$$ \newcommand{\uex}{{u_{\small\mbox{e}}}} \newcommand{\tp}{\thinspace .} $$

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Table of contents

Creating user interfaces
      Accessing command-line arguments
      Reading a sequence of command-line arguments
      Working with an argument parser
      Reading option-values pairs
      A graphical user interface
      The Parampool package
      Making a compute function
      The hard part of the compute function: the HTML code
      How to embed a PNG plot in HTML code
      Generating the user interface
      Running the web application
      More advanced use
Computing convergence rates
      Estimating the convergence rate \( r \)
      Debugging via convergence rates
Software engineering
      Making a module
      Sketch of the module
      Test block
      Extended test block
      Prefixing imported functions by the module name
      Downside of module prefix notation
      Running doctests
      Unit testing with nose
      Basic use of nose
      Example on a nose test in the source code
      Example on a nose test in a separate file
      The habit of writing nose tests
      Purpose of a test function: raise AssertionError if failure
      Advantages of nose
      Demonstrating nose (ideas)
      Demonstrating nose (code)
      Floats as test results require careful comparison
      Test of wrong use
      Test of convergence rates
      Classical unit testing with unittest
      Basic use of unittest
      Demonstration of unittest
Implementing simple problem and solver classes
      What to learn
      The problem class
      Improved problem class
      The solver class
      The visualizer class
      Combing the classes
Implementing more advanced problem and solver classes
      A generic class for parameters
      The problem class
      The solver class
      The visualizer class
Performing scientific experiments
      Model problem and numerical solution method
      Plan for the experiments
      Typical plot summarizing the results
      Script code
      Comments to the code
      Interpreting output from other programs
      Code for grabbing output from another program
      Code for interpreting the grabbed output
      Making a report
      Publishing a complete project

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