Classes for problem and solution method

The numerical solution procedure was compactly and conveniently implemented in a Python function solver in the section Mathematical problem and solution technique. In more complicated problems it might be beneficial to use classes instead of functions only. Here we shall describe a class-based software design well suited for scientific problems where there is a mathematical model of some physical phenomenon and some numerical methods to solve the equations involved in the model.

We introduce a class Problem to hold the definition of the physical problem, and a class Solver to hold the data and methods needed to numerically solve the problem. The forthcoming text will explain the inner workings of these classes and how they represent an alternative to the solver and experiment_* functions in the decay module.

Explaining the details of class programming in Python is considered far beyond the scope of this text. Readers who are unfamiliar with Python class programming should first consult one of the many electronic Python tutorials or textbooks to come up to speed with concepts and syntax of Python classes before reading on. The author has a gentle introduction to class programming for scientific applications in [Ref2], see Chapter 7 and 9 and Appendix E. Other useful resources are

The problem class

The purpose of the problem class is to store all information about the mathematical model. This usually means the physical parameters and formulas in the problem. Looking at our model problem (3.1)-(3.2), the physical data cover \(I\), \(a\), and \(T\). Since we have an analytical solution of the ODE problem, we may add this solution in terms of a Python function (or method) to the problem class as well. A possible problem class is therefore

from numpy import exp

class Problem(object):
    def __init__(self, I=1, a=1, T=10):
        self.T, self.I, self.a = I, float(a), T

    def u_exact(self, t):
        I, a = self.I, self.a
        return I*exp(-a*t)

We could in the u_exact method have written self.I*exp(-self.a*t), but using local variables I and a allows the nicer formula I*exp(-a*t), which looks much closer to the mathematical expression \(Ie^{-at}\). This is not an important issue with the current compact formula, but is beneficial in more complicated problems with longer formulas to obtain the closest possible relationship between code and mathematics. The coding style in this standalone is to strip off the self prefix when the code expresses mathematical formulas.

The class data can be set either as arguments in the constructor or at any time later, e.g.,

problem = Problem(T=5)
problem.T = 8
problem.dt = 1.5

(Some programmers prefer set and get functions for setting and getting data in classes, often implemented via properties in Python, but this author considers that overkill when there are just a few data items in a class.)

It would be convenient if class Problem could also initialize the data from the command line. To this end, we add a method for defining a set of command-line options and a method that sets the local attributes equal to what was found on the command line. The default values associated with the command-line options are taken as the values provided to the constructor. Class Problem now becomes

class Problem(object):
    def __init__(self, I=1, a=1, T=10):
        self.T, self.I, self.a = I, float(a), T

    def define_command_line_options(self, parser=None):
        """Return updated (parser) or new ArgumentParser object."""
        if parser is None:
            import argparse
            parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

            '--I', '--initial_condition', type=float,
            default=1.0, help='initial condition, u(0)',
            '--a', type=float, default=1.0,
            help='coefficient in ODE', metavar='a')
            '--T', '--stop_time', type=float,
            default=1.0, help='end time of simulation',
        return parser

    def init_from_command_line(self, args):
        """Load attributes from ArgumentParser into instance."""
        self.I, self.a, self.T = args.I, args.a, args.T

    def u_exact(self, t):
        """Return the exact solution u(t)=I*exp(-a*t)."""
        I, a = self.I, self.a
        return I*exp(-a*t)

Observe that if the user already has an ArgumentParser object it can be supplied, but if she does not have any, class Problem makes one. Python’s None object is used to indicate that a variable is not initialized with a proper value.

The solver class

The solver class stores parameters related to the numerical solution method and provides a function solve for solving the problem. For convenience, a problem object is given to the constructor in a solver object such that the object gets access to the physical data. In the present example, the numerical solution method involves the parameters \(\Delta t\) and \(\theta\), which then constitute the data part of the solver class. We include, as in the problem class, functionality for reading \(\Delta t\) and \(\theta\) from the command line:

class Solver(object):
    def __init__(self, problem, dt=0.1, theta=0.5):
        self.problem = problem
        self.dt, self.theta = float(dt), theta

    def define_command_line_options(self, parser):
        """Return updated (parser) or new ArgumentParser object."""
            '--scheme', type=str, default='CN',
            help='FE, BE, or CN')
            '--dt', '--time_step_values', type=float,
            default=[1.0], help='time step values',
            metavar='dt', nargs='+', dest='dt_values')
        return parser

    def init_from_command_line(self, args):
        """Load attributes from ArgumentParser into instance."""
        self.dt, self.theta = args.dt, args.theta

    def solve(self):
        self.u, self.t = solver(
            self.problem.I, self.problem.a, self.problem.T,
            self.dt, self.theta)

    def error(self):
        """Return norm of error at the mesh points."""
        u_e = self.problem.u_exact(self.t)
        e = u_e - self.u
        E = np.sqrt(self.dt*np.sum(e**2))
        return E

Note that we see no need to repeat the body of the previously developed and tested solver function. We just call that function from the solve method. In this way, class Solver is merely a class wrapper of the stand-alone solver function. With a single object of class Solver we have all the physical and numerical data bundled together with the numerical solution method.

