$$ \newcommand{\Oof}[1]{\mathcal{O}(#1)} \newcommand{\F}{\boldsymbol{F}} \newcommand{\J}{\boldsymbol{J}} \newcommand{\x}{\boldsymbol{x}} \renewcommand{\c}{\boldsymbol{c}} $$

Table of contents

The first few steps
      What is a program? And what is programming?
      A Python program with variables
            The program
            Dissection of the program
            Why not just use a pocket calculator?
            Why you must use a text editor to write programs
            Installation of Python
            Write and run your first program
      A Python program with a library function
      A Python program with vectorization and plotting
      More basic concepts
            Using Python interactively
            Arithmetics, parentheses and rounding errors
            Variables and objects
            Integer division
            Formatting text and numbers
            Error messages and warnings
            Input data
            Symbolic computations
            Concluding remarks
            Exercise 1.1: Error messages
            Exercise 1.2: Volume of a cube
            Exercise 1.3: Area and circumference of a circle
            Exercise 1.4: Volumes of three cubes
            Exercise 1.5: Average of integers
            Exercise 1.6: Interactive computing of volume and area
            Exercise 1.7: Peculiar results from division
            Exercise 1.8: Update variable at command prompt
            Exercise 1.9: Formatted print to screen
            Exercise 1.10: Python documentation and random numbers
Basic constructions
      If tests, colon and indentation
      For loops
      While loops
      Lists and tuples - alternatives to arrays
      Reading from and writing to files
            Exercise 2.1: Errors with colon, indent, etc.
            Exercise 2.2: Compare integers a and b
            Exercise 2.3: Functions for circumference and area of a circle
            Exercise 2.4: Function for area of a rectangle
            Exercise 2.5: Area of a polygon
            Exercise 2.6: Average of integers
            Exercise 2.7: While loop with errors
            Exercise 2.8: Area of rectangle versus circle
            Exercise 2.9: Find crossing points of two graphs
            Exercise 2.10: Sort array with numbers
            Exercise 2.11: Compute \( \pi \)
            Exercise 2.12: Compute combinations of sets
            Exercise 2.13: Frequency of random numbers
            Exercise 2.14: Game 21
            Exercise 2.15: Linear interpolation
            Exercise 2.16: Test straight line requirement
            Exercise 2.17: Fit straight line to data
            Exercise 2.18: Fit sines to straight line
            Exercise 2.19: Count occurrences of a string in a string
Computing integrals
      Basic ideas of numerical integration
      The composite trapezoidal rule
            The general formula
            Making a module
            Alternative flat special-purpose implementation
      The composite midpoint method
            The general formula
            Comparing the trapezoidal and the midpoint methods
            Problems with brief testing procedures
            Proper test procedures
            Finite precision of floating-point numbers
            Constructing unit tests and writing test functions
      Measuring computational speed
      Double and triple integrals
            The midpoint rule for a double integral
            The midpoint rule for a triple integral
            Monte Carlo integration for complex-shaped domains
            Exercise 3.1: Hand calculations for the trapezoidal method
            Exercise 3.2: Hand calculations for the midpoint method
            Exercise 3.3: Compute a simple integral
            Exercise 3.4: Hand-calculations with sine integrals
            Exercise 3.5: Make test functions for the midpoint method
            Exercise 3.6: Explore rounding errors with large numbers
            Exercise 3.7: Write test functions for \( \int_0^4\sqrt{x}dx \)
            Exercise 3.8: Rectangle methods
            Exercise 3.9: Adaptive integration
            Exercise 3.10: Integrating x raised to x
            Exercise 3.11: Integrate products of sine functions
            Exercise 3.12: Revisit fit of sines to a function
            Exercise 3.13: Derive the trapezoidal rule for a double integral
            Exercise 3.14: Compute the area of a triangle by Monte Carlo integration
Solving ordinary differential equations
      Population growth
            Derivation of the model
            Numerical solution
            Programming the Forward Euler scheme; the special case
            Understanding the Forward Euler method
            Programming the Forward Euler scheme; the general case
            Making the population growth model more realistic
            Verification: exact linear solution of the discrete equations
      Spreading of diseases
            Spreading of a flu
            A Forward Euler method for the differential equation system
