Source code for scitools.Regression

#!/usr/bin/env python

Regression module for automating regression tests.

    ================   =================================================
          Class                          Description
    ================   =================================================
    TestRun            utilities for easy set up of regression tests
    TestRunNumerics    extensions of TestRun for numerical computing
    Verify             search for test scripts, run them, compare
                       new results with reference results
    VerifyDiffpack     tailored Verify for Diffpack (incl. compilation)
    FloatDiff          visual diff between files with real numbers
    ================   =================================================


Let us start with a very simple Python script,, for which we
would like to create a regression test::

  #!/usr/bin/env python
  '''Numerical integration of circular motion.'''
  import math, sys, os

  R=1; w=2*math.pi;  # global constants
  def advance(x, y, dt, t):
      '''advance (x,y) point one time step dt with Forward Euler,
         the equations describe circular motion of a body:
         dx/dt = -w*R*cos(2pi*w*t), dy/dt = w*R*sin(2pi*w*t)
      x = x - dt*w*R*math.sin(w*t);  y = y + dt*w*R*math.cos(w*t)
      return (x,y)

  # integrate from 0 to tstop
      tstop = float(sys.argv[1]); dt = float(sys.argv[2])
      print 'Usage: %s tstop dt' % sys.argv[0]; sys.exit(1)

  # make output format compatible with the script:
  xmax = R*1.8; xmin = -xmax; ymin = xmin; ymax = xmax
  print xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax
  n = int(tstop/dt) + 1;
  x = R; y = 0
  for i in range(n):
      t = i*dt
      x, y = advance(x, y, dt, t)
      print x, y
  print 'end'

This script takes two input parameters from the command line:
the stop time for the simulation, and the time step.
The output is a series of numbers. We may run the script as::

  unix> python 3 0.1 > result

Let us assume that we are sure that the produced results in this
case are correct. A regression test then means that we can
automatically (in the future) run the above command and compare
the new results with archived correct results.

The procedure for using the Regression module in this examples
goes as follows.

  1. Create a name of the test, say "circle".
  2. Create circle.verify for running the test and saving
     desired results in a file circle.v.
  3. If we believe the results are correct, copy circle.v to
     circle.r. This circle.r file represents the archived correct

Later, we may run::

  unix> verify circle

to rerun the test and investigate differences between circle.v
(new results) and circle.r (archived correct results).
A whole directory tree can be examined for tests (.verify files)
by a similar command::

  unix> verify root-of-tree

Sometimes the new results are correct, but there are significant
differences between old and new results, because of, e.g., a change
in output formatting. New results can in this case be updated to
archive status by::

  unix> update root-of-tree

For the script, a typical circle.verify script takes
the following trivial form if we write it in bash::

  ./ 3 0.1 > circle.v

The Regression module has tools for running programs, automatically
measuring CPU time, selecting lines from a file to put in the .v
file, ignoring round-off errors in numerical results, etc.
A more sophisticated test, which also accounts for numerical precision
in the output, goes as follows (to understand the various statements
you will need to consult Appendix B.4 in the textbook "Python Scripting
for Computational Science", by H. P. Langtangen)::

  #!/usr/bin/env python
  import os, sys
  from Regression import TestRunNumerics, defaultfilter
  test = TestRunNumerics('circle2.v')'', options='1 0.21')
  # truncate numerical expressions in the output:
  # generate circle2.vd file in correct format:
  fd = open('circle2.vd', 'w')
  fd.write('## exact data\n')
  # grab the output from, throw away the
  # first and last line, and merge the numbers into
  # one column:
  cmd = ' 1 0.21'
  output = os.popen(cmd)
  res = output.readlines()
  numbers = []
  for line in res[1:-1]: # skip first and last line
      for r in line.split():
  # dump length of numbers and its contents:
  fd.write('%d\n' % len(numbers))
  for r in numbers: fd.write(r + '\n')

This sample script can be adapted to a wide range of cases.

import os, time, sys, string, re
from scitools.misc import system as os_system
from types import *
    import Tkinter, Pmw
    _has_TkPmw = True
except ImportError:
    # cannot run floatdiff tools
    _has_TkPmw = False

