.. !split Numerical integration ===================== Finite element codes usually apply numerical approximations to integrals. Since the integrands in the coefficient matrix often are (lower-order) polynomials, integration rules that can integrate polynomials exactly are popular. The numerical integration rules can be expressed in a common form, .. _Eq:_auto57: .. math:: \tag{107} \int_{-1}^{1} g(X){\, \mathrm{d}X} \approx \sum_{j=0}^M w_j g(\bar X_j), where :math:`\bar X_j` are *integration points* and :math:`w_j` are *integration weights*, :math:`j=0,\ldots,M`. Different rules correspond to different choices of points and weights. The very simplest method is the *Midpoint rule*, .. _Eq:_auto58: .. math:: \tag{108} \int_{-1}^{1} g(X){\, \mathrm{d}X} \approx 2g(0),\quad \bar X_0=0,\ w_0=2, which integrates linear functions exactly. .. _fem:approx:fe:numint1: Newton-Cotes rules ------------------ .. index:: single: numerical integration; Midpoint rule .. index:: single: numerical integration; Trapezoidal rule .. index:: single: numerical integration; Simpson's rule .. index:: single: numerical integration; Newton-Cotes formulas .. index:: Midpoint rule .. index:: Trapezoidal rule .. index:: Simpson's rule .. index:: Newton-Cotes rules The `Newton-Cotes `__ rules are based on a fixed uniform distribution of the integration points. The first two formulas in this family are the well-known *Trapezoidal rule*, .. _Eq:fem:approx:fe:numint1:trapez: .. math:: \tag{109} \int_{-1}^{1} g(X){\, \mathrm{d}X} \approx g(-1) + g(1),\quad \bar X_0=-1,\ \bar X_1=1,\ w_0=w_1=1, and *Simpson's rule*, .. _Eq:fem:approx:fe:numint1:Simpson: .. math:: \tag{110} \int_{-1}^{1} g(X){\, \mathrm{d}X} \approx \frac{1}{3}\left(g(-1) + 4g(0) + g(1)\right), where .. _Eq:_auto59: .. math:: \tag{111} \bar X_0=-1,\ \bar X_1=0,\ \bar X_2=1,\ w_0=w_2=\frac{1}{3},\ w_1=\frac{4}{3}{\thinspace .} Newton-Cotes rules up to five points is supported in the module file `numint.py `__. For higher accuracy one can divide the reference cell into a set of subintervals and use the rules above on each subinterval. This approach results in *composite* rules, well-known from basic introductions to numerical integration of :math:`\int_{a}^{b}f(x){\, \mathrm{d}x}`. Gauss-Legendre rules with optimized points ------------------------------------------ .. index:: Gauss-Legendre quadrature More accurate rules, for a given :math:`M`, arise if the location of the integration points are optimized for polynomial integrands. The `Gauss-Legendre rules `__ (also known as Gauss-Legendre quadrature or Gaussian quadrature) constitute one such class of integration methods. Two widely applied Gauss-Legendre rules in this family have the choice .. _Eq:_auto60: .. math:: \tag{112} M=1:\quad \bar X_0=-\frac{1}{\sqrt{3}},\ \bar X_1=\frac{1}{\sqrt{3}},\ w_0=w_1=1 .. _Eq:_auto61: .. math:: \tag{113} M=2:\quad \bar X_0=-\sqrt{\frac{3}{{5}}},\ \bar X_0=0,\ \bar X_2= \sqrt{\frac{3}{{5}}},\ w_0=w_2=\frac{5}{9},\ w_1=\frac{8}{9}{\thinspace .} These rules integrate 3rd and 5th degree polynomials exactly. In general, an :math:`M`-point Gauss-Legendre rule integrates a polynomial of degree :math:`2M+1` exactly. The code ``numint.py`` contains a large collection of Gauss-Legendre rules. .. 2DO .. Newton-Cotes: bedre med det som overskrift over .. Later: .. lumped mass via num int; example or exercise .. non-uniform meshes .. hand-calculation, extend software? .. example: half a Gaussian hat with one fine-grid area and a coarse-grid area .. adaptivity