Examples of scientific reports in different formats and how they are made

Hans Petter Langtangen [1, 2]

[1] Simula
[2] Univ. of Oslo

Jul 2, 2016

The purpose of this page is to exemplify how to write scientific reports in various formats: LaTeX PDF, HTML, Sphinx, IPython notebook, HTML blog post, etc.

PDF via LaTeX

Default LaTeX format

The classical LaTeX-style report format is widely used throughout mathematical sciences. This PDF version was made from the hand-written DocOnce source report.do.txt, first translated to LaTeX source code and then compiled to PDF.

The necessary steps in this process go as follows.

# Compile DocOnce to LaTeX format
doconce format pdflatex report --latex_code_style=vrb

# Compile LaTeX to PDF
rm -f *.aux
pdflatex report
bibtex report
pdflatex report

DocOnce generates BibTeX from a bibliography file in the Publish format, as explained in the section Handling of literature citations.

Modern LaTeX format

Here is another version of the same report, this time in a fresher, more modern PDF format for electronic view where URLs and references are hyperlinks. This PDF file is made from LaTeX source generated from DocOnce source.

The steps to produce the PDF file are listed below. First, LaTeX code must be generated by

doconce format pdflatex report --latex_font=palatino \
        --latex_admon=yellowicon '--latex_admon_color=yellow!5'
        --latex_fancy_header --latex_code_style=pyg
        --latex_section_headings=blue --latex_colored_table_rows=blue

The doconce format program has a lot of options (see doconce format --help). Here we fine-tune the way admonitions are typeset (admonitions are boxes for warnings, tips, notes, questions, summaries, etc. - DocOnce has strong support for such boxes and many alternative layouts, in some formats, especially LaTeX, HTML, and Sphinx). In this particular case we also specify blue headings and blue-and-white rows in tables. Blocks of computer code is typeset with the Pygments tool (--latex_code_style=pyg) through the LaTeX package minted.

By default, the standard LaTeX abstract environment is used for the initial summary/abstract. It is easy to change the generated LaTeX code, either manaully or (better!) by editing commands (recall that manual edits are overwritten by a new DocOnce compilation while editing commands can be embedded in a compilation script and rerun). As an example, supposed you want to replace the abstract environment by a quote environment with a smaller font. Automatic editing is offered by the doconce replace command (direct text replacement):

doconce replace 'begin{abstract}' 'begin{quote}\small' report.tex
doconce replace 'end{abstract}' 'end{quote}' report.tex

More sophisticated automatic editing of the generated text from doconce format can make use of doconce subst, which performs edits via regular expressions. In this way, one can tailor the LaTeX source (or HTML, Sphinx, whatever source) to special needs for a document.

The next task is to run LaTeX on the generated report.tex file (and BibTeX on the generated papers.bib):

rm -f report.aux
# Run pdflatex: the pygments environment for code requires
# use of the -shell-escape option
pdflatex -shell-escape report
bibtex report
pdflatex -shell-escape report

PDF aimed at printing

We can also make a PDF file for printing, where linked URLs appear as footnotes (the DocOnce source is of course the same). The option --device=paper makes all URLs appear as footnotes, which makes them visible in a paper version (they are still clickable in the text, but the link text is in black, as the rest of the text - the footnote superscript indicates the word to be clicked).

doconce format pdflatex report --device=paper \
       --latex_admon=graybox1 --latex_font=palatino \
       --latex_title_layout=titlepage \

rm -f report.aux
pdflatex -shell-escape report
bibtex report
pdflatex -shell-escape report

PDF for viewing on a phone

DocOnce can generate LaTeX for A4 or A6 paper size, if desired. The A6 size is good for smart phones, see the PDF file (made from DocOnce source). In this versiond we also change the LaTeX font to Palatino (--latex_font=helvetica is another possibility).

