Software engineering


Efficient use of differential equation models requires software that is easy to test and flexible for setting up extensive numerical experiments. This section introduces three important concepts:

  • Modules
  • Testing frameworks
  • Implementation with classes

The concepts are introduced using the differential equation problem \(u'=-au\), \(u(0)=I\), as example.

Making a module

The DRY principle

The previous sections have outlined numerous different programs, all of them having their own copy of the solver function. Such copies of the same piece of code is against the important Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle in programming. If we want to change the solver function there should be one and only one place where the change needs to be performed.

To clean up the repetitive code snippets scattered among the decay_*.py files, we start by collecting the various functions we want to keep for the future in one file, now called (mod stands for “module”). The following functions are copied to this file:

  • solver for computing the numerical solution
  • verify_three_steps for verifying the first three solution points against hand calculations
  • verify_discrete_solution for verifying the entire computed solution against an exact formula for the numerical solution
  • explore for computing and plotting the solution
  • define_command_line_options for defining option-value pairs on the command line
  • read_command_line for reading input from the command line, now extended to work both with sys.argv directly and with an ArgumentParser object
  • main for running experiments with \(\theta=0,0.5,1\) and a series of \(\Delta t\) values, and computing convergence rates
  • main_GUI for doing the same as the main function, but modified for automatic GUI generation
  • verify_convergence_rate for verifying the computed convergence rates against the theoretically expected values

We use Matplotlib for plotting. A sketch of the file, with complete versions of the modified functions, looks as follows:

from numpy import *
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
import sys

def solver(I, a, T, dt, theta):

def verify_three_steps():

def verify_exact_discrete_solution():

def u_exact(t, I, a):

def explore(I, a, T, dt, theta=0.5, makeplot=True):

def define_command_line_options():

def read_command_line(use_argparse=True):
    if use_argparse:
        parser = define_command_line_options()
        args = parser.parse_args()
        print 'I={}, a={}, makeplot={}, dt_values={}'.format(
            args.I, args.a, args.makeplot, args.dt_values)
        return args.I, args.a, args.makeplot, args.dt_values
        if len(sys.argv) < 6:
            print 'Usage: %s I a on/off dt1 dt2 dt3 ...' % \
                  sys.argv[0]; sys.exit(1)

        I = float(sys.argv[1])
        a = float(sys.argv[2])
        T = float(sys.argv[3])
        makeplot = sys.argv[4] in ('on', 'True')
        dt_values = [float(arg) for arg in sys.argv[5:]]

        return I, a, makeplot, dt_values

def main():

This file is already a module such that we can import desired functions in other programs. For example, we can in a file do

from decay_mod import solver
u, t = solver(I=1.0, a=3.0, T=3, dt=0.01, theta=0.5)

However, it should also be possible to both use as a module and execute the file as a program that runs main(). This is accomplished by ending the file with a test block:

if __name__ == '__main__':

When is used as a module, __name__ equals the module name decay_mod, while __name__ equals '__main__' when the file is run as a program. Optionally, we could run the verification tests if the word verify is present on the command line and verify_convergence_rate could be tested if verify_rates is found on the command line. The verify_rates argument must be removed before we read parameter values from the command line, otherwise the read_command_line function (called by main) will not work properly.

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if 'verify' in sys.argv:
        if verify_three_steps() and verify_discrete_solution():
            pass # ok
            print 'Bug in the implementation!'
    elif 'verify_rates' in sys.argv:
        if not '--dt' in sys.argv:
            print 'Must assign several dt values'
            sys.exit(1)  # abort
        if verify_convergence_rate():
            print 'Bug in the implementation!'
        # Perform simulations

Prefixing imported functions by the module name

Import statements of the form from module import * import functions and variables in into the current file. For example, when doing

from numpy import *
from matplotlib.pyplot import *

we get mathematical functions like sin and exp as well as MATLAB-style functions like linspace and plot, which can be called by these well-known names. Unfortunately, it sometimes becomes confusing to know where a particular function comes from. Is it from numpy? Or matplotlib.pyplot? Or is it our own function?

An alternative import is

import numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot

and such imports require functions to be prefixed by the module name, e.g.,

t = numpy.linspace(0, T, Nt+1)
u_e = I*numpy.exp(-a*t)
matplotlib.pyplot.plot(t, u_e)

This is normally regarded as a better habit because it is explicitly stated from which module a function comes from.