[docs]class TestRun: """ Utility for writing individual regression tests. Example on usage: from scitools.Regression import TestRun test = TestRun("test1.v") # run a program, place output on test1.v:"myprog", options="-g -p 3.2", inputfile="test1.i") # append a file to test1.v: test.append("res1.dat") """
[docs] def __init__(self, logfile, # .v file removepath=' ' # remove this from sys.argv[0] output ): """Clean up logfile, create a new one with header.""" # use absolute path such that it is easy to write to the # logfile even after an os.chdir is performed self.logfile = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),logfile) if string.find(logfile, '.v') == -1: raise ValueError('error in logfile name; must contain .v suffix') # remove logfile if it exists: if os.path.isfile(self.logfile): os.remove(self.logfile) # remove the detailed version as well: self.dlogfile = logfile + '-d' if os.path.isfile(self.dlogfile): os.remove(self.dlogfile) # make the logfile: vfile = open(self.logfile, 'w') tm = time.localtime(time.time()) removepath = removepath + '/' self.scriptfilename = string.replace(sys.argv[0],removepath,'') vfile.write('%s: test performed on %d.%02d.%02d ' % \ (self.scriptfilename,tm[0],tm[1],tm[2])) if == 'posix': # is 'posix', 'nt' or 'mac' # unix u = os.uname() #vfile.write('(%s %s running %s)' % (u[1],u[4],u[0])) # this information is repeated at the end vfile.write('\n\n') vfile.close() # make a scratch directory for storing, e.g., gif-files: if 'HOME' in os.environ: self.scratchdir = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], 'tmp') else: if sys.platform.startswith('win'): self.scratchdir = r'C:\regression_temp' else: self.scratchdir = '/tmp/regresson_temp' if os.path.isfile(self.scratchdir): os.remove(self.scratchdir) if not os.path.isdir(self.scratchdir): os.mkdir(self.scratchdir) # add current working directory to the path: os.environ['PATH'] = os.environ['PATH'] + os.pathsep + os.curdir
[docs] def run(self, program, options='', inputfile=''): """Run program, store output on logfile.""" # the logfile is always opened in the constructor so # we can safely append here vfile = open(self.logfile, 'a') vfile.write('\n#### Test: %s' % (self.scriptfilename)) vfile.write(' running %(program)s %(options)s\n' % vars()) vfile.close() # do not use time.clock() to measure CPU time; it will not # notice the CPU time(here waiting time) of a system command t0 = os.times() # [user,system,cuser,csystem,elapsed] if inputfile == '': cmd = '%s %s >> %s' % (program,options,self.logfile) else: cmd = '%s %s < %s >> %s' % (program,options,inputfile,self.logfile) failure, output = os_system(cmd, failure_handling='silent') if failure: vfile = open(self.logfile, 'a') msg = 'ERROR in %s: execution failure arose from the ' \ 'command\n %s\n\n%s\n\n' % (self.scriptfilename,cmd,output) vfile.write(msg) vfile.close() print msg # write CPU time of system command(user+system time # of child processes): t1 = os.times(); tm = t1[2] - t0[2] + t1[3] - t0[3] vfile = open(self.logfile, 'a') vfile.write('CPU time of %(program)s: %(tm).1f seconds' % vars()) #if'(x|sun)',sys.platform): if == 'posix': # is 'posix', 'nt' or 'mac' # unix u = os.uname() vfile.write(' on %s %s, %s' % (u[1],u[4],u[0])) vfile.write('\n\n')
[docs] def loadfile(self, file): """Return a file as a list of lines for text processing.""" if not os.path.isfile(file): print 'File',file,'does not exist'; sys.exit(1) FILE = open(file, 'r') lines = FILE.readlines() FILE.close() return lines
[docs] def grepfile(self, regex, file, return_lineinfo=1): """ Return a text consisting of the lines matching regex (regex can be string or list of strings, and return_lineinfo is true if each matched line is prefixed with the filename and the line file as a list of lines for text processing). """ if type(regex) == type(''): regex = [regex] # assume regex is a list of regex if not os.path.isfile(file): print 'File',file,'does not exist'; sys.exit(1) FILE = open(file, 'r') lines = FILE.readlines() FILE.close() matched_lines = [] line_counter = 0 for line in lines: line_counter += 1 for r in regex: if, line): if return_lineinfo: line = '%s %5d: ' % (file,line_counter) + line matched_lines.append(line) return string.join(matched_lines, '\n')
