This chapter is taken from the book A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python by H. P. Langtangen, 5th edition, Springer, 2016.
The previous examples on plotting functions demonstrate how easy it is to make graphs. Nevertheless, the shown techniques might easily fail to plot some functions correctly unless we are careful. Next we address two types of difficult functions: piecewisely defined functions and rapidly varying functions.
A piecewisely defined function has different function definitions in different intervals along the \( x \) axis. The resulting function, made up of pieces, may have discontinuities in the function value or in derivatives. We have to be very careful when plotting such functions, as the next two examples will show. The problem is that the plotting mechanism draws straight lines between coordinates on the function's curve, and these straight lines may not yield a satisfactory visualization of the function. The first example has a discontinuity in the function itself at one point, while the other example has a discontinuity in the derivative at three points.
Let us plot the Heaviside function $$ \begin{equation*} H(x) = \left\lbrace\begin{array}{ll} 0, & x < 0\\ 1, & x\geq 0 \end{array}\right. \end{equation*} $$ The most natural way to proceed is first to define the function as
def H(x):
return (0 if x < 0 else 1)
The standard plotting procedure where we define a coordinate array x
and call y = H(x)
will not work for array arguments x
, of reasons
to be explained in the section Vectorization of the Heaviside function. However, we may
use techniques from that chapter to create a function Hv(x)
works for array arguments. Even with such a function we face
difficulties with plotting it.
Since the Heaviside function consists of two flat lines, one may think that we do not need many points along the \( x \) axis to describe the curve. Let us try with nine points:
x = np.linspace(-10, 10, 9)
from scitools.std import plot
plot(x, Hv(x), axis=[x[0], x[-1], -0.1, 1.1])
However, so few \( x \) points are not able to describe the jump from 0 to
1 at \( x=0 \), as shown by the solid line in Figure
8 (left). Using more points, say 50 between \( -10 \) and
\( 10 \),
x2 = np.linspace(-10, 10, 50)
plot(x, Hv(x), 'r', x2, Hv(x2), 'b',
legend=('5 points', '50 points'),
axis=[x[0], x[-1], -0.1, 1.1])
makes the curve look better. However, the step is still not strictly
vertical. More points will improve the situation. Nevertheless, the
best is to draw two flat lines directly: from \( (-10,0) \) to \( (0,0) \),
then to \( (0,1) \) and then to \( (10,1) \):
plot([-10, 0, 0, 10], [0, 0, 1, 1],
axis=[x[0], x[-1], -0.1, 1.1])
The result is shown in Figure 8 (right).
Figure 8: Plot of the Heaviside function using 9 equally spaced \( x \) points (left) and with a double point at \( x=0 \) (right).
Some will argue that the plot of \( H(x) \) should not contain the vertical line from \( (0,0) \) to \( (0,1) \), but only two horizontal lines. To make such a plot, we must draw two distinct curves, one for each horizontal line:
plot([-10,0], [0,0], 'r-', [0,10], [1,1], 'r-',
axis=[x[0], x[-1], -0.1, 1.1])
Observe that we must specify the same line style for both lines
(curves), otherwise they would by default get different colors on the
screen or different line types in a hardcopy of the plot. We remark,
however, that discontinuous functions like \( H(x) \) are often visualized
with vertical lines at the jumps, as we do in Figure
Figure 9: Plot of a hat function. The solid line shows the exact function, while the dashed line arises from using inappropriate points along the \( x \) axis.
Let us plot the hat function \( N(x) \), shown as the solid line in Figure
9. This function is a piecewise linear function. The
implementation of \( N(x) \) must use if
tests to locate where we are
along the \( x \) axis and then evaluate the right linear piece of \( N(x) \).
A straightforward implementation with plain if
tests does not work
with array arguments x
, but the section Vectorization of a hat function explains
how to make a vectorized version Nv(x)
that works for array
arguments as well. Anyway, both the scalar and the vectorized
versions face challenges when it comes to plotting.
A first approach to plotting could be
x = np.linspace(-2, 4, 6)
plot(x, Nv(x), 'r', axis=[x[0], x[-1], -0.1, 1.1])
This results in the dashed line in Figure 9.
What is the problem? The problem lies in the computation of the
vector, which does not contain the points \( x=1 \) and \( x=2 \)
where the function makes significant changes. The result is that
the hat is flattened. Making an x
vector with all
critical points in the function definitions, \( x=0,1,2 \), provides
the necessary remedy, either
x = np.linspace(-2, 4, 7)
or the simple
x = [-2, 0, 1, 2, 4]
Any of these x
alternatives and a plot(x, Nv(x))
will result in the solid line in Figure 9,
which is the correct visualization of the \( N(x) \) function.
As in the case of the Heaviside function, it is perhaps best to drop using vectorized evaluations and just draw straight lines between the critical points of the function (since the function is linear):
x = [-2, 0, 1, 2, 4]
y = [N(xi) for xi in x]
plot(x, y, 'r', axis=[x[0], x[-1], -0.1, 1.1])
Let us now visualize the function \( f(x) = \sin (1/x) \), using 10 and 1000 points:
def f(x):
return sin(1.0/x)
from scitools.std import linspace, plot
x1 = linspace(-1, 1, 10)
x2 = linspace(-1, 1, 1000)
plot(x1, f(x1), label='%d points' % len(x))
plot(x2, f(x2), label='%d points' % len(x))
The two plots are shown in Figure 10.
Using only 10 points gives a completely wrong picture of this
function, because the function oscillates faster and faster as we
approach the origin. With 1000 points we get an impression of these
oscillations, but the accuracy of the plot in the vicinity of the
origin is still poor. A plot with 100000 points has better
accuracy, in principle, but the extremely fast oscillations near
the origin just drowns in black ink (you can try it out yourself).
Another problem with the \( f(x)=\sin (1/x) \) function is that it is easy
to define an x
vector containing \( x=0 \), such that we get division
by zero. Mathematically, the \( f(x) \) function has a singularity at \( x=0 \):
it is difficult to define \( f(0) \), so one should exclude this point from
the function definition and work with a domain \( x\in [-1,-\epsilon]\cup
[\epsilon,1] \), with \( \epsilon \) chosen small.
The lesson learned from these examples is clear. You must investigate the function to be visualized and make sure that you use an appropriate set of \( x \) coordinates along the curve. A relevant first step is to double the number of \( x \) coordinates and check if this changes the plot. If not, you probably have an adequate set of \( x \) coordinates.
Figure 10: Plot of the function \( \sin(1/x) \) with 10 points (left) and 1000 points (right).