Finite Difference Computing with PDEs¶
- Finite Difference Computing with PDEs
- Preface
- Why finite differences?
- Simplify, understand, generalize
- Constructive mathematics
- All nuts and bolts
- Python as programming language
- Program verification
- Vectorized code
- Analysis via exact solutions of discrete equations
- Code-inspired mathematical notation
- Limited scope
- Focus on wave phenomena
- Independent chapters
- Supplementary materials
- Acknowledgments
- Vibration ODEs
- Finite difference discretization
- Implementation
- Visualization of long time simulations
- Analysis of the numerical scheme
- Alternative schemes based on 1st-order equations
- Energy considerations
- The Euler-Cromer method
- Staggered mesh
- Exercises and Problems
- Problem 1.1: Use linear/quadratic functions for verification
- Exercise 1.2: Show linear growth of the phase with time
- Exercise 1.3: Improve the accuracy by adjusting the frequency
- Exercise 1.4: See if adaptive methods improve the phase error
- Exercise 1.5: Use a Taylor polynomial to compute u1
- Problem 1.6: Derive and investigate the velocity Verlet method
- Problem 1.7: Find the minimal resolution of an oscillatory function
- Exercise 1.8: Visualize the accuracy of finite differences for a cosine function
- Exercise 1.9: Verify convergence rates of the error in energy
- Exercise 1.10: Use linear/quadratic functions for verification
- Exercise 1.11: Use an exact discrete solution for verification
- Exercise 1.12: Use analytical solution for convergence rate tests
- Exercise 1.13: Investigate the amplitude errors of many solvers
- Problem 1.14: Minimize memory usage of a simple vibration solver
- Problem 1.15: Minimize memory usage of a general vibration solver
- Exercise 1.16: Implement the Euler-Cromer scheme for the generalized model
- Problem 1.17: Interpret [DtDtu]n as a forward-backward difference
- Exercise 1.18: Analysis of the Euler-Cromer scheme
- Generalization: damping, nonlinearities, and excitation
- A centered scheme for linear damping
- A centered scheme for quadratic damping
- A forward-backward discretization of the quadratic damping term
- Implementation
- Verification
- Visualization
- User interface
- The Euler-Cromer scheme for the generalized model
- The Stoermer-Verlet algorithm for the generalized model
- A staggered Euler-Cromer scheme for a generalized model
- The PEFRL 4th-order accurate algorithm
- Exercises and Problems
- Applications of vibration models
- Oscillating mass attached to a spring
- General mechanical vibrating system
- A sliding mass attached to a spring
- A jumping washing machine
- Motion of a pendulum
- Dynamic free body diagram during pendulum motion
- Motion of an elastic pendulum
- Vehicle on a bumpy road
- Bouncing ball
- Two-body gravitational problem
- Electric circuits
- Exercises
- Exercise 1.22: Simulate resonance
- Exercise 1.23: Simulate oscillations of a sliding box
- Exercise 1.24: Simulate a bouncing ball
- Exercise 1.25: Simulate a simple pendulum
- Exercise 1.26: Simulate an elastic pendulum
- Exercise 1.27: Simulate an elastic pendulum with air resistance
- Exercise 1.28: Implement the PEFRL algorithm
- Wave equations
- Simulation of waves on a string
- Verification
- Implementation
- Vectorization
- Exercises
- Exercise 2.1: Simulate a standing wave
- Exercise 2.2: Add storage of solution in a user action function
- Exercise 2.3: Use a class for the user action function
- Exercise 2.4: Compare several Courant numbers in one movie
- Exercise 2.5: Implementing the solver function as a generator
- Project 2.6: Calculus with 1D mesh functions