[docs] def write(self, text): """Write message to logfile.""" vfile = open(self.logfile, 'a') vfile.write('\n--------------------------------------------------\n') vfile.write(text + '\n') vfile.write( '--------------------------------------------------\n') vfile.close()
[docs] def silentrun(self, program, options=''): """Run program without storing output on logfile.""" if == 'posix': # can write to /dev/null: failure = os.system('%s %s > /dev/null' % (program,options)) else: failure = os.system('%s %s' % (program,options)) if failure: vfile = open(self.logfile, 'a') msg = 'ERROR in %s: execution failure with %s %s\n' % \ (self.scriptfilename,program,options) vfile.write(msg) print msg
[docs] def graphics(self, program, options=''): """ Run e.g. graphics program if the environment variable BATCH_REGRESSION is not set. """ batch = int(os.environ.get('BATCH_REGRESSION', 0)) if not batch: failure, output = os_system('%s %s' % (program,options), failure_handling='silent') if failure: vfile = open(self.logfile, 'a') msg = 'ERROR in %s: execution failure with %s %s\n%s\n' % \ (self.scriptfilename,program,options,output) vfile.write(msg) print msg
[docs] def append(self, file, maxlines=0): """Append a file or a list of files to the logfile.""" vfile = open(self.logfile, 'a') # We need different code depending in whether file is a string # (a filename) or a list of filenames(e.g. from glob.glob). # The types module defines the names of the built-in types # in Python(here we need StringType and ListType) if isinstance(file, str): filelist = [file] # make a list elif isinstance(file, list): filelist = file else: print 'ERROR in %s: append(file,...), the arg is of illegal '\ 'type %s' % (self.scriptfilename,type(file)) for f in filelist: if not os.path.isfile(f): vfile.write('%s: No file named %s was found by Regression.TestRun.append' % \ (self.scriptfilename,f)) print 'No file named',f,'was found by Regression.TestRun.append' sys.exit(1) FILE = open(f, 'r') lines = FILE.readlines() FILE.close() vfile.write('\n\n----- appending file %s ' % f) if maxlines <= 0: printlines=len(lines) # print all lines else: printlines = maxlines if printlines > len(lines): printlines = len(lines) else: vfile.write('(just %d lines) ' % printlines) vfile.write('------\n') #print 'treating file',f,'with',printlines,'lines' for i in range(printlines): vfile.write(lines[i]) vfile.close()
[docs] def picture(self, psfile): """Insert HTML commands for a gif picture.""" # convert to gif: filestem = re.sub(r'(.*)\.[e]?ps', '', psfile) print 'picture: psfile=',psfile,'filestem=',filestem os_system('convert %s gif:%s.gif' % (psfile, filestem)) pid = os.getpid() # use pid to makea unique giffile name giffile_with_full_path = '%s/%s-%d.gif' % \ (self.scratchdir,pid,filestem) os.rename('%s.gif %s' % (filestem, giffile_with_full_path)) self._insertgif (giffile_with_full_path)
[docs] def movie(self, list_of_psfiles): """Insert HTML commands for an animated gif picture.""" # convert to animated gif: filelist = string.join(list_of_psfiles, ' ') pid = os.getpid() # use pid to make unique giffile name giffile_with_full_path = '%s/anim-%d.gif' % \ (self.scratchdir,pid) print 'making an animated gif sequence of psfiles:',filelist os_system('convert -loop 60 -delay 10 %s %s' % \ (filelist,giffile_with_full_path)) self._insertgif (giffile_with_full_path)
def _insertgif (self, giffile_with_full_path): vfile = open(self.logfile, 'a') vfile.write('<IMG SRC="%s">' % giffile_with_full_path) # always trigger a diff by inserting a comment containing time.time(): vfile.write(' <!-- diff-triggering comment: %f -->\n<P>\n' %\ time.time())
[docs]class TestRunNumerics(TestRun): """ Extends class TestRun with an additional logfile for dump of large sets of floating-point numbers for a second-level regression test. """