The modules numpy and matplotlib.pyplot are so frequently used, and their full names quite tedious to write, so two standard abbreviations have evolved in the Python scientific computing community:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

t = np.linspace(0, T, Nt+1)
u_e = I*np.exp(-a*t)
plt.plot(t, u_e)

A version of the decay_mod module where we use the np and plt prefixes is found in the file

The downside of prefixing functions by the module name is that mathematical expressions like \(e^{-at}\sin(2\pi t)\) get cluttered with module names,

# or

Such an expression looks like exp(-a*t)*sin(2*pi*t) in most other programming languages. Similarly, np.linspace and plt.plot look less familiar to people who are used to MATLAB and who have not adopted Python’s prefix style. Whether to do from module import * or import module depends on personal taste and the problem at hand. In these writings we use from module import in shorter programs where similarity with MATLAB could be an advantage, and where a one-to-one correspondence between mathematical formulas and Python expressions is important. The style import module is preferred inside Python modules (see Problem 5: Make a module for a demonstration).


We have emphasized how important it is to be able to run tests in the program at any time. This was solved by calling various verify* functions in the previous examples. However, there exists well-established procedures and corresponding tools for automating the execution of tests. We shall briefly demonstrate two important techniques: doctest and unit testing. The corresponding files are the modules and

A doc string (the first string after the function header) is used to document the purpose of functions and their arguments. Very often it is instructive to include an example on how to use the function. Interactive examples in the Python shell are most illustrative as we can see the output resulting from function calls. For example, we can in the solver function include an example on calling this function and printing the computed u and t arrays:

def solver(I, a, T, dt, theta):
    Solve u'=-a*u, u(0)=I, for t in (0,T] with steps of dt.

    >>> u, t = solver(I=0.8, a=1.2, T=4, dt=0.5, theta=0.5)
    >>> for t_n, u_n in zip(t, u):
    ...     print 't=%.1f, u=%.14f' % (t_n, u_n)
    t=0.0, u=0.80000000000000
    t=0.5, u=0.43076923076923
    t=1.0, u=0.23195266272189
    t=1.5, u=0.12489758761948
    t=2.0, u=0.06725254717972
    t=2.5, u=0.03621291001985
    t=3.0, u=0.01949925924146
    t=3.5, u=0.01049960113002
    t=4.0, u=0.00565363137770

When such interactive demonstrations are inserted in doc strings, Python’s doctest module can be used to automate running all commands in interactive sessions and compare new output with the output appearing in the doc string. All we have to do in the current example is to write

Terminal> python -m doctest

This command imports the doctest module, which runs all tests. No additional command-line argument is allowed when running doctests. If any test fails, the problem is reported, e.g.,

Terminal> python -m doctest
File "", line 12, in decay_mod_doctest....
Failed example:
    for t_n, u_n in zip(t, u):
        print 't=%.1f, u=%.14f' % (t_n, u_n)
    t=0.0, u=0.80000000000000
    t=0.5, u=0.43076923076923
    t=1.0, u=0.23195266272189
    t=1.5, u=0.12489758761948
    t=2.0, u=0.06725254717972
    t=0.0, u=0.80000000000000
    t=0.5, u=0.43076923076923
    t=1.0, u=0.23195266272189
    t=1.5, u=0.12489758761948
    t=2.0, u=0.06725254718756
1 items had failures:
   1 of   2 in decay_mod_doctest.solver
***Test Failed*** 1 failures.

Note that in the output of t and u we write u with 14 digits. Writing all 16 digits is not a good idea: if the tests are run on different hardware, round-off errors might be different, and the doctest module detects that the numbers are not precisely the same and reports failures. In the present application, where \(0 < u(t) \leq 0.8\), we expect round-off errors to be of size \(10^{-16}\), so comparing 15 digits would probably be reliable, but we compare 14 to be on the safe side.

Doctests are highly encouraged as they do two things: 1) demonstrate how a function is used and 2) test that the function works.

Here is an example on a doctest in the explore function:

def explore(I, a, T, dt, theta=0.5, makeplot=True):
    Run a case with the solver, compute error measure,
    and plot the numerical and exact solutions (if makeplot=True).

    >>> for theta in 0, 0.5, 1:
    ...    E = explore(I=1.9, a=2.1, T=5, dt=0.1, theta=theta,
    ...                makeplot=False)
    ...    print '%.10E' % E

This time we limit the output to 10 digits.


