Source code for scitools.NumPyDB

#!/usr/bin/env python
Efficient database for NumPy objects.

import sys, os, pickle, re
from scitools.numpytools import *

[docs]class NumPyDB:
[docs] def __init__(self, database_name, mode='store'): self.filename = database_name self.dn = self.filename + '.dat' # NumPy array data = self.filename + '.map' # positions & identifiers if mode == 'store': # bring files into existence: fd = open(self.dn, 'w'); fd.close() fm = open(, 'w'); fm.close() elif mode == 'load': # check if files are there: if not os.path.isfile(self.dn) or \ not os.path.isfile( raise IOError("Could not find the files %s and %s" %\ (self.dn, # load mapfile into list of tuples: fm = open(, 'r') lines = fm.readlines() self.positions = [] for line in lines: # first column contains file positions in the # file .dat for direct access, the rest of the # line is an identifier c = line.split() # append tuple (position, identifier): self.positions.append((int(c[0]), ' '.join(c[1:]).strip())) fm.close()
[docs] def locate(self, identifier, bestapprox=None): # base class """ Find position in files where data corresponding to identifier are stored. bestapprox is a user-defined function for computing the distance between two identifiers. """ identifier = identifier.strip() # first search for an exact identifier match: selected_pos = -1 selected_id = None for pos, id in self.positions: if id == identifier: selected_pos = pos; selected_id = id; break if selected_pos == -1: # 'identifier' not found? if bestapprox is not None: # find the best approximation to 'identifier': min_dist = \ bestapprox(self.positions[0][1], identifier) for pos, id in self.positions: d = bestapprox(id, identifier) if d <= min_dist: selected_pos = pos; selected_id = id min_dist = d return selected_pos, selected_id
[docs] def dump(self, a, identifier): # empty base class func. """Dump NumPy array a with identifier.""" raise NameError("dump is not implemented; must be impl. in subclass")
[docs] def load(self, identifier, bestapprox=None): """Load NumPy array with identifier or find best approx.""" raise NameError("load is not implemented; must be impl. in subclass")
[docs]class NumPyDB_text(NumPyDB): """Use plain ASCII string representation."""
[docs] def __init__(self, database_name, mode='store'): NumPyDB.__init__(self, database_name, mode) # simple dump:
def dump(self, a, identifier): """Dump NumPy array a with identifier.""" fd = open(self.dn, 'a'); fm = open(, 'a') fm.write("%d\t\t %s\n" % (fd.tell(), identifier)) fd.write(repr(a)) fd.close(); fm.close() # more efficient dump (due to Mario Pernici <>)
[docs] def dump(self, a, identifier): """Dump NumPy array a with identifier.""" fd = open(self.dn, 'a'); fm = open(, 'a') fm.write("%d\t\t %s\n" % (fd.tell(), identifier)) fmt = 'array([' + '%s,'*(a.size-1) + '%s])\n' fd.write(fmt % tuple(ravel(a))) fd.close(); fm.close()
[docs] def load(self, identifier, bestapprox=None): """ Load NumPy array with a given identifier. In case the identifier is not found, bestapprox != None means that an approximation is sought. The bestapprox argument is then taken as a function that can be used for computing the distance between two identifiers id1 and id2. """ pos, id = self.locate(identifier, bestapprox) if pos < 0: return [None, "not found"] fd = open(self.dn, 'r') # load the correct number of bytes; look at the next pos # value in self.positions (impossible if a dictionary is # used for self.positions - we need the order of the items!) for j in range(len(self.positions)): p = self.positions[j][0] if p == pos: try: s =[j+1][0] - p) except IndexError: # last self.positions entry reached, # just read the rest of the file: s = break a = eval(s) fd.close() return [a, id]
[docs]class NumPyDB_pickle (NumPyDB): """Use basic Pickle class."""
[docs] def __init__(self, database_name, mode='store'): NumPyDB.__init__(self,database_name, mode)
[docs] def dump(self, a, identifier): """Dump NumPy array a with identifier.""" fd = open(self.dn, 'a'); fm = open(, 'a') fm.write("%d\t\t %s\n" % (fd.tell(), identifier)) pickle.dump(a, fd, 1) # 1: binary storage fd.close(); fm.close()
[docs] def load(self, identifier, bestapprox=None): """ Load NumPy array with a given identifier. In case the identifier is not found, bestapprox != None means that an approximation is sought. The bestapprox argument is then taken as a function that can be used for computing the distance between two identifiers id1 and id2. """ pos, id = self.locate(identifier, bestapprox) if pos < 0: return None, "not found" fd = open(self.dn, 'r') a = pickle.load(fd) fd.close() return a, id
import cPickle
[docs]class NumPyDB_cPickle (NumPyDB): """Use basic cPickle class."""
[docs] def __init__(self, database_name, mode='store'): NumPyDB.__init__(self,database_name, mode)
