Processing math: 100%




A simple pendulum

The basic physics sketch

We now want to make a sketch of simple pendulum from physics, as shown in Figure 8. A body with mass m is attached to a massless, stiff rod, which can rotate about a point, causing the pendulum to oscillate.

A suggested work flow is to first sketch the figure on a piece of paper and introduce a coordinate system. A simple coordinate system is indicated in Figure 9. In a code we introduce variables W and H for the width and height of the figure (i.e., extent of the coordinate system) and open the program like this:

from pysketcher import *

H = 7.
W = 6.

drawing_tool.set_coordinate_system(xmin=0, xmax=W,
                                   ymin=0, ymax=H,

Note that when the sketch is ready for "production", we will (normally) set axis=False to remove the coordinate system and also remove the grid, i.e., delete or comment out the line drawing_tool.set_grid(True). Also note that we in this example let all lines be blue by default.

Figure 8: Sketch of a simple pendulum.

Figure 9: Sketch with assisting coordinate system.

The next step is to introduce variables for key quantities in the sketch. Let L be the length of the pendulum, P the rotation point, and let a be the angle the pendulum makes with the vertical (measured in degrees). We may set

L = 5*H/7          # length
P = (W/6, 0.85*H)  # rotation point
a = 40             # angle

Be careful with integer division if you use Python 2! Fortunately, we started out with float objects for W and H so the expressions above are safe.

What kind of objects do we need in this sketch? Looking at Figure 8 we see that we need

  1. a vertical, dashed line
  2. an arc with no text but dashed line to indicate the path of the mass
  3. an arc with name θ to indicate the angle
  4. a line, here called rod, from the rotation point to the mass
  5. a blue, filled circle representing the mass
  6. a text m associated with the mass
  7. an indicator of the pendulum's length L, visualized as a line with two arrows tips and the text L
  8. a gravity vector with the text g
Pysketcher has objects for each of these elements in our sketch. We start with the simplest element: the vertical line, going from P to P minus the length L in y direction:

vertical = Line(P, P-point(0,L))

The class point is very convenient: it turns its two coordinates into a vector with which we can compute, and is therefore one of the most widely used Pysketcher objects.

The path of the mass is an arc that can be made by Pysketcher's Arc object:

path = Arc(P, L, -90, a)

The first argument P is the center point, the second is the radius (L here), the next argument is the start angle, here it starts at -90 degrees, while the next argument is the angle of the arc, here a. For the path of the mass, we also need an arc object, but this time with an associated text. Pysketcher has a specialized object for this purpose, Arc_wText, since placing the text manually can be somewhat cumbersome.

angle = Arc_wText(r'$\theta$', P, L/4, -90, a, text_spacing=1/30.)

The arguments are as for Arc above, but the first one is the desired text. Remember to use a raw string since we want a LaTeX greek letter that contains a backslash. The text_spacing argument must often be tweaked. It is recommended to create only a few objects before rendering the sketch and then adjust spacings as one goes along.

The rod is simply a line from P to the mass. We can easily compute the position of the mass from basic geometry considerations, but it is easier and safer to look up this point in other objects if it is already computed. In the present case, the path object stored its start and end points, so path.geometric_features()['end'] is the end point of the path, which is the position of the mass. We can therefore create the rod simply as a line from P to this already computed end point:

mass_pt = path.geometric_features()['end']
rod = Line(P, mass_pt)

The mass is a circle filled with color:

mass = Circle(center=mass_pt, radius=L/20.)

To place the m correctly, we go a small distance in the direction of the rod, from the center of the circle. To this end, we need to compute the direction. This is easiest done by computing a vector from P to the center of the circle and calling unit_vec to make a unit vector in this direction:

rod_vec = rod.geometric_features()['end'] - \ 
unit_rod_vec = unit_vec(rod_vec)
mass_symbol = Text('$m$', mass_pt + L/10*unit_rod_vec)

Again, the distance L/10 is something one has to experiment with.

The next object is the length measure with the text L. Such length measures are represented by Pysketcher's Distance_wText object. An easy construction is to first place this length measure along the rod and then translate it a little distance (L/15) in the normal direction of the rod:

length = Distance_wText(P, mass_pt, '$L$')
length.translate(L/15*point(cos(radians(a)), sin(radians(a))))

For this translation we need a unit vector in the normal direction of the rod, which is from geometric considerations given by (cosa,sina), when a is the angle of the pendulum. Alternatively, we could have found the normal vector as a vector that is normal to unit_rod_vec: point(-unit_rod_vec[1],unit_rod_vec[0]).