Doctests requires careful coding if they use command-line input or print results to the terminal window. Command-line input must be simulated by filling sys.argv correctly, e.g., sys.argv = '--I 1.0 --a 5'.split. The output lines of print statements must be copied exactly as they appear when running the statements in an interactive Python shell.

Unit testing with nose

The unit testing technique consists of identifying small units of code, usually functions (or classes), and write one or more tests for each unit. One test should, ideally, not depend on the outcome of other tests. For example, the doctest in function solver is a unit test, and the doctest in function explore as well, but the latter depends on a working solver. Putting the error computation and plotting in explore in two separate functions would allow independent unit tests. In this way, the design of unit tests impacts the design of functions. The recommended practice is actually to design and write the unit tests first and then implement the functions!

In scientific computing it is not always obvious how to best perform unit testing. The units is naturally larger than in non-scientific software. Very often the solution procedure of a mathematical problem identifies a unit.

Basic use of nose

The nose package is a versatile tool for implementing unit tests in Python. Here is a short explanation of the usage of nose:

  1. Implement tests in functions with names starting with test_. Such functions cannot have any arguments.
  2. The test functions perform assertions on computed results using assert functions from the module.
  3. The test functions can be in the source code files or be collected in separate files with names test*.py.

Here comes a very simple illustration of the three points. Assume that we have this function in a module mymod:

def double(n):
    return 2*n

Either in this file, or in a separate file, we implement a test function whose purpose is to test that the function double works as intended:

import as nt

def test_double():
    result = double(4)
    nt.assert_equal(result, 8)

Notice that test_double has no arguments. We need to do an import mymod or from mymod import double if this test resides in a separate file. Running

Terminal> nosetests -s mymod

makes the nose tool run all functions with names matching test_*() in Alternatively, if the test functions are in some file, we can just write nosetests -s. The nose tool will then look for all files with names mathching test*.py and run all functions test_*() in these files.

When you have nose tests in separate test files with names test*.py it is common to collect these files in a subdirectory tests, or *_tests if you have several test subdirectories. Running nosetests -s will then recursively look for all tests and *_tests subdirectories and run all functions test_*() in all files test_*.py in these directories. Just one command can then launch a series of tests in a directory tree!

An example of a tests directory with different types of test*.py files are found in src/decay/tests. Note that these perform imports of modules in the parent directory. These imports works well because the tests are supposed to be run by nosetests -s executed in the parent directory (decay).


The -s option to nosetests assures that any print statement in the test_* functions appears in the output. Without this option, nosetests suppressed whatever the tests writes to the terminal window (standard output). Such behavior is annoying, especially when developing and testing tests.

The number of failed tests and their details are reported, or an OK is printed if all tests passed.

The advantage with the nose package is two-fold:

  1. tests are written and collected in a structured way, and
  2. large collections of tests, scattered throughout a tree of directories, can be executed with one command nosetests -s.

Alternative assert statements

In case the nt.assert_equal function finds that the two arguments are equal, the test is a success, otherwise it is a failure and an exception of type AssertionError is raised. The particular exception is the indicator that a test has failed.

Instead of calling the convenience function nt.assert_equal, we can use Python’s plain assert statement, which tests if a boolean expression is true and raises an AssertionError otherwise. Here, the statement is assert result == 8.

A completely manual alternative is to explicitly raise an AssertionError exception if the computed result is wrong:

if result != 8:
    raise AssertionError()

Applying nose

Let us illustrate how to use the nose tool for testing key functions in the decay_mod module. Or more precisely, the module is called decay_mod_unittest with all the verify* functions removed as these now are outdated by the unit tests.

We design three unit tests:

  1. A comparison between the computed \(u^n\) values and the exact discrete solution.
  2. A comparison between the computed \(u^n\) values and precomputed, verified reference values.
  3. A comparison between observed and expected convergence rates.

