$$ \newcommand{\tp}{\thinspace .} $$




Appendix: Computer code

The complete code used for all experiments except those involving periodic boundary conditions can be found in the file wave1D_dn.py. The basic solver function for problems without open boundary conditions and periodic conditions is listed below.

The key computation is the time stepping loop where (6) is used to find new \( u^{n+1}_i \) values at each time level. In addition, a special formula for the first step is needed, and boundary conditions must be incorporated at the boundary points.

from numpy import linspace, zeros

def solver(I, V, f, c, U_0, U_L, L, dt, C, T,
           user_action=None, version='scalar'):
    Solve u_tt = c**2*u_xx for x in [0,L] and t in [0,T],
    with u(x,0)=I(x), u_t(x,t)=V(x), u(0,t)=U_0(t), u(L,t)=U_L(t),
    and time step size dt and Courant number C.
    A Neumann condition is applied by setting U_0 or  U_L to None.
    user_action(u, x, t, n) is called at every time step with
    time t[n], the solution in array u, and corresponding to x
    coordinates in array x.
    Nt = int(round(T/dt))          # No of time intervals
    t = linspace(0, Nt*dt, Nt+1)   # Mesh points in time
    dx = dt*c/float(C)             # Mesh spacing
    Nx = int(round(L/dx))          # No of space intervals
    x = linspace(0, L, Nx+1)       # Mesh points in space

    C2 = C**2; dt2 = dt*dt         # Help variables in the scheme

    u   = zeros(Nx+1)    # Solution array at new time level
    u_1 = zeros(Nx+1)    # Solution at 1 time level back
    u_2 = zeros(Nx+1)    # Solution at 2 time levels back

    Ix = range(0, Nx+1)  # Indices for x mesh
    It = range(0, Nt+1)  # Indices for t mesh

    # Load initial condition into u_1
    for i in Ix:
        u_1[i] = I(x[i])

    if user_action is not None:
        user_action(u_1, x, t, 0)

    # Special formula for the first step
    for i in Ix[1:-1]:
        u[i] = u_1[i] + dt*V(x[i]) + \ 
               0.5*C2*(u_1[i-1] - 2*u_1[i] + u_1[i+1]) + \ 
               0.5*dt2*f(x[i], t[0])

    i = Ix[0]
    if U_0 is None:
        # Set boundary values du/dn = 0
        # x=0: i-1 -> i+1 since u[i-1]=u[i+1]
        # x=L: i+1 -> i-1 since u[i+1]=u[i-1])
        ip1 = i+1
        im1 = ip1  # i-1 -> i+1
        u[i] = u_1[i] + dt*V(x[i]) + \ 
               0.5*C2*(u_1[im1] - 2*u_1[i] + u_1[ip1]) + \ 
               0.5*dt2*f(x[i], t[0])
        u[0] = U_0(dt)

    i = Ix[-1]
    if U_L is None:
        im1 = i-1
        ip1 = im1  # i+1 -> i-1
        u[i] = u_1[i] + dt*V(x[i]) + \ 
               0.5*C2*(u_1[im1] - 2*u_1[i] + u_1[ip1]) + \ 
               0.5*dt2*f(x[i], t[0])
        u[i] = U_L(dt)

    if user_action is not None:
        user_action(u, x, t, 1)

    # Update data structures for next step
    u_2[:], u_1[:] = u_1, u

    for n in It[1:-1]:
        # Update all inner points
        if version == 'scalar':
            for i in Ix[1:-1]:
                u[i] = - u_2[i] + 2*u_1[i] + \ 
                       C2*(u_1[i-1] - 2*u_1[i] + u_1[i+1]) + \ 
                       dt2*f(x[i], t[n])

        elif version == 'vectorized':
            u[1:-1] = - u_2[1:-1] + 2*u_1[1:-1] + \ 
                      C2*(u_1[0:-2] - 2*u_1[1:-1] + u_1[2:]) + \ 
                      dt2*f(x[1:-1], t[n])
            raise ValueError('version=%s' % version)

        # Insert boundary conditions
        i = Ix[0]
        if U_0 is None:
            # Set du/dx = 0
            # x=0: i-1 -> i+1 since u[i-1]=u[i+1] when du/dn=0
            # x=L: i+1 -> i-1 since u[i+1]=u[i-1] when du/dn=0
            ip1 = i+1
            im1 = ip1
            u[i] = - u_2[i] + 2*u_1[i] + \ 
                   C2*(u_1[im1] - 2*u_1[i] + u_1[ip1]) + \ 
                   dt2*f(x[i], t[n])
            u[0] = U_0(t[n+1])

        i = Ix[-1]
        if U_L is None:
            im1 = i-1
            ip1 = im1
            u[i] = - u_2[i] + 2*u_1[i] + \ 
                   C2*(u_1[im1] - 2*u_1[i] + u_1[ip1]) + \ 
                   dt2*f(x[i], t[n])
            u[i] = U_L(t[n+1])

        if user_action is not None:
            if user_action(u, x, t, n+1):

        # Update data structures for next step
        u_2[:], u_1[:] = u_1, u

    return u, x, t

Open boundary conditions can be handled as follows.

def solver(...):
    for n in range(1, Nt):
        # Update all inner points at time t[n+1]

        # Insert open boundary conditions at the end points
        i = Nx
        u[i] = u_1[i] - C*(u_1[i] - u_1[i-1])
        i = 0
        u[i] = u_1[i] + C*(u_1[i+1] - u_1[i])

A period condition at \( x=L \), after an open conditon in the beginning of the simulation, can be coded as

if periodic:
    u[0] = u[Nx]
    i = 0
    u[i] = u_1[i] + C*(u_1[i+1] - u_1[i])

where peridoc becomes True when u[-1] > eps for some tolerance eps, say 1E-4 (i.e., the outgoing wave hits the right boundary).