- Generalization: reflecting boundaries
- Generalization: variable wave velocity
- The model PDE with a variable coefficient
- Discretizing the variable coefficient
- Computing the coefficient between mesh points
- How a variable coefficient affects the stability
- Neumann condition and a variable coefficient
- Implementation of variable coefficients
- A more general PDE model with variable coefficients
- Generalization: damping
- Building a general 1D wave equation solver
- Exercises
- Exercise 2.7: Find the analytical solution to a damped wave equation
- Problem 2.8: Explore symmetry boundary conditions
- Exercise 2.9: Send pulse waves through a layered medium
- Exercise 2.10: Explain why numerical noise occurs
- Exercise 2.11: Investigate harmonic averaging in a 1D model
- Problem 2.12: Implement open boundary conditions
- Exercise 2.13: Implement periodic boundary conditions
- Exercise 2.14: Compare discretizations of a Neumann condition
- Exercise 2.15: Verification by a cubic polynomial in space
- Analysis of the difference equations
- Finite difference methods for 2D and 3D wave equations
- Implementation
- Exercises
- Applications of wave equations
- Exercises
- Exercise 2.20: Simulate waves on a non-homogeneous string
- Exercise 2.21: Simulate damped waves on a string
- Exercise 2.22: Simulate elastic waves in a rod
- Exercise 2.23: Simulate spherical waves
- Problem 2.24: Earthquake-generated tsunami over a subsea hill
- Problem 2.25: Earthquake-generated tsunami over a 3D hill
- Problem 2.26: Investigate Mayavi for visualization
- Problem 2.27: Investigate visualization packages
- Problem 2.28: Implement loops in compiled languages
- Exercise 2.29: Simulate seismic waves in 2D
- Project 2.30: Model 3D acoustic waves in a room
- Project 2.31: Solve a 1D transport equation
- Problem 2.32: General analytical solution of a 1D damped wave equation
- Problem 2.33: General analytical solution of a 2D damped wave equation
- Diffusion equations
- An explicit method for the 1D diffusion equation
- Implicit methods for the 1D diffusion equation
- Analysis of schemes for the diffusion equation
- Properties of the solution
- Analysis of discrete equations
- Analysis of the finite difference schemes
- Analysis of the Forward Euler scheme
- Analysis of the Backward Euler scheme
- Analysis of the Crank-Nicolson scheme
- Analysis of the Leapfrog scheme
- Summary of accuracy of amplification factors
- Analysis of the 2D diffusion equation
- Explanation of numerical artifacts
- Exercises
- Exercise 3.1: Explore symmetry in a 1D problem
- Exercise 3.2: Investigate approximation errors from a ux=0 boundary condition
- Exercise 3.3: Experiment with open boundary conditions in 1D
- Exercise 3.4: Simulate a diffused Gaussian peak in 2D/3D
- Exercise 3.5: Examine stability of a diffusion model with a source term
- Diffusion in heterogeneous media
- Diffusion in 2D
- Discretization
- Numbering of mesh points versus equations and unknowns
- Algorithm for setting up the coefficient matrix
- Implementation with a dense coefficient matrix
- Verification: exact numerical solution
- Verification: convergence rates
- Implementation with a sparse coefficient matrix
- The Jacobi iterative method
- Implementation of the Jacobi method
- Test problem: diffusion of a sine hill
- The relaxed Jacobi method and its relation to the Forward Euler method
- The Gauss-Seidel and SOR methods
- Scalar implementation of the SOR method
- Vectorized implementation of the SOR method
- Direct versus iterative methods
- The Conjugate gradient method
- What is the recommended method for solving linear systems?