These tests follow very closely the code in the previously shown verify* functions. We start with comparing \(u^n\), as computed by the function solver, to the formula for the exact discrete solution:

import as nt
import decay_mod_unittest as decay_mod
import numpy as np

def exact_discrete_solution(n, I, a, theta, dt):
    """Return exact discrete solution of the theta scheme."""
    dt = float(dt)  # avoid integer division
    factor = (1 - (1-theta)*a*dt)/(1 + theta*dt*a)
    return I*factor**n

def test_exact_discrete_solution():
    Compare result from solver against
    formula for the discrete solution.
    theta = 0.8; a = 2; I = 0.1; dt = 0.8
    N = int(8/dt)  # no of steps
    u, t = decay_mod.solver(I=I, a=a, T=N*dt, dt=dt, theta=theta)
    u_de = np.array([exact_discrete_solution(n, I, a, theta, dt)
                     for n in range(N+1)])
    diff = np.abs(u_de - u).max()
    nt.assert_almost_equal(diff, 0, delta=1E-14)

The nt.assert_almost_equal is the relevant function for comparing two real numbers. The delta argument specifies a tolerance for the comparison. Alternatively, one can specify a places argument for the number of decimal places to be used in the comparison.

After having carefully verified the implementation, we may store correctly computed numbers in the test program or in files for use in future tests. Here is an example on how the outcome from the solver function can be compared to what is considered to be correct results:

def test_solver():
    Compare result from solver against
    precomputed arrays for theta=0, 0.5, 1.
    I=0.8; a=1.2; T=4; dt=0.5  # fixed parameters
    precomputed = {
        't': np.array([ 0. ,  0.5,  1. ,  1.5,  2. ,  2.5,
                        3. ,  3.5,  4. ]),
        0.5: np.array(
            [ 0.8       ,  0.43076923,  0.23195266, 0.12489759,
              0.06725255,  0.03621291,  0.01949926, 0.0104996 ,
        0: np.array(
            [  8.00000000e-01,   3.20000000e-01,
               1.28000000e-01,   5.12000000e-02,
               2.04800000e-02,   8.19200000e-03,
               3.27680000e-03,   1.31072000e-03,
        1: np.array(
            [ 0.8       ,  0.5       ,  0.3125    ,  0.1953125 ,
              0.12207031,  0.07629395,  0.04768372,  0.02980232,
    for theta in 0, 0.5, 1:
        u, t = decay_mod.solver(I, a, T, dt, theta=theta)
        diff = np.abs(u - precomputed[theta]).max()
        # Precomputed numbers are known to 8 decimal places
        nt.assert_almost_equal(diff, 0, places=8,
                               msg='theta=%s' % theta)

The precomputed object is a dictionary with four keys: 't' for the time mesh, and three \(\theta\) values for \(u^n\) solutions corresponding to \(\theta=0,0.5,1\).

Testing for special type of input data that may cause trouble constitutes a common way of constructing unit tests. For example, the updating formula for \(u^{n+1}\) may be incorrectly evaluated because of unintended integer divisions. With

theta = 1; a = 1; I = 1; dt = 2

the nominator and denominator in the updating expression,

(1 - (1-theta)*a*dt)
(1 + theta*dt*a)

evaluate to 1 and 3, respectively, and the fraction 1/3 will call up integer division and consequently lead to u[n+1]=0. We construct a unit test to make sure solver is smart enough to avoid this problem:

def test_potential_integer_division():
    """Choose variables that can trigger integer division."""
    theta = 1; a = 1; I = 1; dt = 2
    N = 4
    u, t = decay_mod.solver(I=I, a=a, T=N*dt, dt=dt, theta=theta)
    u_de = np.array([exact_discrete_solution(n, I, a, theta, dt)
                     for n in range(N+1)])
    diff = np.abs(u_de - u).max()
    nt.assert_almost_equal(diff, 0, delta=1E-14)

The final test is to see that the convergence rates corresponding to \(\theta=0,0.5, 1\) are 1, 2, and 1, respectively:

def test_convergence_rates():
    """Compare empirical convergence rates to exact ones."""
    # Set command-line arguments directly in sys.argv
    import sys
    sys.argv[1:] = '--I 0.8 --a 2.1 --T 5 '\
                   '--dt 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.05 0.025'.split()
    r = decay_mod.main()
    for theta in r:
        nt.assert_true(r[theta])  # check for non-empty list

    expected_rates = {0: 1, 1: 1, 0.5: 2}
    for theta in r:
        r_final = r[theta][-1]
        # Compare to 1 decimal place
        nt.assert_almost_equal(expected_rates[theta], r_final,
                               places=1, msg='theta=%s' % theta)

Nothing more is needed in the file where the tests reside. Running nosetests -s will report Ran 3 tests and an OK for success. Every time we modify the decay_mod_unittest module we can run nosetests to quickly see if the edits have any impact on the verification tests.

