DocOnce Tutorial: Document Once, Include Anywhere

Hans Petter Langtangen [1, 2]

[1] Center for Biomedical Computing, Simula Research Laboratory
[2] Department of Informatics, University of Oslo

Oct 24, 2017

Some DocOnce Features

What Does DocOnce Look Like?

DocOnce text looks like ordinary text (much like Markdown ), but there are some almost invisible text constructions that allow you to control the formating. Here are some examples.

[name: comment...]

1: In fact, DocOnce allows basic GitHub-extended Markdown syntax as input. This is attractive for newcomers from Markdown or writers who also write Markdown documents (or uses Markdown frequently at GitHub).

Write DocOnce documents in a text editor with monospace font! Some DocOnce constructions are sensitive to whitespace (indentation in lists is a primary example), so you must use a text editor with monospace font (also known as verbatim text). Never use fonts like Arial or Helvetica. Other popular markup languages such as Sphinx and Markdown are also sensitive to whitespace and require a monospace font.

What Can DocOnce Be Used For?

LaTeX is ideal for articles, thesis, and books, but the PDF files does not look fresh and modern on tablets and phones or big computer screens. For the latter type of media you need HTML-based documents with strong support for nice layouts. Tools like Sphinx, Markdown, or plain HTML with Bootstrap are then more appropriate than LaTeX, but involves a very different syntax. DocOnce lets you write one text in one place and then generate the most appropriate language for the media you want to target. DocOnce also has many extra features for supporting large documents with much code and mathematics, not found in any of other publishing tool.

Writing Guidelines (Especially for LaTeX Users!)

LaTeX writers often have their own writing habits with use of their own favorite LaTeX packages. DocOnce is a much simpler format and corresponds to writing in quite plain LaTeX and making the ascii text look nice (be careful with the use of white space!). This means that although DocOnce has borrowed a lot from LaTeX, there are a few points LaTeX writers should pay attention to. Experience shows that these points are so important that we list them before we list typical DocOnce syntax!

Any LaTeX syntax in mathematical formulas is accepted when DocOnce translates the text to LaTeX, but if output in the sphinx, pandoc, mwiki, html, or ipynb formats is also important, one should follow the rules below.

2: There is an exception: by using user-defined environments within !bu-name and !eu-name directives, it is possible to label any type of text and refer to it. For example, one can have environments for examples, tables, code snippets, theorems, lemmas, etc. One can also use Mako functions to implement enviroments.

Use the preprocessor to tailor output. If you really need special LaTeX constructs in the LaTeX output from DocOnce, you may use use preprocessor if-tests on the format (typically #if FORMAT in ("latex", "pdflatex")) to include such special LaTeX code. With an else clause you can easily create corresponding constructions for other formats. This way of using Preprocess or Mako allows advanced LaTeX features, or HTML features for the HTML formats, and thereby fine tuning of the resulting document. More tuning can be done by automatic editing of the output file (e.g., .tex or .html) produced by DocOnce using your own scripts or the doconce replace and doconce subst commands.

Autotranslation of LaTeX to DocOnce? The tool doconce latex2doconce may help you translating LaTeX files to DocOnce syntax. However, if you use computer code in floating list environments, special packages for typesetting algorithms, example environments, subfigure in figures, or a lot of newcommands in the running text, there will be need for a lot of manual edits and adjustments.

For examples, figure environments can be translated by the program doconce latex2doconce only if the label is inside the caption and the figure is typeset like

  \caption{This is a figure. \labe{myfig}}

If the LaTeX is consistent with respect to placement of the label, a simple script can autoedit the label inside the caption, but many LaTeX writers put the label at different places in different figures, and then it becomes more difficult to autoedit figures and translate them to the DocOnce FIGURE: syntax.

Tables are hard to interpret and translate, because the headings and caption can be typeset in many different ways. The type of table that is recognized looks like

\caption{Here goes the caption.}
\multicolumn{1}{c}{$v_0$} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{$f_R(v_0)$}\\
1.2 & 4.2\\
1.1 & 4.0\\
0.9 & 3.7

Recall that table captions do not make sense in DocOnce since tables must be inlined and explained in the surrounding text.

