Creating Virtual Python Software Environments with Virtualenv

Author:Hans Petter Langtangen, Anders Johansen
Date:Aug 10, 2013


The most difficult aspect of installing a particular software package is usually to get all the dependencies right. That is, the package requires the existence of a lot of other packages on the computer system. These packages also have their dependencies. In addition, some packages only work with certain versions of other packages. Getting dependencies and software versions right quickly becomes a challenging problem. Even more critical is the fact that installing a new set of packages brings in other versions of some software that affect the behavior of previously installed software on the computer system.

To be specific, think of package a that depends on packages b and c in their respective versions 1.0 and 1.2 or newer. Then we install package d, which also requires package c, but in an older version 0.6. Package c in v0.6 overwrites v1.2, causing package a to break.

A good solution to the problem of incompatible dependencies, and in fact a good solution to handle dependencies in general, is to create an isolated virtual environment where we can install the packages in the versions we want. We can have several such isolated environments on our system and none of them interfere with the global software system. Also, we can easily delete an environment when it is no longer needed.

Creating an isolated environment with Virtualenv

Virtualenv is a tool that creates isolated Python environments. More precisely, it allows creating virtual environments that have different versions of Python and Python libraries. This makes it possible to test applications using different set of libraries, or checking if an upgrade of a library will cause errors, without affecting the computer system’s global Python installation with all its site-packages.

Note that Virtualenv can only contain Python packages. If an environment needs other types of software, this software must be installed separately and globally on the computer system.

The recommended way to install Virtualenv is from PyPi (the Python Package Index) using pip:

Terminal> sudo pip install virtualenv

The pip tool itself can be installed from pure Python source via the standard sudo python install command. On Debian systems (including Ubuntu) one can install pip by sudo apt-get install python-pip.

The virtualenv script creates a new virtual environment in a destination directory here named venv:

Terminal> virtualenv venv

By default, virtualenv will symlink to the system’s site-packages if the user installs a package in the virtual environment that is already installed globally on the computer system. To create a totally isolated environment one can use the -–no-site-packages switch when creating the environment:

Terminal> virtualenv --no-site-packages venv

One can apply the -p flag to specify which Python executable to use as the python program in the environment:

Terminal> virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2.6

The next step is to activate the virtual environment. To do this, we source the activation script from the bin subdirectory of the newly created venv directory:

Terminal> cd venv/
Terminal> source bin/activate

Successful execution of the activate script changes the prompt in the terminal window so that the prompt is prefixed with the name of the virtual environment one is using:

Terminal> source bin/activate

Packages we install will now be installed in the lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages directory within the environment, where X.Y is the Python version. First we install yolk, which is a simple tool for listing all installed Python packages:

(venv)Terminal> pip install yolk
(venv)Terminal> yolk -l

The latter command lists all Python packages installed in the current virtualenv. At this point, there is nothing more than the essential tools like Python and pip, and of course yolk itself.

Let us also install the Python web framework Django:

(venv)Terminal> pip install Django

Using yolk we see that the Django version we installed is 1.5.1:

(venv)Terminal> yolk -l | grep Django
Django          - 1.5.1        - active

Within a Virtualenv environment, the local python interpreter and local packages are always used:

(venv)Terminal> which python
(venv)Terminal> python -c 'import django as m; print m'
<module 'django' from '/some/path/to/venv/local/lib/...'>

What can be installed by pip install? The above examples have installed Python packages whose names and details are present in the Python Package Index (PyPi). One can also install from tarballs as long as the root directory of the tarball contains a file to do the installation:

(venv)Terminal> pip install ../some/dir/package.tar.gz
(venv)Terminal> pip install

Installation directly from the source in a version control system is also possible (if a resides in the root directory):

(venv)Terminal> pip install -e \
(venv)Terminal> pip install -e \

The syntax is pip install -e vcs+URL#egg=packaname, where vcs is the name of the version control system (hg, git, svn, cvs, bzr).

Creating a slightly different environment

Say that we have written an app for Django v1.5.1 and want to check that it is compatible with an earlier version of Django, e.g., v1.4.1. With Virtualenv this is very easy. All we need to do is deactivating the current virtual environment and create a new one where we install Django v1.4.1. Deactivation of an environment is done by the command deactivate:

(venv)Terminal> deactivate

Observe that deactivation removes the prompt prefix (venv). To re-activate, just run source bin/activate.