            Programming the numerical method; the special case
            Outbreak or not
            Abstract problem and notation
            Programming the numerical method; the general case
            Time-restricted immunity
            Incorporating vaccination
            Discontinuous coefficients: a vaccination campaign
      Oscillating one-dimensional systems
            Derivation of a simple model
            Numerical solution
            Programming the numerical method; the special case
            A magic fix of the numerical method
            The 2nd-order Runge-Kutta method (or Heun's method)
            Software for solving ODEs
            The 4th-order Runge-Kutta method
            More effects: damping, nonlinearity, and external forces
            Illustration of linear damping
            Illustration of linear damping with sinusoidal excitation
            Spring-mass system with sliding friction
            A finite difference method; undamped, linear case
            A finite difference method; linear damping
            Exercise 4.1: Geometric construction of the Forward Euler method
            Exercise 4.2: Make test functions for the Forward Euler method
            Exercise 4.3: Implement and evaluate Heun's method
            Exercise 4.4: Find an appropriate time step; logistic model
            Exercise 4.5: Find an appropriate time step; SIR model
            Exercise 4.6: Model an adaptive vaccination campaign
            Exercise 4.7: Make a SIRV model with time-limited effect of vaccination
            Exercise 4.8: Refactor a flat program
            Exercise 4.9: Simulate oscillations by a general ODE solver
            Exercise 4.10: Compute the energy in oscillations
            Exercise 4.11: Use a Backward Euler scheme for population growth
            Exercise 4.12: Use a Crank-Nicolson scheme for population growth
            Exercise 4.13: Understand finite differences via Taylor series
            Exercise 4.14: Use a Backward Euler scheme for oscillations
            Exercise 4.15: Use Heun's method for the SIR model
            Exercise 4.16: Use Odespy to solve a simple ODE
            Exercise 4.17: Set up a Backward Euler scheme for oscillations
            Exercise 4.18: Set up a Forward Euler scheme for nonlinear and damped oscillations
            Exercise 4.19: Discretize an initial condition
Solving partial differential equations
      Finite difference methods
            Reduction of a PDE to a system of ODEs
            Construction of a test problem with known discrete solution
            Implementation: Forward Euler method
            Application: heat conduction in a rod
            Using Odespy to solve the system of ODEs
            Implicit methods
            Exercise 5.1: Simulate a diffusion equation by hand
            Exercise 5.2: Compute temperature variations in the ground
            Exercise 5.3: Compare implicit methods
            Exercise 5.4: Explore adaptive and implicit methods
            Exercise 5.5: Investigate the \( \theta \) rule
            Exercise 5.6: Compute the diffusion of a Gaussian peak
            Exercise 5.7: Vectorize a function for computing the area of a polygon
            Exercise 5.8: Explore symmetry
            Exercise 5.9: Compute solutions as \( t\rightarrow\infty \)
            Exercise 5.10: Solve a two-point boundary value problem
Solving nonlinear algebraic equations
      Brute force methods
            Brute force root finding
            Brute force optimization
            Model problem for algebraic equations
      Newton's method
            Deriving and implementing Newton's method
            Making a more efficient and robust implementation
      The secant method
      The bisection method
      Rate of convergence
      Solving multiple nonlinear algebraic equations
            Abstract notation
            Taylor expansions for multi-variable functions
            Newton's method
            Exercise 6.1: Understand why Newton's method can fail
            Exercise 6.2: See if the secant method fails
            Exercise 6.3: Understand why the bisection method cannot fail
            Exercise 6.4: Combine the bisection method with Newton's method
            Exercise 6.5: Write a test function for Newton's method
            Exercise 6.6: Solve nonlinear equation for a vibrating beam
Appendix: Getting access to Python
      Required software
      Anaconda and Spyder
            Spyder on Mac
            Installation of additional packages
      How to write and run a Python program
            The need for a text editor
            Text editors
            Terminal windows
            Using a plain text editor and a terminal window
      The SageMathCloud and Wakari web services
            Basic intro to SageMathCloud
            Basic intro to Wakari
            Installing your own Python packages
      Writing IPython notebooks
            A simple program in the notebook
            Mixing text, mathematics, code, and graphics