$$ \newcommand{\Oof}[1]{\mathcal{O}(#1)} \newcommand{\F}{\boldsymbol{F}} \newcommand{\J}{\boldsymbol{J}} \newcommand{\x}{\boldsymbol{x}} \renewcommand{\c}{\boldsymbol{c}} $$


Exercise 1.1: Error messages

Save a copy of the program ball.py and confirm that the copy runs as the original. You are now supposed to introduce errors in the code, one by one. For each error introduced, save and run the program, and comment how well Python's response corresponds to the actual error. When you are finished with one error, re-set the program to correct behavior (and check that it works!) before moving on to the next error.

a) Insert the word hello on the empty line above the assignment to v0.

b) Remove the # sign in front of the comment initial velocity.

c) Remove the = sign in the assignment to v0.

d) Change the reserved word print into pint.

e) Change the calculation of y to y = v0*t.

f) Change the line print y to print x.

g) Replace the statement

y = v0*t - 0.5*g*t**2

y = v0*t - (1/2)*g*t**2

Filename: testing_ball.py.

Exercise 1.2: Volume of a cube

Write a program that computes the volume \( V \) of a cube with sides of length \( L = 4 \) cm and prints the result to the screen. Both \( V \) and \( L \) should be defined as separate variables in the program. Run the program and confirm that the correct result is printed.

Hint. See ball.py in the text.

Filename: cube_volume.py.

Exercise 1.3: Area and circumference of a circle

Write a program that computes both the circumference \( C \) and the area \( A \) of a circle with radius \( r = 2 \) cm. Let the results be printed to the screen on a single line with an appropriate text. The variables \( C \), \( A \) and \( r \) should all be defined as a separate variables in the program. Run the program and confirm that the correct results are printed.

Filename: circumference_and_area.py.

Exercise 1.4: Volumes of three cubes

We are interested in the volume \( V \) of a cube with length \( L \): \( V=L^3 \), computed for three different values of \( L \).

a) Use the linspace function to compute three values of \( L \), equally spaced on the interval \( [1,3] \).

b) Carry out by hand the computation \( V=L^3 \) if \( L \) is an array with three elements. That is, compute \( V \) for each value of \( L \).

c) In a program, write out the result V of V = L**3 when L is an array with three elements as computed by linspace in a). Compare the resulting volumes with your hand calculations.

d) Make a plot of V versus L.

Filename: volume3cubes.py.

Exercise 1.5: Average of integers

Write a program that stores the sum \( 1+2+3+4+5 \) in one variable and then creates another variable with the average of these five numbers. Print the average to the screen and check that the result is correct.

Filename: average_int.py.

Exercise 1.6: Interactive computing of volume and area

a) Compute the volume in Exercise 1.2: Volume of a cube by using Python interactively, i.e., do the computations at the command prompt (in a Python shell as we also say). Compare with what you got previously from the written program.

b) Do the same also for Exercise 1.3: Area and circumference of a circle.

Exercise 1.7: Peculiar results from division

Consider the following interactive Python session:

In [1]: x=2; y=4

In [2]: x/y
Out[2]: 0
What is the problem and how can you fix it?

Exercise 1.8: Update variable at command prompt

Invoke Python interactively and perform the following steps.

  1. Initialize a variable x to 2.
  2. Add 3 to x. Print out the result.
  3. Print out the result of x + 1*2 and (x+1)*2. (Observe how parentheses make a difference).
  4. What variable type is x?

Exercise 1.9: Formatted print to screen

Write a program that defines two variables as x = pi and y = 2. Then let the program compute the product z of these two variables and print the result to the screen as

Multiplying 3.14159 and 2 gives 6.283

Filename: formatted_print.py.

Exercise 1.10: Python documentation and random numbers

Write a program that prints four random to the screen. The numbers should be drawn from a uniform distribution over the interval \( [0,10) \) (0 inclusive, 10 exclusive). Find the information needed for the task, see for example http://docs.python.org.

Hint. Python has a module random that contains a function by the name uniform.

Filename: drawing_random_numbers.py.