[docs] def __init__(self, logfile, removepath=' '): TestRun.__init__(self, logfile, removepath) self.floatlogfile = logfile + 'd' if os.path.isfile(self.floatlogfile): os.remove(self.floatlogfile) # don't bring the float logfile into existence if not necessary
def _approxline(self, line, realfilter): """ Replace floating-point numbers in line by approximate numbers(computed by realfilter)(called from approx). """ # the returned line has name newline newline = line # regex for real numbers (but not integers, \. must be a part!) c = re.compile(r""" ( # start group [+\-]?\d\.\d+[Ee][+\-]\d\d # -1.34E-01 etc | # OR # %f format with more than 3 decimals: [+\-]?\d+\.\d\d\d\d+ # -1.2556, not 7, not 7., not 7.22 | # OR [+\-]?\.\d\d\d\d+ # .3656 (more than 4 decimals) ) # end group """, re.VERBOSE) # possible problem: 0 or 0.0 is never approximated by the # regex above (but 0.00E+00 is!) b = index = 0 # start of substring to test for next match while b: strno = no = float(strno) newno = realfilter(no) newline = string.replace(newline, strno, newno, 1) #print 'found %s, replaced by %s, to form\n %s\n' % (strno, newno, newline) # b.end() refers to local index in current substring: index = index + b.end() # further search in the substring starting with index: b =[index:]) return newline
[docs] def approx(self, realfilter): """ Run through logfile, find all real numbers and replace them by approximate real numbers computed by realfilter. """ logfile_copy = self.logfile+'.tmp' os.rename(self.logfile, logfile_copy) vfile = open(logfile_copy, 'r') afile = open(self.logfile, 'w') # new approximate logfile for line in vfile: # strip some digits: line = self._approxline(line, realfilter) # replace -0 by 0: line = re.sub(r'[eE]-00', 'e+00', line) line = re.sub(r'-0([, )])', '0\g<1>', line) afile.write(line) vfile.close() afile.close()
[docs] def floatdump(self, program, options=''): """Run program and direct output to self.floatlogfile.""" if not os.path.isfile(self.floatlogfile): # bring the float logfile into existence: ff = open(self.floatlogfile, 'w'); ff.close() cmd = '%s %s >> %s' % (program,options,self.floatlogfile) failure, output = os_system(cmd, failure_handling='silent') if failure: msg = 'ERROR in %s: execution failure arose from the ' \ 'command\n %s\n%s\n\n' % (self.scriptfilename,cmd,output) print msg # improvement: load output from system command into a list # of strings and examine the output format (must be in the # valid format!) OR: dump in a separate file, read it line # by line (better) and if the format is ok, append it # format specification: see test program at the end of the file
[docs]def defaultfilter(r): if abs(r) < 1.0E-14: r = 0.0 # set very small numbers to 0 exactly p = '%11.4e' % r return p
[docs]def exactfilter(r): if abs(r) < 1.0E-14: r = 0.0 # set very small numbers to 0 exactly p = '%g' % r # keep the precision return p
import stat
[docs]def walk(top, func, arg): """ Simple copy of os.path.walk, but does not break when a file marked for visit is deleted during the process. """ try: names = os.listdir(top) except os.error: return names.sort() func(arg, top, names) for name in names: name = os.path.join(top, name) try: st = os.lstat(name) if stat.S_ISDIR(st[stat.ST_MODE]): walk(name, func, arg) except: #print 'walk: could not work with the file',name #many files are naturally cleaned up during regression #tests (.o files e.g.) pass
[docs]class Verify: """ Automates regression tests by running through a directory tree, searching for .verify files, executing them and comparing .v with .r files. The result of the comparison (the differing lines) are reported in HTML documents. """