Installation of nose

The nose package does not come with a standard Python distribution and must therefore be installed separately. The procedure is standard and described on Nose’s web pages. On Debian-based Linux systems the command is sudo apt-get install python-nose, and with MacPorts you run sudo port install py27-nose.

Using nose to test modules with doctests

Assume that mod is the name of some module that contains doctests. We may let nose run these doctests and report errors in the standard way using the code set-up

import doctest
import mod

def test_mod():
    failure_count, test_count = doctest.testmod(m=mod)
    nt.assert_equal(failure_count, 0,
                    msg='%d tests out of %d failed' %
                    (failure_count, test_count))

The call to doctest.testmod runs all doctests in the module file and returns the number of failures (failure_count) and the total number of tests (test_count). A real example is found in the file

Classical class-based unit testing

The classical way of implementing unit tests derives from the JUnit tool in Java where all tests are methods in a class for testing. Python comes with a module unittest for doing this type of unit tests. While nose allows simple functions for unit tests, unittest requires deriving a class Test* from unittest.TestCase and implementing each test as methods with names test_* in that class. I strongly recommend to use nose over unittest, because it is much simpler and more convenient, but class-based unit testing is a very classical subject that computational scientists should have some knowledge about. That is why a short introduction to unittest is included below.

Basic use of unittest

We apply the double function in the mymod module introduced in the previous section as example. Unit testing with the aid of the unittest module consists of writing a file with the content

import unittest
import mymod

class TestMyCode(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_double(self):
        result = mymod.double(4)
        self.assertEqual(result, 8)

if __name__ == '__main__':

The test is run by executing the test file as a standard Python program. There is no support in unittest for automatically locating and running all tests in all test files in a directory tree.

Those who have experience with object-oriented programming will see that the difference between using unittest and nose is minor.

Demonstration of unittest

The same tests as shown for the nose framework are reimplemented with the TestCase classes in the file The tests are identical, the only difference being that with unittest we must write the tests as methods in a class and the assert functions have slightly different names.

import unittest
import decay_mod_unittest as decay
import numpy as np

def exact_discrete_solution(n, I, a, theta, dt):
    factor = (1 - (1-theta)*a*dt)/(1 + theta*dt*a)
    return I*factor**n

class TestDecay(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_exact_discrete_solution(self):
        diff = np.abs(u_de - u).max()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(diff, 0, delta=1E-14)

    def test_solver(self):
        for theta in 0, 0.5, 1:
            self.assertAlmostEqual(diff, 0, places=8,
                                   msg='theta=%s' % theta)

    def test_potential_integer_division():
        self.assertAlmostEqual(diff, 0, delta=1E-14)

    def test_convergence_rates(self):
        for theta in r:

if __name__ == '__main__':

Implementing simple problem and solver classes

The \(\theta\)-rule was compactly and conveniently implemented in a function solver in the section decay:py1. In more complicated problems it might be beneficial to use classes and introduce a class Problem to hold the definition of the physical problem, a class Solver to hold the data and methods needed to numerically solve the problem, and a class Visualizer to make plots. This idea will now be illustrated, resulting in code that represents an alternative to the solver and explore functions found in the decay_mod module.

Explaining the details of class programming in Python is considered beyond the scope of this text. Readers who are unfamiliar with Python class programming should first consult one of the many electronic Python tutorials or textbooks to come up to speed with concepts and syntax of Python classes before reading on. The author has a gentle introduction to class programming for scientific applications in [Ref1], see Chapter 7 and 9 and Appendix E. Other useful resources are

The problem class (1)

The purpose of the problem class is to store all information about the mathematical model. This usually means all the physical parameters in the problem. In the current example with exponential decay we may also add the exact solution of the ODE to the problem class. The simplest form of a problem class is therefore

from numpy import exp

class Problem:
    def __init__(self, I=1, a=1, T=10):
        self.T, self.I, self.a = I, float(a), T

    def u_exact(self, t):
        I, a = self.I, self.a
        return I*exp(-a*t)

We could in the u_exact method have written self.I*exp(-self.a*t), but using local variables I and a allows the formula I*exp(-a*t) which looks closer to the mathematical expression \(Ie^{-at}\). This is not an important issue with the current compact formula, but is beneficial in more complicated problems with longer formulas to obtain the closest possible relationship between code and mathematics. My coding style is to strip off the self prefix when the code expresses mathematical formulas.