The final object is the gravity force vector, which is so common in physics sketches that Pysketcher has a ready-made object: Gravity,

gravity = Gravity(start=P+point(0.8*L,0), length=L/3)

Since blue is the default color for lines, we want the dashed lines (for vertical and path) to be black and with linewidth 1. These properties can be set one by one for each object, but we can also make a little helper function:

def set_dashed_thin_blackline(*objects):
    """Set linestyle of objects to dashed, black, width=1."""
    for obj in objects:

set_dashed_thin_blackline(vertical, path)

Now, all objects are in place, so it remains to compose the final figure and draw the composition:

fig = Composition(
    {'body': mass, 'rod': rod,
     'vertical': vertical, 'theta': angle, 'path': path,
     'g': gravity, 'L': length, 'm': mass_symbol})


The body diagram

Now we want to isolate the mass and draw all the forces that act on it. Figure 10 shows the desired result, but embedded in the coordinate system. We consider three types of forces: the gravity force, the force from the rod, and air resistance. The body diagram is key for deriving the equation of motion, so it is illustrative to add useful mathematical quantities needed in the derivation, such as the unit vectors in polar coordinates.

Figure 10: Body diagram of a simple pendulum.

We start by listing the objects in the sketch:

  1. a text (x0,y0) representing the rotation point P
  2. unit vector ir with text
  3. unit vector iθ with text
  4. a dashed vertical line
  5. a dashed line along the rod
  6. an arc with text θ
  7. the gravity force with text mg
  8. the force in the rod with text S
  9. the air resistance force with text |v|v
The first object, (x0,y0), is simply a plain text where we have to experiment with its position. The unit vectors in polar coordinates may be drawn using the Pysketcher's Force object since it has an arrow with a text. The first three objects can then be made as follows:

x0y0 = Text('$(x_0,y_0)$', P + point(-0.4,-0.1))
ir = Force(P, P + L/10*unit_vec(rod_vec),
           r'$\boldsymbol{i}_r$', text_pos='end',
ith = Force(P, P + L/10*unit_vec((-rod_vec[1], rod_vec[0])),
           r'$\boldsymbol{i}_{\theta}$', text_pos='end',

Note that tweaking of the position of x0y0 use absolute coordinates, so if W or H is changed in the beginning of the figure, the tweaked position will most likely not look good. A better solution would be to express the tweaked displacement point(-0.4,-0.1) in terms of W and H. The text_spacing values in the Force objects also use absolute coordinates. Very often, this is much more convenient when adjusting the objects, and global size parameters like W and H are in practice seldom changed, so the solution above is quite typical.

The vertical, dashed line, the dashed rod, and the arc for θ are made by

rod_start = rod.geometric_features()['start']  # Point P
vertical2 = Line(rod_start, rod_start + point(0,-L/3))
angle2 = Arc_wText(r'$\theta$', rod_start, L/6, -90, a,

Note how we reuse the earlier defined object rod.

The forces are constructed as shown below.

mg_force  = Force(mass_pt, mass_pt + L/5*point(0,-1),
                  '$mg$', text_pos='end')
rod_force = Force(mass_pt, mass_pt - L/3*unit_vec(rod_vec),
                  '$S$', text_pos='end',
                  text_spacing=(0.03, 0.01))
air_force = Force(mass_pt, mass_pt -
                  L/6*unit_vec((rod_vec[1], -rod_vec[0])),
                  '$\sim|v|v$', text_pos='end',

Note that the drag force from the air is directed perpendicular to the rod, so we construct a unit vector in this direction directly from the rod_vec vector.

All objects are in place, and we can compose a figure to be drawn:

body_diagram = Composition(
    {'mg': mg_force, 'S': rod_force, 'rod': rod,
     'vertical': vertical2, 'theta': angle2,
     'body': mass, 'm': mass_symbol})

body_diagram['air'] = air_force
body_diagram['ir'] = ir
body_diagram['ith'] = ith
body_diagram['origin'] = x0y0

Here, we exemplify that we can start out with a composition as a dictionary, but (as in ordinary Python dictionaries) add new elements later when desired.

Animated body diagram

We want to make an animated body diagram so that we can see how forces develop in time according to the motion. This means that we must couple the sketch at each time level to a numerical solution for the motion of the pendulum.