[docs] def __init__(self, root='.', # root directory or a single file task='verify', # 'verify' or 'update' diffsummary = 'verify_log', diffprog = None # alternatives: diff,, ): # files are opened with changing os.getcwd so we need full path: self.diffsummary = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), diffsummary + '.htm') self.diffdetails = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), diffsummary + '_details.htm') if diffprog is None: self.diffprog = os.environ.get('DIFFPROG', '') #self.diffprog = os.environ.get('DIFFPROG', 'diff') # Unix diff else: self.diffprog = diffprog # remove old files, create new ones: if os.path.isfile(self.diffsummary): os.remove(self.diffsummary) if os.path.isfile(self.diffdetails): os.remove(self.diffdetails) # use font colors in the HTML file to indicated the kind of diff self.GREEN = 'green'; self.RED = 'red' # bring files into existence and write HTML header: ds = open(self.diffsummary, 'w'); ds.write('<html><body>\n'\ '<font color=%s>%s color</font>: true differences<br>\n'\ '<font color=%s>%s color</font>: CPU time differences '\ 'only\n<p>\n' % (self.RED,self.RED,self.GREEN,self.GREEN)) ds.close() ds_d = open(self.diffdetails, 'w') ds_d.write('<html><body>\n') ds_d.close() self.testcounter = 0 # the main action: run tests and diff! if os.path.isdir(root): # walk through a directory structure: walk(root, self._search4verify, task) elif os.path.isfile(root): # run just a single test: file = root # root is just a file dirname = os.path.dirname(file) if dirname == '': dirname = os.getcwd() self._singlefile(dirname, task, os.path.basename(file)) else: print 'Verify: root=',root,'does not exist' sys.exit(1) # write HTML footer: ds = open(self.diffsummary, 'a'); ds.write('\n</body></html>\n') ds.close() ds_d = open(self.diffdetails, 'a') ds_d.write('\n</body></html>\n') ds_d.close()
def _singlefile(self, dirname, task, file): """Run a single regression test.""" # does the filename end with .verify? #if'\.verify$', file): # basename = re.sub(r'\.verify$', '', file) if file.endswith('.verify'): basename = file[:-7] if task == 'update': self._update(dirname, basename) elif task == 'verify': print '\n\nrunning verification test in', dirname, self._diff(dirname, basename, file) def _search4verify(self, task, dirname, files): """Called by function walk.""" # change directory to current directory: origdir = os.getcwd(); os.chdir(dirname) for file in files: self._singlefile(dirname, task, file) if task == 'verify': self.clean(dirname) # change directory back again (required by walk): os.chdir(origdir) def _update(self, dirname, basename): vfile = basename + '.v'; rfile = basename + '.r' if os.path.isfile(vfile): os.rename(vfile, rfile) print ' %s -> %s in %s' % (vfile,rfile,dirname) vfile = basename + '.vd'; rfile = basename + '.rd' if os.path.isfile(vfile): os.rename(vfile, rfile) print ' %s -> %s' % (vfile,rfile) def _diff(self, dirname, basename, scriptfile): """Run script and find differences from reference results.""" # run scriptfile, but ensure that it is executable os.chmod(scriptfile, 0755) # 0755: owner all, group+others can read and execute # 0644: owner r+w, group+others r # compare new output (.v) with reference results (.r) vfile = basename + '.v'; rfile = basename + '.r' if os.path.isfile(vfile): if not os.path.isfile(rfile): # if no rfile exists, copy vfile to rfile: os.rename(vfile, rfile) else: # compute difference: diffprog = self.diffprog if diffprog == '' or diffprog.startswith(''): # is slow for large files # choose another program if filesize > 50K Kb = os.path.getsize(vfile)/1000 if Kb > 50: diffprog = 'diff -w' # Unix C program print 'Warning: switching diff program from',\ self.diffprog, 'to', diffprog diffcmd = '%s %s %s' % (diffprog,rfile,vfile) print '...' + diffcmd time.sleep(1) res = os.popen(diffcmd).readlines() ndifflines = len(res) summaryline = '%(dirname)s: %(rfile)s '\ '%(vfile)s %(ndifflines)d lines' % vars() # no of tests so far: self.testcounter = self.testcounter + 1 ds = open(self.diffsummary, 'a') if ndifflines == 0: ds.write(summaryline); ds.write(' differ') else: # write more detailed info about differences # check if the diff lines are only CPU-time diffs if self.diffCPUonly(res): cpu_msg = ' (CPU time only!)' font_color = self.GREEN else: cpu_msg = '' font_color = self.RED ds.write('<FONT COLOR=%s>%s</FONT>' % \ (font_color,summaryline)) # link to file with details: anchor = 'part' + str(self.testcounter) ds.write(' <A HREF="%s#%s">differ</A>%s' % \ (self.diffdetails,anchor,cpu_msg)) # write the detailed summary: ds_d = open(self.diffdetails, 'a') ds_d.write('<P><A NAME="%s">'\ '<B>%s differ</B></A>'\ '<BR>The differences were calculated by %s.'