Source code for scitools.easyviz.utils

from scitools.numpyutils import zeros, ones, exp, reshape, ravel, \
     ndgrid, seq, linspace, arctan2, sqrt, shape, log, sin, cos

[docs]def available_backends(): """Return a list of the available backends.""" import os from scitools.misc import test_if_module_exists files = os.listdir(os.path.dirname(__file__)) files.remove('') if '' in files: files.remove('') backends = [f for f in files if f.endswith('')] available = [] print '\nChecking if you have all the Easyviz backends...' for b in backends: module = 'scitools.easyviz.' + b[:-3] try: test_if_module_exists(module, abort=False, raise_exception=True, msg='') available.append(module[17:]) except: pass #print "You can't use the %s backend" % module return available
[docs]def peaks(*args): # z = peaks() # z = peaks(n) # z = peaks(x,y) n = 49 nargs = len(args) if nargs in (0,1): if nargs == 1: n = int(args[0]) x, y = ndgrid(linspace(-3,3,n),linspace(-3,3,n)) elif nargs == 2: x, y = args else: raise SyntaxError("Invalid number of arguments.") return 3*(1-x)**2*exp(-x**2-(y+1)**2) \ - 10*(x/5-x**3-y**5)*exp(-x**2-y**2) - 1/3*exp(-(x+1)**2-y**2)
[docs]def flow(*args): # xx,yy,zz,vv = flow() # xx,yy,zz,vv = flow(n) # xx,yy,zz,vv = flow(xx,yy,zz) if len(args) == 0: xx, yy, zz = ndgrid(linspace(0.1, 10, 50), linspace(-3, 3, 25), linspace(-3, 3, 25), sparse=False) elif len(args) == 1: n = int(args[0]) xx, yy, zz = ndgrid(linspace(0.1, 10, 2*n), linspace(-3, 3, n), linspace(-3, 3, n), sparse=False) elif len(args) == 3: xx, yy, zz = args else: raise SyntaxError("Invalid number of arguments.") # convert to spherical coordinates: theta = arctan2(zz, yy) phi = arctan2(xx, sqrt(yy**2 + zz**2)) r = sqrt(xx**2 + yy**2 + zz**2) rv = 2/r*(3/(2-cos(phi))**2 - 1) phiv = -2*sin(phi)/(2-cos(phi))/r thetav = zeros(shape(r)) # convert back to cartesian coordinates: xv = rv*cos(phiv)*cos(thetav) yv = rv*cos(phiv)*sin(thetav) zv = rv*sin(phiv) vv = log(sqrt(xv**2 + yv**2 + zv**2)) return xx, yy, zz, vv