Function for drawing the body diagram

The previous flat program for making sketches of the pendulum is not suitable when we want to make a sketch at a lot of different points in time, i.e., for a lot of different angles that the pendulum makes with the vertical. We therefore need to draw the body diagram in a function where the angle is a parameter. We also supply arrays containing the (numerically computed) values of the angle θ and the forces at various time levels, plus the desired time point and level for this particular sketch:

from pysketcher import *

H = 15.
W = 17.

drawing_tool.set_coordinate_system(xmin=0, xmax=W,
                                   ymin=0, ymax=H,

def pendulum(theta, S, mg, drag, t, time_level):

    import math
    a = math.degrees(theta[time_level])
    L = 0.4*H         # length
    P = (W/2, 0.8*H)  # rotation point

    vertical = Line(P, P-point(0,L))
    path = Arc(P, L, -90, a)
    angle = Arc_wText(r'$\theta$', P, L/4, -90, a, text_spacing=1/30.)

    mass_pt = path.geometric_features()['end']
    rod = Line(P, mass_pt)

    mass = Circle(center=mass_pt, radius=L/20.)
    rod_vec = rod.geometric_features()['end'] - \ 
    unit_rod_vec = unit_vec(rod_vec)
    mass_symbol = Text('$m$', mass_pt + L/10*unit_rod_vec)

    length = Distance_wText(P, mass_pt, '$L$')
    # Displace length indication
    length.translate(L/15*point(cos(radians(a)), sin(radians(a))))
    gravity = Gravity(start=P+point(0.8*L,0), length=L/3)

    def set_dashed_thin_blackline(*objects):
        """Set linestyle of objects to dashed, black, width=1."""
        for obj in objects:

    set_dashed_thin_blackline(vertical, path)

    fig = Composition(
        {'body': mass, 'rod': rod,
         'vertical': vertical, 'theta': angle, 'path': path,
         'g': gravity, 'L': length})



    rod_start = rod.geometric_features()['start']  # Point P
    vertical2 = Line(rod_start, rod_start + point(0,-L/3))
    angle2 = Arc_wText(r'$\theta$', rod_start, L/6, -90, a,

    magnitude = 1.2*L/2   # length of a unit force in figure
    force = mg[time_level]  # constant (scaled eq: about 1)
    force *= magnitude
    mg_force  = Force(mass_pt, mass_pt + force*point(0,-1),
                      '', text_pos='end')
    force = S[time_level]
    force *= magnitude
    rod_force = Force(mass_pt, mass_pt - force*unit_vec(rod_vec),
                      '', text_pos='end',
                      text_spacing=(0.03, 0.01))
    force = drag[time_level]
    force *= magnitude
    #print('drag(%g)=%g' % (t, drag[time_level]))
    air_force = Force(mass_pt, mass_pt -
                      force*unit_vec((rod_vec[1], -rod_vec[0])),
                      '', text_pos='end',

    body_diagram = Composition(
        {'mg': mg_force, 'S': rod_force, 'air': air_force,
         'rod': rod,
         'vertical': vertical2, 'theta': angle2,
         'body': mass})

    x0y0 = Text('$(x_0,y_0)$', P + point(-0.4,-0.1))
    ir = Force(P, P + L/10*unit_vec(rod_vec),
               r'$\boldsymbol{i}_r$', text_pos='end',
    ith = Force(P, P + L/10*unit_vec((-rod_vec[1], rod_vec[0])),
               r'$\boldsymbol{i}_{\theta}$', text_pos='end',

    #body_diagram['ir'] = ir
    #body_diagram['ith'] = ith
    #body_diagram['origin'] = x0y0

    #drawing_tool.display('Body diagram')
    drawing_tool.savefig('tmp_%04d.png' % time_level, crop=False)
    # No cropping: otherwise movies will be very strange

Equations for the motion and forces

The modeling of the motion of a pendulum is most conveniently done in polar coordinates since then the unknown force in the rod is separated from the equation determining the motion θ(t). The position vector for the mass is r=x0i+y0j+Lir. The corresponding acceleration becomes ¨r=L¨θiθL˙θ2ir.

There are three forces on the mass: the gravity force mgj=mg(cosθir+sinθiθ), the force in the rod Sir, and the drag force because of air resistance: 12CDϱπR2|v|viθ, where CD0.4 is the drag coefficient for a sphere, ϱ is the density of air, R is the radius of the mass, and v is the velocity (v=L˙θ). The drag force acts in iθ direction when v>0.