\ '<PRE>\n' % (anchor,summaryline,diffprog)) ds_d.writelines(res) ds_d.write('\n</PRE>\n') if diffprog != self.diffprog: ds_d.write('<P><B>NOTE: %s was used instead of %s '\ 'because of the large filesizes!</B><P>' % \ (diffprog,self.diffprog)) # check if floating-point files are present: vfile = basename + '.vd'; rfile = basename + '.rd' if os.path.isfile(vfile): if not os.path.isfile(rfile): os.rename(vfile, rfile) else: # write a shell file that can be # executed from a link: shfilename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'tmp.'+basename+'') shfile = open(shfilename, 'w') shfile.write(' %s %s\n' %\ (vfile, rfile)) shfile.close() os.chmod(shfilename, 0755) ds_d.write( '<P><A HREF="%s">Floating-point difference '\ 'between %s and %s without any approximations</A>\n' % \ (shfilename,vfile, rfile)) # check if there _are_ differences... if == 'posix': diff = os.popen('diff %s %s | wc -l' % (vfile,rfile)).readlines() diff = int(diff[0]) if diff == 0: ds_d.write(' (no differences!)\n') ds_d.close() ds.write('<BR>\n') ds.close() else: print 'ran %s, but no %s.v file found - check that %s.verify defines %s.v as logfile' % (scriptfile,basename,basename,basename) sys.exit(1)
[docs] def diffCPUonly(self, difflines): # do all differing lines contain something with cpu or date? cpu_only = 1 for line in difflines: # avoid special lines and date: if not'---', line) \ and not'Diffpack Version ', line) \ and not': test performed on ', line) \ and not'^\d+c\d+$', line) \ and not'(Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun) \w{3}\s+\d+ \d\d:\d\d:\d\d \d{4}', line) \ and not'diff-triggering comment', line): if not'cpu', line, re.IGNORECASE): cpu_only = 0; break return cpu_only # the run function can be overrided in subclasses and tailored to special # tests where it is necessary to, e.g., compile special applications # prior to running the script
[docs] def run(self, scriptfile): # recall that os.chdir has been taken to the scriptfiles's dir path = os.path.join(os.curdir, scriptfile) # path is executable since we made an os.chmod in self._diff failure, output = os_system(path, failure_handling='silent') if failure: print 'Failure in regression test', path print output
[docs] def clean(self, dirname): return
[docs]class VerifyDiffpack(Verify): """ Extend class Verify with compilation of Diffpack applications, clean-up of applications, and a parameter self.makemode for running applications in opt or nopt mode. """
[docs] def __init__(self, root='.', task='verify', diffsummary = 'verify_log', diffprog = None, makemode = 'opt'): self.makemode = makemode # run all the stuff: Verify.__init__(self, root, task, diffsummary, diffprog)
[docs] def run(self, scriptfile): """Run script, but compile the application first.""" # is this a Verify directory? (recall that we have chdir'ed to dir) if string.count(os.getcwd(), '/Verify'): # go to parent directory (os.pardir is '..'): thisdir = os.getcwd(); os.chdir(os.pardir) #print '\na Verify dir with a parent dir\n ',os.getcwd(),\ # '\nLet's compile!\n' print '\n...compile app in', os.getcwd() if os.path.isfile('Makefile'): # yes, we have a makefile! failure, output = os_system('Make MODE=%s' % self.makemode, failure_handling='silent') if failure: print 'Could not compile in directory', os.getcwd() os.chdir(thisdir) # back to Verify dir print '\n\ regression test ''+scriptfile+'' for' # call parent class' run function:,scriptfile)
[docs] def clean(self, dirname): """Clean up files, typically executables etc.""" # is this a Verify directory? (recall that we have chdir'ed to dir) if string.count(os.getcwd(), '/Verify'): # go to parent directory and clean application: thisdir = os.getcwd(); os.chdir(os.pardir) if os.path.isfile('Makefile'): # yes, we have a makefile! failure, output = os_system('Make clean', failure_handling='silent') if failure: print 'Could not run Make clean in directory', os.getcwd() os.chdir(thisdir)
[docs]class FloatDiff:
