A very basic intro to scientific Python
- Contents: fundamental Python syntax for
variables, loops, if-tests, arrays, plotting, files, and classes.
- Text:
Bootstrap HTML,
Sphinx HTML,
PDF for printing
- Slides:
Reveal HTML gray,
Reveal HTML beige,
Reveal HTML white,
Beamer PDF,
HTML solarized,
plain HTML,
IPython notebook
(rendered notebook),
handouts for printing
A worked physics example on scientific computing with Python
- Contents: Matlab-style analysis +
advanced features like flexible storage of objects in lists and files,
downloading data from web sites, user input via the command line, unit testing,
symbolic mathematics, and modules.
- Text:
Bootstrap HTML,
Sphinx HTML,
PDF for printing
- Slides:
Reveal HTML gray,
Reveal HTML beige,
Reveal HTML white,
Beamer PDF,
HTML solarized,
plain HTML,
IPython notebook
(rendered notebook),
handouts for printing