doconce format pdflatex report --latex_papersize=a6 \
        --latex_font=palatino --latex_code_style=pyg
rm -f report.aux
pdflatex -shell-escape report
bibtex report
pdflatex -shell-escape report

Fancy typesetting of code blocks

PDF with yellow background in code blocks (made from LaTeX source generated from DocOnce source).

doconce format pdflatex report --latex_papersize=a4 --latex_font=helvetica --latex_code_style=lst-yellow2

rm -f *.aux
pdflatex report
bibtex report
pdflatex report

Sphinx documents

The Sphinx documentation system is very popular for creating online documents with fancy and attractive layouts. Check out the author's favorite themes: alabaster, bizstyle, bootstrap, bloodish (or cbc), fenics_minimal1, pyramid, redcloud, and scipy_lectures.

Sphinx default layout made from Sphinx-extended reStructuredText source generated from DocOnce. Other Sphinx layouts are ADCtheme, agni, agogo, alabaster, basic, basicstrap, bizstyle, bloodish, boilerplate, bootstrap, cbc, classic, cloud, dark, default, epub, fenics, fenics_classic, fenics_minimal1, fenics_minimal2, flat, haiku, jal, minimal5, modern5, nature, pylons, pyramid, redcloud, responsive, scipy_lectures, scrolls, slim-agogo, sphinxdoc, sphinx_rtd_theme, traditional, uio, uio2, vlinux-theme

DocOnce can easily generate a lot of various Sphinx layouts (see all the names above). For layout X (pyramid, redcloud, etc.) one writes

doconce format sphinx report
doconce sphinx_dir theme=X report
python automake_sphinx.py

Sphinx documents need a special directory, by default called sphinx-rootdir, which is automatically generated by the doconce sphinx_dir command. The automatically generated automake_sphinx.py script (by the doconce sphinx_dir command) copies necessary files to the Sphinx directory and runs the necessary commands to compile the Sphinx document to HTML format.

HTML documents

Simple styles

HTML with the blueish style made from DocOnce source (see HTML code)

doconce format html report

HTML with the blueish2 style (same as blueish style unless pygments is turned off, then the code style is different, and admonitions has apricot default background color) made from DocOnce source

doconce format html report --html_style=blueish2 --pygments_html_style=off

HTML with the bloodish style made from DocOnce source

doconce format html report --html_style=bloodish

HTML with tactile-black style made from DocOnce source

doconce format html report --html_style=tactile-black

HTML with tactile-red style made from DocOnce source

doconce format html report --html_style=tactile-red

HTML with rossant style made from DocOnce source

doconce format html report --html_style=rossant

HTML with Architects+Daughter Google font and the bloodish style made from DocOnce source

doconce format html report --html_style=bloodish --html_body_font=Architects+Daughter --html_heading_font=Architects+Daughter

HTML with Clicker+Script Google font and the bloodish style made from DocOnce source

doconce format html report --html_style=bloodish --html_body_font=Clicker+Script --html_heading_font=Clicker+Script

Solarized styles

The solarized color style for online documents has received much attention. Below are some examples on DocOnce support for this color style.

HTML with with the solarized style made from DocOnce source

doconce format html report --html_style=solarized

HTML with with the solarized_dark style made from DocOnce source

doconce format html report --html_style=solarized_dark

HTML with with the solarized2_light style made from DocOnce source

doconce format html report --html_style=solarized2_light

HTML with with the solarized2_dark style made from DocOnce source

doconce format html report --html_style=solarized2_dark

HTML with with the solarized3_light style made from DocOnce source

doconce format html report --html_style=solarized3_light

HTML with with the solarized3_dark style made from DocOnce source

doconce format html report --html_style=solarized3_dark

HTML with with the solarized_box html template made from DocOnce source with a template file (slight edit of a DocOnce template)

doconce format html report --html_style=solarized --html_template=template_solarized_box_yellow.html