The class data can be set either as arguments in the constructor or at any time later, e.g.,

problem = Problem(T=5)
problem.T = 8
problem.dt = 1.5

(Some programmers prefer set and get functions for setting and getting data in classes, often implemented via properties in Python, but I consider that overkill when we just have a few data items in a class.)

It would be convenient if class Problem could also initialize the data from the command line. To this end, we add a method for defining a set of command-line options and a method that sets the local attributes equal to what was found on the command line. The default values associated with the command-line options are taken as the values provided to the constructor. Class Problem now becomes

class Problem:
    def __init__(self, I=1, a=1, T=10):
        self.T, self.I, self.a = I, float(a), T

    def define_command_line_options(self, parser=None):
        if parser is None:
            import argparse
            parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

            '--I', '--initial_condition', type=float,
            default=self.I, help='initial condition, u(0)',
            '--a', type=float, default=self.a,
            help='coefficient in ODE', metavar='a')
            '--T', '--stop_time', type=float, default=self.T,
            help='end time of simulation', metavar='T')
        return parser

    def init_from_command_line(self, args):
        self.I, self.a, self.T = args.I, args.a, args.T

    def exact_solution(self, t):
        I, a = self.I, self.a
        return I*exp(-a*t)

Observe that if the user already has an ArgumentParser object it can be supplied, but if she does not have any, class Problem makes one. Python’s None object is used to indicate that a variable is not initialized with a proper value.

The solver class (1)

The solver class stores data related to the numerical solution method and provides a function solve for solving the problem. A problem object must be given to the constructor so that the solver can easily look up physical data. In the present example, the data related to the numerical solution method consists of \(\Delta t\) and \(\theta\). We add, as in the problem class, functionality for reading \(\Delta t\) and \(\theta\) from the command line:

class Solver:
    def __init__(self, problem, dt=0.1, theta=0.5):
        self.problem = problem
        self.dt, self.theta = float(dt), theta

    def define_command_line_options(self, parser):
            '--dt', '--time_step_value', type=float,
            default=0.5, help='time step value', metavar='dt')
            '--theta', type=float, default=0.5,
            help='time discretization parameter', metavar='dt')
        return parser

    def init_from_command_line(self, args):
        self.dt, self.theta = args.dt, args.theta

    def solve(self):
        from decay_mod import solver
        self.u, self.t = solver(
            self.problem.I, self.problem.a, self.problem.T,
            self.dt, self.theta)

    def error(self):
        u_e = self.problem.exact_solution(self.t)
        e = u_e - self.u
        E = sqrt(self.dt*sum(e**2))
        return E

Note that we here simply reuse the implementation of the numerical method from the decay_mod module. The solve function is just a wrapper of the previously developed stand-alone solver function.

The visualizer class (1)

The purpose of the visualizer class is to plot the numerical solution stored in class Solver. We also add the possibility to plot the exact solution. Access to the problem and solver objects is required when making plots so the constructor must hold references to these objects:

class Visualizer:
    def __init__(self, problem, solver):
        self.problem, self.solver = problem, solver

    def plot(self, include_exact=True, plt=None):
        Add solver.u curve to the plotting object plt,
        and include the exact solution if include_exact is True.
        This plot function can be called several times (if
        the solver object has computed new solutions).
        if plt is None:
            import scitools.std  as plt # can use matplotlib as well

        plt.plot(self.solver.t, self.solver.u, '--o')
        theta2name = {0: 'FE', 1: 'BE', 0.5: 'CN'}
        name = theta2name.get(self.solver.theta, '')
        legends = ['numerical %s' % name]
        if include_exact:
            t_e = linspace(0, self.problem.T, 1001)
            u_e = self.problem.exact_solution(t_e)
            plt.plot(t_e, u_e, 'b-')
        plt.title('theta=%g, dt=%g' %
                  (self.solver.theta, self.solver.dt))
        plt.savefig('%s_%g.png' % (name, self.solver.dt))
        return plt

The plt object in the plot method is worth a comment. The idea is that plot can add a numerical solution curve to an existing plot. Calling plot with a plt object (which has to be a matplotlib.pyplot or scitools.std object in this implementation), will just add the curve self.solver.u as a dashed line with circles at the mesh points (leaving the color of the curve up to the plotting tool). This functionality allows plots with several solutions: just make a loop where new data is set in the problem and/or solver classes, the solver’s solve() method is called, and the most recent numerical solution is plotted by the plot(plt) method in the visualizer object Exercise 6: Make use of a class implementation describes a problem setting where this functionality is explored.