- Random walk
- Random walk in 1D
- Statistical considerations
- Playing around with some code
- Equivalence with diffusion
- Implementation of multiple walks
- Demonstration of multiple walks
- Ascii visualization of 1D random walk
- Random walk as a stochastic equation
- Random walk in 2D
- Random walk in any number of space dimensions
- Multiple random walks in any number of space dimensions
- Applications
- Exercises
- Exercise 3.6: Stabilizing the Crank-Nicolson method by Rannacher time stepping
- Project 3.7: Energy estimates for diffusion problems
- Exercise 3.8: Splitting methods and preconditioning
- Problem 3.9: Oscillating surface temperature of the earth
- Problem 3.10: Oscillating and pulsating flow in tubes
- Problem 3.11: Scaling a welding problem
- Exercise 3.12: Implement a Forward Euler scheme for axi-symmetric diffusion
- Advection-dominated equations
- One-dimensional time-dependent advection equations
- Simplest scheme: forward in time, centered in space
- Analysis of the scheme
- Leapfrog in time, centered differences in space
- Upwind differences in space
- Periodic boundary conditions
- Implementation
- A Crank-Nicolson discretization in time and centered differences in space
- The Lax-Wendroff method
- Analysis of dispersion relations
- One-dimensional stationary advection-diffusion equation
- Time-dependent convection-diffusion equations
- Two-dimensional advection-diffusion equations
- Applications of advection equations
- Exercises
- One-dimensional time-dependent advection equations
- Nonlinear problems
- Introduction of basic concepts
- Linear versus nonlinear equations
- A simple model problem
- Linearization by explicit time discretization
- Exact solution of nonlinear algebraic equations
- Linearization
- Picard iteration
- Linearization by a geometric mean
- Newton’s method
- Relaxation
- Implementation and experiments
- Generalization to a general nonlinear ODE
- Systems of ODEs
- Introduction of basic concepts
- Systems of nonlinear algebraic equations
- Linearization at the differential equation level
- 1D stationary nonlinear differential equations
- Multi-dimensional nonlinear PDE problems
- Operator splitting methods
- Exercises
- Problem 5.1: Determine if equations are nonlinear or not
- Problem 5.2: Derive and investigate a generalized logistic model
- Problem 5.3: Experience the behavior of Newton’s method
- Exercise 5.4: Compute the Jacobian of a 2×2 system
- Problem 5.5: Solve nonlinear equations arising from a vibration ODE
- Exercise 5.6: Find the truncation error of arithmetic mean of products
- Problem 5.7: Newton’s method for linear problems
- Problem 5.8: Discretize a 1D problem with a nonlinear coefficient
- Problem 5.9: Linearize a 1D problem with a nonlinear coefficient
- Problem 5.10: Finite differences for the 1D Bratu problem
- Problem 5.11: Discretize a nonlinear 1D heat conduction PDE by finite differences
- Problem 5.12: Differentiate a highly nonlinear term
- Exercise 5.13: Crank-Nicolson for a nonlinear 3D diffusion equation
- Problem 5.14: Find the sparsity of the Jacobian
- Problem 5.15: Investigate a 1D problem with a continuation method
- Appendix: Useful formulas
- Appendix: Truncation error analysis
- Exponential decay ODEs
- Forward Euler scheme
- Crank-Nicolson scheme
- The θ-rule
- Using symbolic software
- Empirical verification of the truncation error
- Increasing the accuracy by adding correction terms
- Extension to variable coefficients
- Exact solutions of the finite difference equations
- Computing truncation errors in nonlinear problems
- Vibration ODEs
- Wave equations
- Diffusion equations
- Exercises
- Exercise B.1: Truncation error of a weighted mean
- Exercise B.2: Simulate the error of a weighted mean
- Exercise B.3: Verify a truncation error formula
- Problem B.4: Truncation error of the Backward Euler scheme
- Exercise B.5: Empirical estimation of truncation errors
- Exercise B.6: Correction term for a Backward Euler scheme
- Problem B.7: Verify the effect of correction terms
- Problem B.8: Truncation error of the Crank-Nicolson scheme
- Problem B.9: Truncation error of u′=f(u,t)
- Exercise B.10: Truncation error of [DtDtu]n
- Exercise B.11: Investigate the impact of approximating u′(0)
- Problem B.12: Investigate the accuracy of a simplified scheme
- Appendix: Software engineering; wave equation model
- References