Newton's second law of motion for the pendulum now becomes mL¨θiθmL˙θ2ir=mg(cosθir+sinθiθ)Sir12CDϱπR2L2|˙θ|˙θiθ, which gives two component equations mL¨θ+12CDϱπR2L2|˙θ|˙θ+mgsinθ=0,S=mL˙θ2+mgcosθ.

It is almost always convenient to scale such equations. Introducing the dimensionless time ˉt=ttc,tc=Lg, leads to d2θdˉt2+α|dθdˉt|dθdˉt+sinθ=0,ˉS=(dθdˉt)2+cosθ, where α is a dimensionless drag coefficient α=CDϱπR2L2m, and ˉS is the scaled force ˉS=Smg. We see that ˉS=1 for the equilibrium position θ=0, so this scaling of S seems appropriate.

The parameter α is about the ratio of the drag force and the gravity force: |12CDϱπR2|v|v||mg|CDϱπR2L2t2cmg|dˉθdˉt|dˉθdˉtCDϱπR2L2mθ20=αθ20. (We have that θ(t)/dθ0 is in [1,1], so we expect since θ10dˉθ/dˉt to be around unity. Here, θ0=θ(0).)

The next step is to write a numerical solver for (3)-(4). To this end, we use the Odespy package. The system of second-order ODEs must be expressed as a system of first-order ODEs. We realize that the unknown ˉS is decoupled from θ in the sense that we can first use (3) to solve for θ and then compute ˉS from (4). The first-order ODEs become dωdˉt=α|ω|ωsinθ,dθdˉt=ω. Then we compute ˉS=ω2+cosθ. The dimensionless air resistance force can also be computed: α|ω|ω. Since we scaled the force S by mg, mg is the natural force scale, and the mg force itself is then unity.

By updating ω in the first equation, we can use an Euler-Cromer scheme on Odespy (all other schemes are independent of whether the θ or ω equation comes first).

Numerical solution

An appropriate solver is

def simulate_pendulum(alpha, theta0, dt, T):
    import odespy

    def f(u, t, alpha):
        omega, theta = u
        return [-alpha*omega*abs(omega) - sin(theta),

    import numpy as np
    Nt = int(round(T/float(dt)))
    t = np.linspace(0, Nt*dt, Nt+1)
    solver = odespy.RK4(f, f_args=[alpha])
    solver.set_initial_condition([0, theta0])
    u, t = solver.solve(t,
                        terminate=lambda u, t, n: abs(u[n,1]) < 1E-3)
    omega = u[:,0]
    theta = u[:,1]
    S = omega**2 + np.cos(theta)
    drag = -alpha*np.abs(omega)*omega
    return t, theta, omega, S, drag


We can finally traverse the time array and draw a body diagram at each time level. The resulting sketches are saved to files tmp_%04d.png, and these files can be combined to videos:

def animate():
    # Clean up old plot files
    import os, glob
    for filename in glob.glob('tmp_*.png') + glob.glob('movie.*'):
    # Solve problem
    from math import pi, radians, degrees
    import numpy as np
    alpha = 0.4
    period = 2*pi
    T = 12*period
    dt = period/40
    a = 70
    theta0 = radians(a)
    t, theta, omega, S, drag = simulate_pendulum(alpha, theta0, dt, T)
    mg = np.ones(S.size)
    # Visualize drag force 5 times as large
    drag *= 5
    print('NOTE: drag force magnified 5 times!!')

    # Draw animation
    import time
    for time_level, t_ in enumerate(t):
        pendulum(theta, S, mg, drag, t_, time_level)

    # Make videos
    prog = 'ffmpeg'
    filename = 'tmp_%04d.png'
    fps = 6
    codecs = {'flv': 'flv', 'mp4': 'libx264',
              'webm': 'libvpx', 'ogg': 'libtheora'}
    for ext in codecs:
        lib = codecs[ext]
        cmd = '%(prog)s -i %(filename)s -r %(fps)s ' % vars()
        cmd += '-vcodec %(lib)s movie.%(ext)s' % vars()

This time we did not use the animate function from Pysketcher, but stored each sketch in a file with drawing_tool.savefig. Note that the argument crop=False is key: otherwise each figure is cropped and it makes to sense to combine the images to a video. By default, Pysketcher crops (removes all exterior whitespace) from figures saved to file.

The drag force is magnified 5 times (compared to mg and S!