Source code for scitools.debug

Debugging tools.

  - watch(var): print out the name, type, and value of a variable and
    where in a program this output was requested (used to monitor variables).

  - trace(message): print a message and where in the program this
    message was requested (used to trace the execution).

  - dump(obj, hide_underscore=True): print a dump of the object obj
    (attributes, methods, etc.).

  - debugregex(pattern, string): print match, groups, etc. when the
    regular expression pattern is applied to string.

watch and trace prints information only if the module variable
DEBUG has a true value. DEBUG can be initialized from an environment
variable PYDEBUG, otherwise it is set to 1 by default. Other
modules can monitor their debugging by setting debug.DEBUG = 0
or debug.DEBUG = 1 (note that a single such setting has a "global" effect;
it turns off debugging everywhere).
import os, sys, string, re, inspect

__all__ = ['watch', 'trace', 'dump', 'debugregex']

if 'PYDEBUG' in os.environ:
    DEBUG = int(os.environ['PYDEBUG'])
    # import user?
    DEBUG = 1

if not __debug__:  # python -O
    DEBUG = 0      # turn off debugging
import traceback
import errorcheck

[docs]def watch(variable, output_medium=sys.stdout): """ Print out the name, type, and value of a variable and where in a program this output was requested. Used to monitor variables during debugging. As an example, watch(myprm) may lead to this output:: myprm <int> in ./ myfunction = 3 The variable is returned to the caller, thus it can be used inside expressions: myobj.setCallback(lambda self: self.setstate(watch(self.mystate))) or dosomething(*watch((arg1, arg2, arg3))) (This function is a modified version of a function taken from the online Python Cookbook:: The original code was written by Olivier Dagenais). """ if not DEBUG: return variable stack = traceback.extract_stack()[-2:][0] actual_call = stack[3] if actual_call is None: actual_call = "watch([unknown])" left = string.find(actual_call, '(' ) right = string.rfind(actual_call, ')') prm = {} # variable name is extracted from actual_call: # everything between '(' and ')' prm["variable_name"] = string.strip(actual_call[left+1:right]) prm["variable_type"] = errorcheck.get_type(variable) # str(type(variable))[7:-2] if isinstance(variable, basestring): print_variable = str(variable) else: print_variable = repr(variable) prm["value"] = print_variable prm["method_name"] = stack[2] prm["line_number"] = stack[1] prm["filename"] = stack[0] prm["shortfile"] = shorten_path(stack[0]) if prm["method_name"] == '?': prm["method_name"] = 'main' #outstr = 'watch: %(shortfile)s(%(line_number)d): '\ # '%(method_name)s\n %(variable_name)s '\ # '<%(variable_type)s> = %(value)s\n' outstr = '%(variable_name)s <%(variable_type)s>'\ ' in %(shortfile)s(%(line_number)d): %(method_name)s\n'\ ' = %(value)s\n' output_medium.write(outstr % prm) return variable
def shorten_path(path, abb_len=20): """Shorten a path to relative (./rel_path) or abbreviated (...rest_of_path) form. abb_len=0 for no abbreviation of the second form.""" cwd = os.environ.get('PWD') or os.getcwd() if path.startswith(cwd): return "."+path[len(cwd):] else: return path[-abb_len:]
[docs]def trace(message='', output_medium=sys.stdout, frameno=-2): """ Print a message and where in the program this message was requested (as in the function watch). Used to trace the program flow during debugging. If called from constructors, and sometimes also other class methods with "generic" names, it may be smart to let the message be the classname:: class A: def __init__(self): debug.trace(self.__class__.__name__) def write(self): debug.trace(self.__class__.__name__) With frameno=-2 the place where this debug.trace function is called is printed, while smaller values gives printout of previous calls on the call stack. In the previous example, we could look further back to say: class A: def __init__(self): debug.trace('Instantiation of '+self.__class__.__name__, frameno=-3) def write(self): debug.trace('A.write() call', frameno=-3) Setting frameno=-4 may also be useful in some particular cases, for example in a baseclass __init__ which is usually overridden. But there is danger that we then look too far back in the call stack. (This function is a modified version of one taken from the Python Cookbook, see the watch function.) """ if not DEBUG: return stack = traceback.extract_stack()[frameno:][0] prm = {} prm["method_name"] = stack[2] prm["line_number"] = stack[1] prm["filename"] = stack[0] prm["shortfile"] = shorten_path(stack[0]) prm["message"] = message outstr = '%(shortfile)s(%(line_number)d) %(method_name)s: %(message)s\n' output_medium.write(outstr % prm)
[docs]def dump(obj, hide_nonpublic=True): """ Inspect an object obj by the dir function. This dump function first prints the repr(obj) of the object, then all data attributes and their values are listed, and finally a line listing all functions/methods is printed. """ print '\n', '*'*60, '\n' try: # dump class name if it exists print 'object of class', obj.__class__.__name__ except: pass try: print 'object with name %s' % obj.__name__ except: pass methods = []; attrs = [] for a in dir(obj): if a.startswith('_') and hide_nonpublic: pass else: try: attr = getattr(obj, a) s = a + '=' + str(attr) if s.find(' method ') != -1 or \ s.find('function ') != -1 or \ s.find('method-wrapper ') != -1 or \ s.find('ufunc ') != -1: try: # add argument list (args, varargs, kwargs, defaults) a = '%-15s%s' % (a, inspect.formatargspec(inspect.getargspec(attr))) except: pass methods.append(a) # skip function addresses else: s += ' (' + errorcheck.get_type(attr) + ')' attrs.append(s) # variable=value except Exception, msg: pass print '******** data attributes:\n', '\n'.join(attrs) print '\n******** methods:\n', '\n'.join(methods) print '*'*60, '\n\n\n',
[docs]def debugregex(pattern, string): "debugging of regular expressions: write the match and the groups" s = "does '" + pattern + "' match '" + string + "'?\n" match =, string) if match: s += string[:match.start()] + '[' + \ string[match.start():match.end()] + \ ']' + string[match.end():] if len(match.groups()) > 0: for i in range(len(match.groups())): s += '\ngroup %d: [%s]' % (i+1,match.groups()[i]) else: s += 'No match' return s
def setprofile(include='', exclude=None, output=sys.stdout): """ Print a message on method call/return/exception. @param include: A regular expression for output filtering. The regular expression is applied to the output string, which is on the format 'event filename(line): classname.methodname'. For example, setprofile(os.getcwd()) prints only methods that are defined in python files in this directory and subdirectories. setprofile('^c_') prints only C invocations. And so on. @param exclude: Another regular expression. """ include = re.compile(include) exclude = exclude and re.compile(exclude) def prof(frame, event, arg): meth = frame.f_code.co_name try: cls = frame.f_locals['self'] if isinstance(cls, object): cls = cls.__class__ meth = '.'.join([cls.__name__, meth]) except KeyError: pass s = '%s: %s(%s): %s\n' % (event, frame.f_code.co_filename, frame.f_lineno, meth) if and not (exclude and output.write(s) sys.setprofile(prof)