Footnotes are also problematic for doconce latex2doconce since DocOnce footnotes must have the explanation outside the paragraph where the footnote is used. This calls for manual work. The translator from LaTeX to DocOnce will insert _PROBLEM_ and mark footnotes. One solution is to avoid footnotes in the LaTeX document if fully automatic translation is desired.

Basic Syntax

Here is an example of some simple text written in the DocOnce format:

======= First a Section Heading =======

===== Then a Subsection Heading =====

=== Finally a Subsubection Heading ===

You can also have paragraphs with a paragraph heading surrounded
by double underscores are the beginning of a line.

__This is a paragraph heading.__
And here comes the text.

===== A Subsection with Sample Text =====

Ordinary text looks like ordinary text, but must always start at the
beginning of lines. Tags used for _boldface_ words, *emphasized*
words, and `computer` words look natural in plain text.  Quotations
appear inside double backticks and double single quotes, as in ``this

Below the section title we have a *label*, which can be used to
refer to Section ref{my:first:sec}.
References to equations, such as (ref{myeq1}), work in the same
LaTeX-inspired way.

Lists are typeset as you would do in email,

  * item 1
  * item 2,
    perhaps with a 2nd line
  * item 3

Note the consistent use of indentation (as in Python programming!).
Lists can also have automatically numbered items instead of bullets,

  o item 1
  o item 2
  o item 3,
    but be careful with the indentation of the next lines!

URLs with a link word are possible, as in "hpl": "".
If the word is just URL, the URL itself becomes the link name,
as in URL: "". DocOnce distinguishes between paper
and screen output. In traditional paper output, in PDF generated from LaTeX
generated from DocOnce, the URLs of links appear as footnotes.
With screen output, all links are clickable hyperlinks, except in
the plain text format which does not support hyperlinks.

__Inline comments.__
DocOnce also allows inline comments of the form [name: comment] (with
a space after `name:`), e.g., such as [hpl: here I will make some
remarks to the text]. Inline comments can be removed from the output
by a command-line argument (see Section ref{doconce2formats} for an
example). Inline comments can also be used for detailed editing of
text, much like track changes in word, to illustrate how a text
is revised. (However, for seeing how others have revised the text, I
strongly recommend using Git for version control and running `git diff`
on the appropriate versions, or you can click on differences at
GitHub if the files are hosted there.)

__Footnotes.__ Adding a footnote[^footnote] is also possible.

[^footnote]: The syntax for footnotes is borrowed from Extended Markdown.

Tables are also written in the plain text way, e.g.,

  |time  | velocity | acceleration |
  | 0.0  | 1.4186   | -5.01        |
  | 2.0  | 1.376512 | 11.919       |
  | 4.0  | 1.1E+1   | 14.717624    |

The characters `c`, `r`, and `l` can be inserted, as illustrated above,
for aligning the headings and the columns (center, right, left).
One can also use `X` for potentially very long text in a column (will be

# Lines beginning with # are comment lines.

The DocOnce text above results in the following little document:

First a Section Heading

Then a Subsection Heading

Finally a Subsubection Heading

You can also have paragraphs with a paragraph heading surrounded by double underscores are the beginning of a line.

This is a paragraph heading. And here comes the text.

A Subsection with Sample Text

Ordinary text looks like ordinary text, but must always start at the beginning of lines. Tags used for boldface words, emphasized words, and computer words look natural in plain text. Quotations appear inside double backticks and double single quotes, as in "this example".

Below the section title we have a label, which can be used to refer to the section A Subsection with Sample Text. References to equations, such as '\eqref{myeq1}', work in the same LaTeX-inspired way.

Lists are typeset as you would do in email,

Note the consistent use of indentation (as in Python programming!). Lists can also have automatically numbered items instead of bullets,
  1. item 1
  2. item 2
  3. item 3, but be careful with the indentation of the next lines!
Hyperlinks. URLs with a link word are possible, as in hpl. If the word is just URL, the URL itself becomes the link name, as in DocOnce distinguishes between paper and screen output. In traditional paper output, in PDF generated from LaTeX generated from DocOnce, the URLs of links appear as footnotes. With screen output, all links are clickable hyperlinks, except in the plain text format which does not support hyperlinks.