With the same procedure as before we create a new virtual environment, now called venv2, and source its activate file. This time we install a specific Django version:

Terminal> virtualenv venv2
Terminal> cd venv2
Terminal> source bin/activate
(venv2)Terminal> pip install yolk Django==1.4.1

As always, yolk is our tool to assure that the correct version a software is installed:

(venv2)Terminal> yolk -l | grep Django
Django          - 1.4.1        - active

Now we have two Python environments, venv with Django 1.5.1 and venv2 with Django 1.4.1. This makes it easy to test how the same app behaves on different versions of Django without making any changes to the system’s configuration. Just copy the files for the app to a directory in the virtual environment and run.

Copying an environment

There is not a good and easy way to fully share a virtual environment across machines. The most convenient solution is first to create the environment and then re-install this environment in a new environment. A requirements file can be used for this cause. First we use pip freeze to save a list of requirements to file:

(venv2)Terminal> pip freeze > requirements.txt

If all the above steps in creating the venv2 environment have been followed, the requirements file should have the following content:


In case one has also installed a Python package from the repository of a version control system, the particular commit version (and of course the URL) is recorded as data for that package.

To replicate exactly the same environment inside another Virtualenv environment, we create a new environment, say it is called venv3, copy the requirements.txt file to the venv3 environment, and use pip to install all the packages and their versions specified in requirements.txt at once:

(venv3)Terminal> pip install -r requirements.txt

A yolk -l command can be used to check the success of the multiple installations.

A word of caution is necessary here. Distributing a requirements.txt file produced by pip freeze will not always re-create an environment by a simple pip install -r requirements.txt. For example, the output from pip freeze may not account for the fact that some packages must be installed before others. When creating a Python environment for doing scientific computing, numpy is a package that must be installed before most other packages. Some packages can be challenging to compile via pip install (ScientificPython is an example, although manual execution of runs fine). Also, many Python scientific computing packages depend on much non-Python software that cannot be installed by pip. For such complex environments it is recommended to create a script that performs the manual installation tasks, but it can utilize pip to as large extent as possible.

Installing a scientific computing environment

Basic Python packages for scientific computing include numpy, sympy, matplotlib, scipy, ipython, nose, and odespy. Some of these packages depend on a series of non-Python software packages that must be installed on the system. These and other relevant Debian packages are

gcc g++ gfortran
libatlas-base-dev libsuitesparse-dev
tcl8.5-dev tk8.5-dev
subversion mercurial cvs git gitk
libfreetype6-dev libpng-dev
mayavi2 tcl-vtk

With this software in place, we can go on with pip install of Python packages:

Terminal> packages="numpy sympy matplotlib scipy ipython nose"
Terminal> for p in packages; do pip install $p; done
Terminal> pip install -e \

Note that pip install is preferred over apt-get install of Debian packages because pip will usually install a newer version of the package. It also opens up the possibility for installing the development version directly from the package’s repository on (e.g.) GitHub.

A pip freeze > requirements.txt results as usual in a list of the packages in the environment, but this file is not so useful.


This requirement file cannot be used to recreate the environment. The reason is that there is no way to impose a certain sequence of the packages for installation. This is demanded, because numpy must be installed before scipy, matplotlib, and most other packages for numerical computing. One must therefore provide a Bash script or Python program for installing the environment. Virtualenv is still useful for having multiple environments with different versions of, e.g., numpy and matplotlib, but pip install via a requirements.txt file is not possible.

A Bash script for installing the environment above may look like

apt="yes | sudo apt-get install"
$apt gcc g++ gfortran
$apt libatlas-base-dev libsuitesparse-dev
$apt tcl8.5-dev tk8.5-dev
$apt subversion mercurial cvs git gitk
$apt libfreetype6-dev libpng-dev
$apt mayavi2 tcl-vtk
$apt libsqlite3-dev

packages="numpy sympy matplotlib scipy ipython nose"
for p in packages; do pip install $p; done
pip install -e \

Other packages can be added to the script as well:

pip install -e hg+
# Do manual install of Scientific Python
if [ ! -d srclib ]; then mkdir scrlib; fi
cd srclib
hg clone
cd scientificpython
sudo python install
cd ../..

(hpl 1: Should refer to the Vagrant document for how to make a list of packages and then autogenerate scripts.)

References. * Virtualenv documentation