[docs] def __init__(self, master, file1, file2): if not _has_TkPmw: # global variable set in top of the script raise ImportError('Could not import Tkinter and Pmw') self.master = master = Tkinter.Frame(master, borderwidth=5) self.GUI = 1 # true or false list = self.loadfiles(file1, file2) self.buildGUI(list, file1, file2) if self.GUI: self.canvas.resizescrollregion() # make the scrollbars right return
[docs] def loadfiles(self, file1, file2): """ Purpose: build "list", a list of relevant info for all differences found between file1 and file2 (list can afterwards be visualized in buildGUI). """ # first check if the files are identical: if == 'posix': diff = os.popen('diff %s %s | wc -l' % (file1,file2)).readlines() diff = int(diff[0]) if diff == 0: print 'files %s and %s are identical, no need to launch GUI' \ % (file1,file2) self.GUI = 0 return None list = [] f1 = open(file1, 'r'); f2 = open(file2, 'r') while 1: line1 = f1.readline(); line2 = f2.readline() if not line1 or not line2: break if'^##',line1): if line1 != line2: # strange; the two comment lines are different print 'two comment lines are different!' print 'line1:\n ', line1 print 'line2:\n ', line2 comment = line1 line1 = f1.readline(); line2 = f2.readline() if not line1 or not line2: print 'wrong datafile format; '\ 'comment line not proceeded by data' sys.exit(1) if line1 != line2: print '%s has %s items, whereas %s has %s items' % \ (file1,line1,file2,line2) break nitems1 = int(line1) differences = [] max = -1E+20; min = -max; avg = 0; for i in range(nitems1): s1 = f1.readline(); s2 = f2.readline() if not s1 or not s2: print 'wrong datafile format'; sys.exit(1) # test that only one number is there... (no space) if' ', s1) or' ', s2): print 'wrong datafile format' print 'lines:','\n',s1,'\n',s2; sys.exit(1) r1 = float(s1); r2 = float(s2) # statistics: if (r1 > max): max = r1 if (r1 < min): min = r1 avg = avg + r1 # difference? if s1 != s2: # report this difference: r = r1 - r2 differences.append((i, s1, s2, str(r))) avg = avg / nitems1 list.append((comment, differences, max, min, avg)) f1.close(); f2.close() return list
[docs] def buildGUI(self, list, file1, file2): """Build list of fields and canvas (text and plot).""" if not list or not self.GUI: return buttonframe = Tkinter.Frame( buttonframe.pack(side='left') canvasframe = Tkinter.Frame( canvasframe.pack(side='right') self.fieldlist = Pmw.ScrolledListBox(buttonframe, listbox_selectmode = 'extended', vscrollmode='dynamic', label_text = 'list of fields', labelpos = 'n', # needed if label_text is present listbox_width = 20, listbox_height = 20, selectioncommand = self.selectfield) self.fieldlist.pack() self.canvas = Pmw.ScrolledCanvas(canvasframe, borderframe = 1, labelpos = 'n', label_text = 'intelligent float diff between %s and %s' \ % (file1,file2), usehullsize = 1, hull_width = 800, hull_height = 500, vscrollmode = 'static', hscrollmode = 'static' ) self.canvas.pack(fill='both', expand=1) counter = 0 self.graphs = [] self.textdiffs = [] self.rdata = [] self.vdata = [] self.ycoor = [] maxdiffs = 0 for (comment, differences, max, min, avg) in list: n = len(differences) if n > maxdiffs: maxdiffs = n for (comment, differences, max, min, avg) in list: tag = 'tag' + str(counter) n = len(differences) if n == 0: continue # no diff, proceed with next textdiff = Tkinter.Text(self.canvas.interior(), width=52,height=maxdiffs+3,wrap='none') #width=52,height=str(maxdiffs)+'c',wrap='none') self.textdiffs.append(textdiff) textwin = self.canvas.create_window(0,0, anchor='nw', window=self.textdiffs[counter], tag=tag) textdiff.insert('end', 'line: %-10s %-10s float diff\n\n' % (file1,file2)) for (i,s1,s2,r) in differences: textdiff.insert('end', '%4d: ' % i) self.highlight(textdiff, s1.strip(), s2.strip()) textdiff.insert('end', '%-16g\n' % float(r)) # create graph: self.rdata.append(Pmw.Blt.Vector()) self.vdata.append(Pmw.Blt.Vector()) self.ycoor.append(Pmw.Blt.Vector()) # note: these vectors are recreated in the next part # of the loop, must have a list of such vectors, indexed # by counter! for j in range(n): self.ycoor[counter].append(j) for (i,s1,s2,r) in differences: