$$ \newcommand{\uex}{{u_{\small\mbox{e}}}} \newcommand{\tp}{\thinspace .} $$

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Running doctests

Automatic check that the code reproduces the doctest output:

Terminal> python -m doctest decay_mod_doctest.py

Report in case of failure:

Terminal> python -m doctest decay_mod_doctest.py
File "decay_mod_doctest.py", line 12, in decay_mod_doctest....
Failed example:
    for t_n, u_n in zip(t, u):
        print 't=%.1f, u=%.14f' % (t_n, u_n)
    t=0.0, u=0.80000000000000
    t=0.5, u=0.43076923076923
    t=1.0, u=0.23195266272189
    t=1.5, u=0.12489758761948
    t=2.0, u=0.06725254717972
    t=0.0, u=0.80000000000000
    t=0.5, u=0.43076923076923
    t=1.0, u=0.23195266272189
    t=1.5, u=0.12489758761948
    t=2.0, u=0.06725254718756
1 items had failures:
   1 of   2 in decay_mod_doctest.solver
***Test Failed*** 1 failures.

Floats are difficult to compare.

Limit the number of digits in the output in doctests! Otherwise, round-off errors on a different machine may ruin the test.

Complete program: decay_mod_doctest.py.

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