Bootstrap styles

DocOnce supports a range of HTML styles based on the Bootstrap framework. Such styles are seen all over the Internet and have a lot of functionality, e.g., responsive pages for smart phones and large screens. Here are some Bootstrap-based HTML styles: plain bootstrap made from DocOnce source, bloodish, FlatUI, bluegray. And here are some Bootswatch styles: cosmo, journal, readable, cyborg.

doconce format html report --html_style=$style --pygments_html_style=default --html_admon=bootstrap_alert --html_output=report_${style} --keep_pygments_html_bg --html_code_style=inherit --html_pre_style=inherit
doconce split_html report_$style.html

The other style values are bootswatch_cosmo, bootswatch_journal, bootswatch_readable, and bootstrap_bloodish (many more exist, see doconce format --help and look for the option --html_style).

The dark bootswatch_cyborg style is generated by

doconce format html report --html_style=$style --pygments_html_style=monokai --html_admon=bootstrap_alert --html_output=report_${style} --keep_pygments_html_bg --html_code_style=inherit --html_pre_style=inherit
doconce split_html report_$style.html

It is recommended to use this setting of the Pygments style (monokai) for all the dark Bootswatch styles.

HTML Vagrant style made from DocOnce source with a template file

# Copy the style to the current working dir
cp -r /path/to/doconce/root/bundled/html_styles/style_vagrant/template_vagrant.html .
# Customize the template (perhaps easier in an interactive editor...)
doconce replace LogoWord 'DiffEq' template_vagrant.html
doconce replace withSubWord 'Project' template_vagrant.html
doconce replace '<a href="">GO TO 1</a>' '<a href="http://wikipedia.org">Wikipedia</a>' template_vagrant.html
doconce replace '<a href="">GO TO 2</a>' '<a href="http://wolframalpha.com">WolframAlpha</a>' template_vagrant.html
doconce subst '<!-- footer --> Here .+' 'H. P. Langtangen &copy; 2014' template_vagrant.html

# TOC, TITLE and AUTHOR are not appropriate with HTML templates
cp report.do.txt report2.do.txt
doconce replace 'TITLE: '  '#TITLE: ' report2.do.txt
doconce replace 'AUTHOR: '  '#AUTHOR: ' report2.do.txt
doconce replace 'TOC: '  '#TOC: ' report2.do.txt
doconce format html report2 --html_style=bootstrap --html_template=template_vagrant.html

HTML Bootstrap style with fixed toc made from DocOnce source with a template file

# Copy the style to the current working dir
cp -r /path/to/doconce/root/bundled/html_styles/style_bootstrap_wtoc/template_bootstrap_wtoc.html .
# Customize the template (perhaps easier in an interactive editor...)
doconce replace LogoWord 'DiffEq' template_bootstrap_wtoc.html
doconce replace withSubWord 'Project' template_bootstrap_wtoc.html
doconce replace '<a href="">GO TO 1</a>' '<a href="http://wikipedia.org">Wikipedia</a>' template_bootstrap_wtoc.html
doconce replace '<a href="">GO TO 2</a>' '<a href="http://wolframalpha.com">WolframAlpha</a>' template_bootstrap_wtoc.html
doconce subst '<!-- footer --> Here .+' 'H. P. Langtangen &copy; 2014' template_bootstrap_wtoc.html

# TOC, TITLE and AUTHOR are not appropriate with HTML templates
cp report.do.txt report2.do.txt
doconce replace 'TITLE: '  '#TITLE: ' report2.do.txt
doconce replace 'AUTHOR: '  '#AUTHOR: ' report2.do.txt
doconce replace 'TOC: '  '#TOC: ' report2.do.txt
doconce format html report2 --html_style=bootstrap --html_template=template_bootstrap_wtoc.html --pygments_html_style=none
# Note: pygments code typesetting interferes with MathJax for this style,
# so we turn off pygments (which means plain <pre> tags for code blocks)