self.vdata[counter].append(float(s1)) self.rdata[counter].append(float(s2)) graph = Pmw.Blt.Graph(self.canvas.interior(), width=300, height=str(maxdiffs)+'c') self.graphs.append(graph) graph.line_create('v', xdata=self.vdata[counter], ydata=self.ycoor[counter], label='new results', color='green', linewidth=2, dashes='', symbol='') graph.line_create('r', xdata=self.rdata[counter], ydata=self.ycoor[counter], label='reference', color='red', linewidth=2, dashes='', symbol='') graph.configure(title='plot of %s vs %s' % (file1,file2)) #self.vavg = Pmw.Blt.Vector(); self.vavg = [avg]*n # does not work! plotwin = self.canvas.create_window(420,0, anchor='nw', window=self.graphs[counter], tag=tag) graph.xaxis_configure(min=min, max=max) if n > 1: ymax = n-1 else: ymax = 1 graph.yaxis_configure(min=0, max=ymax, descending=1) # insert item in list: self.fieldlist.insert('end',comment.strip()) # strip trailing \n # button = Tkinter.Button(buttonframe, # text=comment, # command=lambda f=self.lift, c=self.canvas, # p=self.graphs[counter], t=self.textdiffs[counter]: # f(c,p,t)) # button.pack(side='top') counter = counter + 1 Tkinter.Button(buttonframe, text='QUIT', command=self.master.quit).pack(side='top',pady=5)
[docs] def selectfield(self): counter = int(self.fieldlist.curselection()[0]) self.lift(self.graphs[counter],self.textdiffs[counter])
[docs] def lift(self, win1, win2): win1.lift() win2.lift() # adapt the scroll region: self.canvas.resizescrollregion() #does not work with embedded windows: #self.canvas.lift(win1) #self.canvas.component('canvas').lift(win1)
[docs] def highlight(self, text, s1, s2): markers = [1] * max(len(s1),len(s2)) for i in range(min(len(s1),len(s2))): if s1[i] == s2[i]: markers[i] = 0 for i in range(len(s1)): if markers[i] == 0: text.insert('end', str(s1[i]), 'equal') else: text.insert('end', str(s1[i]), 'diff') for i in range(16-len(s1)): text.insert('end', ' ', 'equal') for i in range(len(s2)): if markers[i] == 0: text.insert('end', str(s2[i]), 'equal') else: text.insert('end', str(s2[i]), 'diff') text.tag_configure('diff', background='cyan') for i in range(16-len(s2)): text.insert('end', ' ', 'equal')
[docs]def verify_file_template(casename, floats=False): s = """\ #!/usr/bin/env python import os, sys from scitools.Regression import TestRunNumerics, defaultfilter test = TestRunNumerics('%s.v')'', options='...') # test.append(somefile) # truncate numerical expressions in the output: test.approx(defaultfilter) """ % (casename, casename) if floats: s += """ # generate %s.vd file in correct format: fd = open('%s.vd', 'w') fd.write('## exact data\n') # write out float data in some way # ... fd.close() """ % (casename, casename) vf = casename + '.verify' f = open(vf, 'w') f.write(s) f.close() print 'a template regression script is written to', vf # tests of the current module:
def _test_floatdiff(): root = Tkinter.Tk() #Pmw.initialise(root, fontScheme='pmw1') root.title('intelligent float diff') # make two files with almost equal data: file1 = 'tmptest.v'; file2 = 'tmptest.r' f1 = open(file1, 'w'); f2 = open(file2, 'w') f1.write("""## field1 10 1.345 3.45 6.9 4 9 8.999999 1.065432E-01 1.07E-01 1.06E-01 0.04E-01 ## field2 11 1.6 3.1 2.0 1.1 1.7 1.8 1.9 0 -9.3 -14.4 -1.6 ## field3 10 1.9 3.3 2.7 0.8 0.88 0.8000 0.8001 0.8002 0.8003 0.8004 """) f2.write("""## field1 10 1.344 3.66 7.0 4 9 8.999999 1.065432E-01 1.07E-01 1.06E-01 1.0376243E-01 ## field2 11 1.61 3.11 2.01 1.11 1.7 1.8 1.9 0 -9.3 -14.400 -1.6000E+00 ## field3 10 1.9 3.3 2.7 0.8001 0.88001 0.8000001 0.8001 0.8002 0.8003 0.8001 """) f1.close(); f2.close() fd = FloatDiff(root, file1, file2) root.mainloop() if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) < 2: print 'Usage: %s [template | verify | update | floatdiff] [verify/update-root]' % sys.argv[0] sys.exit(1) task = sys.argv[1] try: verifyroot = sys.argv[2] except: verifyroot = os.getcwd() if task == 'floatdiff': _test_floatdiff() elif task == 'template': verify_file_template('somecase') else: # task == 'verify' or task == 'update' v = Verify(verifyroot, task, 'verify_log') if task == 'verify': print 'check verify_log.htm'