Combining the objects

Eventually we need to show how the classes Problem, Solver, and Visualizer play together:

def main():
    problem = Problem()
    solver = Solver(problem)
    viz = Visualizer(problem, solver)

    # Read input from the command line
    parser = problem.define_command_line_options()
    parser = solver. define_command_line_options(parser)
    args = parser.parse_args()
    solver. init_from_command_line(args)

    # Solve and plot
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    #import scitools.std as plt
    plt = viz.plot(plt=plt)
    E = solver.error()
    if E is not None:
        print 'Error: %.4E' % E

The file constitutes a module with the three classes and the main function.

Test the understanding

Implement the problem in decay:app:exer:drag:prog in terms of problem, solver, and visualizer classes. Equip the classes and their methods with doc strings with tests. Also include nose tests.

Improving the problem and solver classes

The previous Problem and Solver classes containing parameters soon get much repetitive code when the number of parameters increases. Much of this code can be parameterized and be made more compact. For this purpose, we decide to collect all parameters in a dictionary, self.prms, with two associated dictionaries self.types and for holding associated object types and help strings. Provided a problem, solver, or visualizer class defines these three dictionaries in the constructor, using default or user-supplied values of the parameters, we can create a super class Parameters with general code for defining command-line options and reading them as well as methods for setting and getting a parameter. A Problem or Solver class will then inherit command-line functionality and the set/get methods from the Parameters class.

A generic class for parameters

A simplified version of the parameter class looks as follows:

class Parameters:
    def set(self, **parameters):
        for name in parameters:
            self.prms[name] = parameters[name]

    def get(self, name):
        return self.prms[name]

    def define_command_line_options(self, parser=None):
        if parser is None:
            import argparse
            parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

        for name in self.prms:
            tp = self.types[name] if name in self.types else str
            help =[name] if name in else None
                '--' + name, default=self.get(name), metavar=name,
                type=tp, help=help)

        return parser

    def init_from_command_line(self, args):
        for name in self.prms:
            self.prms[name] = getattr(args, name)

The file contains a slightly more advanced version of class Parameters where we in the set and get functions test for valid parameter names and raise exceptions with informative messages if any name is not registered.

The problem class (2)

A class Problem for the problem \(u'=-au\), \(u(0)=I\), \(t\in (0,T]\), with parameters input \(a\), \(I\), and \(T\) can now be coded as

class Problem(Parameters):
    Physical parameters for the problem u'=-a*u, u(0)=I,
    with t in [0,T].
    def __init__(self):
        self.prms = dict(I=1, a=1, T=10)
        self.types = dict(I=float, a=float, T=float) = dict(I='initial condition, u(0)',
                         a='coefficient in ODE',
                         T='end time of simulation')

    def exact_solution(self, t):
        I, a = self.get('I'), self.get('a')
        return I*np.exp(-a*t)

The solver class (2)

Also the solver class is derived from class Parameters and works with the prms, types, and help dictionaries in the same way as class Problem. Otherwise, the code is very similar to class Solver in the file:

class Solver(Parameters):
    def __init__(self, problem):
        self.problem = problem
        self.prms = dict(dt=0.5, theta=0.5)
        self.types = dict(dt=float, theta=float) = dict(dt='time step value',
                         theta='time discretization parameter')

    def solve(self):
        from decay_mod import solver
        self.u, self.t = solver(

    def error(self):
            u_e = self.problem.exact_solution(self.t)
            e = u_e - self.u
            E = np.sqrt(self.get('dt')*np.sum(e**2))
        except AttributeError:
            E = None
        return E

The visualizer class (2)

Class Visualizer can be identical to the one in the file since the class does not need any parameters. However, a few adjustments in the plot method is necessary since parameters are accessed as, e.g., problem.get('T') rather than problem.T. The details are found in the file

Finally, we need a function that solves a real problem using the classes Problem, Solver, and Visualizer. This function can be just like main in the file.

The advantage with the Parameters class is that it scales to problems with a large number of physical and numerical parameters: as long as the parameters are defined once via a dictionary, the compact code in class Parameters can handle any collection of parameters of any size.