Inline comments. DocOnce also allows inline comments of the form (name 1: comment) (with a space after name:), e.g., such as (hpl 2: here I will make some remarks to the text) . Inline comments can be removed from the output by a command-line argument (see the section From DocOnce to Other Formats for an example). Inline comments can also be used for detailed editing of text, much like track changes in word, to illustrate how a text is revised. (However, for seeing how others have revised the text, I strongly recommend using Git for version control and running git diff on the appropriate versions, or you can click on differences at GitHub if the files are hosted there.)

Footnotes. Adding a footnote is also possible.

3: The syntax for footnotes is borrowed from Extended Markdown.

Tables. Tables are also written in the plain text way, e.g.,

time velocity acceleration
0.0 1.4186 -5.01
2.0 1.376512 11.919
4.0 1.1E+1 14.717624

The characters c, r, and l can be inserted, as illustrated above, for aligning the headings and the columns (center, right, left).


Inline mathematics, such as \( \nu = \sin(x) \) is written exactly as in LaTeX:

$\nu = \sin(x)$

Blocks of mathematics are typeset with raw LaTeX, inside !bt and !et (begin TeX, end TeX) directives:

{\partial u\over\partial t} &= \nabla^2 u + f,
{\partial v\over\partial t} &= \nabla\cdot(q(u)\nabla v) + g

The result looks like this: $$ \begin{align} {\partial u\over\partial t} &= \nabla^2 u + f, \label{myeq1}\\ {\partial v\over\partial t} &= \nabla\cdot(q(u)\nabla v) + g \label{_auto1} \end{align} $$ Of course, such blocks only looks nice in formats with support for LaTeX mathematics (this includes latex, pdflatex, html, sphinx, ipynb, pandoc, and mwiki). Simpler formats have to just list the raw LaTeX syntax.

Remark. Although DocOnce allows user-defined styles in the preamble of LaTeX output, HTML-based output cannot make use of such styles. If-else constructs for the preprocessor can be used to allow special LaTeX environments for LaTeX output and alternative typesetting for other formats, but it is recommended to stay away from special environments in the text and write in a simpler fashion. For example, DocOnce has no special construction for algorithms, so these must be simulated by lists or verbatim blocks. Other constructions that should be avoided include margin notes, special tables, and subfigure (combine image files to one file instead, via doconce combine_images).

Computer Code

You can have blocks of computer code, starting and ending with !bc and !ec instructions, respectively.

!bc pycod
from math import sin, pi
def myfunc(x):
    return sin(pi*x)

import integrate
I = integrate.trapezoidal(myfunc, 0, pi, 100)

Such blocks are formatted as

from math import sin, pi
def myfunc(x):
    return sin(pi*x)

import integrate
I = integrate.trapezoidal(myfunc, 0, pi, 100)

A code block must come after some plain sentence (at least for successful output to sphinx, rst, and formats close to plain text), not directly after a section/paragraph heading or a table.

Blocks of computer code has named environments, such as pycod. The py stands for Python and cod indicates a code snippet that cannot be run without more code. Another example is fpro, f for Fortran and pro for a complete program that will run as it stands. There is support for code in C, C++, Fortran, Java, Python, Perl, Ruby, JavaScript, HTML, and LaTeX,

One can also copy computer code directly from files, either the complete file or specified parts, e.g,

 @@@CODE src/ fromto: def regression\(@import mymod

The copying is based on regular expressions and not on line numbers, which makes the specifications much more robust during software and document developing. With the @@@CODE command, computer code is never duplicated in the documentation (important for the principle of avoiding copying information!) and once the software is updated, the next compilation of the document is up-to-date.

Inclusion of files. Another DocOnce document or any file can be included by writing # #include "" at the beginning of a line. DocOnce documents have extension do.txt. The do part stands for doconce, while the trailing .txt denotes a text document so that editors gives you plain text editing capabilities.