Combining the objects

Eventually we need to show how the classes Problem and Solver play together. We read parameters from the command line and make a plot with the numerical and exact solution:

def experiment_classes():
    problem = Problem()
    solver = Solver(problem)

    # Read input from the command line
    parser = problem.define_command_line_options()
    parser = solver. define_command_line_options(parser)
    args = parser.parse_args()
    solver. init_from_command_line(args)

    # Solve and plot
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    t_e = np.linspace(0, T, 1001)    # very fine mesh for u_e
    u_e = problem.u_exact(t_e)
    print 'Error:', solver.error()

    plt.plot(t,   u,   'r--o')
    plt.plot(t_e, u_e, 'b-')
    plt.legend(['numerical, theta=%g' % theta, 'exact'])
    plotfile = 'tmp'
    plt.savefig(plotfile + '.png');  plt.savefig(plotfile + '.pdf')

Improving the problem and solver classes

The previous Problem and Solver classes containing parameters soon get much repetitive code when the number of parameters increases. Much of this code can be parameterized and be made more compact. For this purpose, we decide to collect all parameters in a dictionary, self.prm, with two associated dictionaries self.type and for holding associated object types and help strings. The reason is that processing dictionaries is easier than processing a set of individual attributes. For the specific ODE example we deal with, the three dictionaries in the problem class are typically

self.prm  = dict(I=1, a=1, T=10)
self.type = dict(I=float, a=float, T=float) = dict(I='initial condition, u(0)',
                 a='coefficient in ODE',
                 T='end time of simulation')

Provided a problem or solver class defines these three dictionaries in the constructor, we can create a super class Parameters with general code for defining command-line options and reading them as well as methods for setting and getting each parameter. A Problem or Solver for a particular mathematical problem can then inherit most of the needed functionality and code from the Parameters class. For example,

class Problem(Parameters):
    def __init__(self):
        self.prm  = dict(I=1, a=1, T=10)
        self.type = dict(I=float, a=float, T=float) = dict(I='initial condition, u(0)',
                         a='coefficient in ODE',
                         T='end time of simulation')

    def u_exact(self, t):
        I, a = self['I a'.split()]
        return I*np.exp(-a*t)

class Solver(Parameters):
    def __init__(self, problem):
        self.problem = problem   # class Problem object
        self.prm  = dict(dt=0.5, theta=0.5)
        self.type = dict(dt=float, theta=float) = dict(dt='time step value',
                         theta='time discretization parameter')

    def solve(self):
        from decay import solver
        I, a, T = self.problem['I a T'.split()]
        dt, theta = self['dt theta'.split()]
        self.u, self.t = solver(I, a, T, dt, theta)

By inheritance, these classes can automatically do a lot more when it comes to reading and assigning parameter values:

problem = Problem()
solver = Solver(problem)

# Read input from the command line
parser = problem.define_command_line_options()
parser = solver. define_command_line_options(parser)
args = parser.parse_args()
solver. init_from_command_line(args)

# Other syntax for setting/getting parameter values
problem['T'] = 6
print 'Time step:', solver['dt']

u, t = solver.u, solver.t

A generic class for parameters

A simplified version of the parameter class looks as follows:

class Parameters(object):
    def __getitem__(self, name):
        """obj[name] syntax for getting parameters."""
        if isinstance(name, (list,tuple)):         # get many?
            return [self.prm[n] for n in name]
            return self.prm[name]

    def __setitem__(self, name, value):
        """obj[name] = value syntax for setting a parameter."""
        self.prm[name] = value

    def define_command_line_options(self, parser=None):
        """Automatic registering of options."""
        if parser is None:
            import argparse
            parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

        for name in self.prm:
            tp = self.type[name] if name in self.type else str
            help =[name] if name in else None
                '--' + name, default=self.get(name), metavar=name,
                type=tp, help=help)

        return parser

    def init_from_command_line(self, args):
        for name in self.prm:
            self.prm[name] = getattr(args, name)

The file contains a slightly more advanced version of class Parameters where we in the functions for getting and setting parameters test for valid parameter names and raise exceptions with informative messages if any name is not registered.

We have already sketched the Problem and Solver classes that build on inheritance from Parameters. We have also shown how they are used. The only remaining code is to make the plot, but this code is identical to previous versions when the numerical solution is available in an object t and the exact one in u_e.

The advantage with the Parameters class is that it scales to problems with a large number of physical and numerical parameters: as long as the parameters are defined once via a dictionary, the compact code in class Parameters can handle any collection of parameters of any size.