Other styles

HTML (modified) GitHub minimal style made from DocOnce source with the GitHub minimal theme template (this template is best suited for a contents pages and not a full report)

# Copy the style to the current working dir
cp -r /path/to/doconce/root/bundled/html_styles/style_github_minimal .
# Make sure the css and js directories are local
mv style_github_minimal/css/* css/
mv style_github_minimal/js .
# Tailor headings in the template to this project
doconce replace 'Main Permanent Header' 'Project Report' style_github_minimal/template_github_minimal.html
doconce replace 'Permanent SubHeader' 'A Differential Equation Problem' style_github_minimal/template_github_minimal.html

cp report.do.txt report2.do.txt
doconce replace 'TITLE: '  '#TITLE: ' report2.do.txt
doconce replace 'AUTHOR: '  '#AUTHOR: ' report2.do.txt
doconce replace 'TOC: '  '#TOC: ' report2.do.txt

doconce format html report2 --html_template=style_github_minimal/template_github_minimal.html
# HTML code is in report.html; it needs the .png figures
# and the css and js directories

HTML plain Markdown style made from Markdown generated from DocOnce source

doconce format pandoc report
doconce subst '% .*' '' report.md  # remove title, author, etc. (does not work well)
doconce md2html report

One would expect to use the pandoc program to transform the report.md file in Markdown format to HTML, but doconce md2html performs some additional hacks to get the mathematics to be rendered correctly.

Other formats

IPython notebook

IPython notebook made from IPython notebook .ipynb file generated from DocOnce source

doconce format ipynb report
# Put report.ipynb on the web, e.g.,
# hplgit.github.com/teamods/writing_reports/_static/report.ipynb and
# then use the following URL to get the notebook rendered in a browser:
# http://nbviewer.ipython.org/url/hplgit.github.com/teamods/writing_reports/_static/report.ipynb


MediaWiki made from MediaWiki format generated from DocOnce source

doconce format mwiki report
cp report.mwiki /some/path/to/my/username.github.com.wiki/Experiments-with-Schemes-for-Exponential-Decay.mediawiki

For reports without mathematics, DocOnce can also generate Googlecode wiki format (used at code.google.com) and the Creole wiki format (used at bitbucket.org).

Blog posts

Google blog post at doconce.blogspot.com based on on HTML code generated from DocOnce source

cp report.do.txt report2.do.txt
# Remove title, author and date
doconce subst -m '^TITLE:.+$' '' report2.do.txt
doconce subst -m '^AUTHOR:.+$' '' report2.do.txt
doconce subst -m '^DATE:.+$' '' report2.do.txt
# Figures must have URLs to where they are stored on the web
for figname in BE FE CN error; do
  doconce replace "[$figname," "[$site/$dir/$figname.png," report2.do.txt
doconce format html report2
# Paste report2.html text into a new blog on your Google account

Wordpress blog post at doconcereportdemo.wordpress.com based on HTML code generated from DocOnce source

doconce format html report2 --wordpress
# Paste report2.html into a new blog post on Wordpress

Handling of literature citations

Bibliographic references in DocOnce files make use of information in Publish database. Either you have your references already in the Publish format, or you can transform a BibTeX file refs.bib to Publish format by

publish import refs

This creates a file papers.pub that acts as the Publish database (one can easily assign other filenames to the database). Such a .pub file looks as follows:

* books
** A Primer on Scientific Programming With {P}ython
   key:       Langtangen_2012
   author:    H. P. Langtangen
   year:      2012
   publisher: Springer
   status:    published
   edition:   Third
   entrytype: book
** A First Course in the Numerical Analysis of Differential Equations
   key:       Iserles_2009
   author:    A. Iserles
   year:      2009
   publisher: Cambridge University Press
   status:    published
   edition:   Second
   entrytype: book

The reason why DocOnce applies Publish is that it is easy to export Publish references to BibTeX, HTML, reStructuredText, pure ascii, etc.