[docs] def dump(self, a, identifier): """Dump NumPy array a with identifier.""" # fd: datafile, fm: mapfile fd = open(self.dn, 'a'); fm = open(, 'a') # fd.tell(): return current position in datafile fm.write("%d\t\t %s\n" % (fd.tell(), identifier)) cPickle.dump(a, fd, 1) # 1: binary storage fd.close(); fm.close()
[docs] def load(self, identifier, bestapprox=None): """ Load NumPy array with a given identifier. In case the identifier is not found, bestapprox != None means that an approximation is sought. The bestapprox argument is then taken as a function that can be used for computing the distance between two identifiers id1 and id2. """ pos, id = self.locate(identifier, bestapprox) if pos < 0: return [None, "not found"] fd = open(self.dn, 'r') a = cPickle.load(fd) fd.close() return [a, id]
import shelve
[docs]class NumPyDB_shelve: """Implement the database via shelving."""
[docs] def __init__(self, database_name, mode='store'): self.filename = database_name # no suffix, only one file if mode == 'load': # since the keys() function in a shelf object # is slow, we store the keys: fd = self.keys = fd.keys() fd.close()
[docs] def dump(self, a, identifier): """Dump NumPy array a with identifier.""" identifier = identifier.strip() fd = fd[identifier] = a fd.close()
[docs] def locate(self, identifier, bestapprox=None): """Return identifier key in shelf.""" selected_id = None identifier = identifier.strip() if identifier in self.keys: selected_id = identifier else: if bestapprox: # find the best approximation to 'identifier': min_dist = bestapprox(self.keys[0], identifier) for id in self.keys: d = bestapprox(id, identifier) if d <= min_dist: selected_id = id min_dist = d return selected_id
[docs] def load(self, identifier, bestapprox=None): """ Load NumPy array with a given identifier. In case the identifier is not found, bestapprox != None means that an approximation is sought. The bestapprox argument is then taken as a function that can be used for computing the distance between two identifiers id1 and id2. """ id = self.locate(identifier, bestapprox) if not id: return None, "not found" fd = a = fd[id] fd.close() return a, id # np.load/dump # joblib.load/dump
[docs]def float_dist(id1, id2): """ Compute distance between two identities for NumPyDB. Assumption: id1 and id2 are real numbers (but always sent as strings). This function is typically used when time values are used as identifiers. """ return abs(float(id1) - float(id2))
[docs]def test_dist(id1, id2): """ Return distance between identifiers id1 and id2. The identifiers are of the form 'time=some number'. """ # extract the numbers using regex: #t1 ="time=(.*)", id1).group(1) #t2 ="time=(.*)", id2).group(1) t1 = id1[5:]; t2 = id2[5:] d = abs(float(t1) - float(t2)) return d
[docs]def main(n, length, method, name): out = "dumping/loading %d %d-arrays data with the %s method took" \ % (n,length,method) if method == "pickle": dataout = NumPyDB_pickle(name, 'store') elif method == "cPickle": dataout = NumPyDB_cPickle(name, 'store') elif method == "shelve": dataout = NumPyDB_shelve(name, 'store') elif method == "text": dataout = NumPyDB_text(name, 'store') else: raise ValueError("illegal method name='%s'" % method) import time t0 = time.clock() for i in range(n): u = arange(i, length/2+i, 0.4999999) # (generate numbers with many digits so repr(u) has # a representative size (not just integers, for instance)) dataout.dump(u, 'time=%e' % float(i)) if method == "pickle": datain = NumPyDB_pickle(name, 'load') elif method == "cPickle": datain = NumPyDB_cPickle(name, 'load') elif method == "shelve": datain = NumPyDB_shelve(name, 'load') elif method == "text": datain = NumPyDB_text(name, 'load') else: raise ValueError("illegal method name='%s'" % method) w = datain.load('time=4') print "identifier='time=4':", w # not found, no exact match for 't=4', should have # 'time=4.000000e+00' w = datain.load('time=4.000000e+00') print "identifier='time=4.000000e+00': found" if len(w[0]) < 20: print w[0] w = datain.load('time=5', bestapprox=test_dist) print "identifier='time=5' and bestapprox=test_dest found" if len(w[0]) < 20: print w[0] t1 = time.clock() print "%s %.2f s" % (out, t1-t0) if os.path.isfile(name+'.dat'): filesize = os.path.getsize(name+'.dat')/1000000.0 elif os.path.isfile(name): # shelve technique leads to no extension filesize = os.path.getsize(name)/1000000.0 print "filesize=%.2fMb\n\n" % filesize for filename in (name+'.dat', name+'.map', name): if os.path.isfile(filename): os.remove(filename)
if __name__ == '__main__': try: n = int(sys.argv[1]) except: n = 12 try: length = int(sys.argv[2]) except: length = 10 try: methods = [sys.argv[3]] except: methods = ['pickle','cPickle','shelve','text'] print 'NumPy array type:', basic_NumPy for method in methods: main(n, length, method, "tmpdata_" + method)