in the y direction using the formulas
The natural specification of the translation is in terms of the
vector v=(v0,v1).
The corresponding Python implementation in class Curve
class Curve:
def translate(self, v):
self.x += v[0]
self.y += v[1]
The translation operation for a shape object is very similar to the
scaling and drawing operations. This means that we can implement a
common method translate
in the superclass Shape
. The code
is parallel to the scale
class Shape:
def translate(self, v):
for shape in self.shapes:
Rotating a figure is more complicated than scaling and translating.
A counter clockwise rotation of θ degrees for a set of
coordinates (xi,yi) is given by
This rotation is performed around the origin. If we want the figure
to be rotated with respect to a general point (x,y), we need to
extend the formulas above:
The Python implementation in class Curve
, assuming that θ
is given in degrees and not in radians, becomes
def rotate(self, angle, center):
angle = radians(angle)
x, y = center
c = cos(angle); s = sin(angle)
xnew = x + (self.x - x)*c - (self.y - y)*s
ynew = y + (self.x - x)*s + (self.y - y)*c
self.x = xnew
self.y = ynew
The rotate
method in class Shape
follows the principle of the
, scale
, and translate
We have already seen the rotate
method in action when animating the
rolling wheel at the end of the section Animation: rolling the wheels.