Macros (Newcommands), Cross-References, Index, and Bibliography

DocOnce supports a type of macros via a LaTeX-style newcommand construction. The newcommands are defined in files with names newcommands*.tex, using standard LaTeX syntax. Only newcommands for use inside LaTeX math environments are supported. (But you can define any type of macros through Mako functions!)

Labels, corss-references, citations, and support of an index and bibliography are much inspired by LaTeX syntax, but DocOnce features no backslashes. Use labels for sections and equations only, and preceed the reference by "Section" or "Chapter", or in case of an equation, surround the reference by parenthesis.

Here is an example:

===== My Section =====

idx{key equation} idx{$\u$ conservation}

We refer to Section ref{sec:yoursec} for background material on
the *key equation*. Here we focus on the extension

# \Ddt, \u and \mycommand are defined in newcommands_keep.tex

\Ddt{\u} = \mycommand{v},
where $\Ddt{\u}$ is the material derivative of $\u$.
Equation \eqref{mysec:eq:Dudt} is important in a number
of contexts, see cite{Larsen_et_al_2002,Johnson_Friedman_2010a}.
Also, cite{Miller_2000} supports such a view.

As see in Figure ref{mysec:fig:myfig}, the key equation
features large, smooth regions *and* abrupt changes.

FIGURE: [fig/myfile, width=600 frac=0.9] My figure. label{mysec:fig:myfig}

===== References =====


DocOnce applies Publish for specifying bibliographies because this tool has more functionality than BibTeX, but any BibTeX database can be automatically converted to the simple Publish format.

For further details on functionality and syntax we refer to the DocOnce manual.

From DocOnce to Other Formats

We refer to the manual for detailed information on how to compile a DocOnce document to various formats. Here we just give a glimpse of the possibilities.

Example: Make an HTML File

Suppose you have some DocOnce text in Here is how you compile that document to an HTML file mydoc.html, which can be viewed in a web browser:

Terminal> doconce format html mydoc --html_style=bootswatch_journal

There are lots of styles for HTML files, and bootswatch_journal is a fancy one. There are also lots of other command-line options for tailoring the compilation. Run doconce format --help to see a list of all options. Those that start with --html_ are specific for the HTML output format.


A DocOnce compilation has three stages:

  1. The preprocessor Preprocess is applied to, resulting in
  2. The preprocessor Mako is applied to, resulting in
  3. The text in is translated to the chosen output format.
The preprocessor stages are only run if you have applied preprocessor syntax. The Preprocess program allows you to include other files (usually other DocOnce files) in your document (nested includes are possible). You can also have if-else branching based on variables set on the command line. The Mako preprocessor is (much) more advanced and features if-else tests, loops, variables, and function calls. You can, e.g., write Python functions in Mako to make quite intelligent output (e.g., copy computer code from a certain directory based on a variable that tells which computer language the document is to apply). The preprocessors are definitely one of the strongest features of DocOnce.

Output Formats

DocOnce can be translated to many formats. For documents with much mathematics and/or computer code the following formats are suitable:

Other formats are


DocOnce has strong support for writing slides, see the slides demo for examples. Each slide starts with a subsection heading (5 =), preceded by !split to indicate a new slide. Section headings are used to mark parts of the presentation. The slides are compiled as any other DocOnce file, but there is usually a second step where the text is modified to become a proper slide text in the chosen output format. We refer to the manual for details and the DocOnce slide demo.

Several popular slide formats are supported:


Our short scientific report is a good starting point for seeing how DocOnce documents are written and get a demonstration of the vast choice of output formats and settings that are available.

There is also a demo of different slide formats.

DocOnce has support for responsive HTML documents with design and functionality based on Bootstrap styles. A Bootstrap demo illustrates the many possibilities for colors and layouts.

DocOnce also has support for exercises in quiz format. Pure quiz files can be automatically uploaded to Kahoot! online quiz games operated through smart phones (with the aid of quiztools for DocOnce to Kahoot! translation).

The current text is generated from a DocOnce format stored in the file


The file in the tutorial directory of the DocOnce source code contains a demo of how to produce a variety of formats.

© 2017, Hans Petter Langtangen