Problem setting

Scientific software soon gets very complicated to install because packages build on numerous other packages, some of which may be hard to compile and link successfully on a system. Those who frequently need to make sure their target audience (consisting typically of students, collaborators, or customers) has a certain set of packages installed on their system, run into a serious problem when few in the target audience have the competence, interest, and patience to install all the packages on their computer with its particular version of the operating system.

There are many working solutions to this problem:

A Vagrant machine is essentially a wrapper around VirtualBox which makes it very easy to build, distribute, and use a virtual machine. The present document describes how to create and operate a Vagrant machine. The target audience of the document is scientists who wants to spend a minimum of efforts on offering or using a complete computing environment with much sophisticated, hard-to-install mathematical software.

By host we mean the operating system used to build or run a Vagrant machine. Operating system commands issued on the host have a prompt Terminal> while commands issued in the Vagrant machine feature the prompt Machine>.