Source code for scitools.FloatComparison

import numpy, math, operator

[docs]class FloatComparison: """ Class FloatComparison is used to test a == b, a < b, a <= b, a > b, a >= b and a != b when a and b are floating-point numbers, complex numbers, or NumPy arrays. Because of possible round-off errors in the numbers, the tests are performed approximately with a prescribed tolerance. For example, a==b is true if abs(a-b) < atol + rtol*abs(b). The atol parameter comes into play when |a| and |b| are large. (It would be mathematically more appealing to have rtol*max(abs(a), abs(b)), but float_eq is used with a is close to b so the max function is not necessary.) If the desired test is |a-b| < eps, set atol=eps and rtol=0. If a relative test is wanted, |(a-b)/b| < eps, set atol=0 and rtol=eps. The test a < b is performed as a < b + atol (a can be larger than b, but not more than atol). A corresponding relative test reads a/abs(b) < 1 + rtol. These are combined into a common test a < b + atol + rtol*abs(b). Similarly, a > b if a > b - atol (i.e., a can be less than b, but not less than b-atol). The relative test is then a/abs(b) > 1 - rtol. These are combined to a > b - a tol - rtol*abs(b). The >= and <= operators are the same as > and < when tolerances are used. Class FloatComparison can be used directly, or the convenience names float_eq, float_ne, float_lt, float_le, float_gt and float_ge for the various operators can be used instead. For example, float_eq is a FloatComparison object for the equality operator. Here is an interactive example:: >>> from FloatComparison import FloatComparison, float_eq, \ float_ne, float_lt, float_le, float_gt, float_ge >>> float_eq.get_absolute_tolerance() # default 1e-14 >>> float_eq.get_relative_tolerance() # default 1e-14 >>> float_eq.set_absolute_tolerance(1E-2) >>> float_eq.set_relative_tolerance(1E-2) >>> print float_eq a == b, computed as abs(a-b) < 0.01 + 0.01*abs(b) >>> >>> float_eq(2.1, 2.100001) True >>> # tolerances can be given as part of the test: >>> float_ne(2.1, 2.100001, atol=1E-14, rtol=1E-14) True >>> float_gt(2.0999999, 2.1000001) # not greater with strict tol False >>> print float_gt a > b, computed as a > b - 1e-14 - 1e-14*abs(b) >>> float_gt.set_absolute_tolerance(1E-4) >>> print float_gt a > b, computed as a > b - 0.0001 - 1e-14*abs(b) >>> float_gt(2.0999999, 2.1000001) # greater with less strict tol True >>> import numpy >>> a = numpy.array([2.1, 2.1000001]) >>> b = numpy.array([2.100001, 2.0999999]) >>> float_eq(a, b) True >>> float_lt(a, b) # not less with strict tol False >>> float_lt(a, b, atol=1E-2, rtol=1E-2) True >>> # use class FloatComparison directly: >>> compare = FloatComparison('==', atol=1E-3, rtol=1E-3) >>> compare(2.1, 2.100001) # __call__ directs to compare.eq True >>>, 2.100001) # same tolerance True >>>, b) False The __call__ method calls eq, ne, lt, le, gt, or ge, depending on the first argument to the constructor. """ # rtol and atol are static attributes so that changing # tolerances in e.g. the float_eq object also changes # the tolerances in all other comparison objects (float_lt, etc.). rtol = 1E-14 atol = 1E-14
[docs] def __init__(self, operation='==', rtol=1E-14, atol=1E-14): """ operation is '==', '<', '<=', '>', '>=' or '!='. The value determines what operation that __call__ performs. rtol: relative tolerance, atol: absolute tolerance. a==b is true if abs(a-b) < atol + rtol*abs(b). atol comes into play when abs(b) is large. """ comparisons = {'==': self.eq, '!=':, '<' :, '<=': self.le, '>' :, '>=':} if operation in comparisons: self.operation = comparisons[operation] else: raise ValueError('Wrong operation "%s"' % operation) self.comparison_op = operation # nice to store for printouts/tests FloatComparison.rtol, FloatComparison.atol = rtol, atol
[docs] def __call__(self, a, b, rtol=None, atol=None): """ Compares a with b: a == b, a!= b, a < b, etc., depending on how this FloatComparison was initialized. a and b can be numbers or arrays. The comparison is actually performed in the methods eq, ne, lt, le, etc. """ return self.operation(a, b, rtol, atol)
[docs] def eq(self, a, b, rtol=None, atol=None): """Tests a == b with tolerance.""" if rtol is None: rtol = FloatComparison.rtol if atol is None: atol = FloatComparison.atol if isinstance(a, (float, int, long)): return math.fabs(a-b) < atol + rtol*math.fabs(b) elif isinstance(a, complex): return self.eq(a.real, b.real, rtol, atol) and \ self.eq(a.imag, b.imag, rtol, atol) else: # assume NumPy array, tuple or list try: return numpy.allclose(numpy.asarray(a), numpy.asarray(b), rtol, atol) #r = numpy.abs(a-b) < atol + rtol*numpy.abs(b) #return r.all() except Exception, e: raise TypeError('Illegal types: a is %s and b is %s' % \ (type(a), type(b)))
[docs] def ne(self, a, b, rtol=None, atol=None): """Tests a != b with tolerance.""" return not self.eq(a, b, rtol, atol)
[docs] def set_absolute_tolerance(self, atol): FloatComparison.atol = atol
[docs] def set_relative_tolerance(self, rtol): FloatComparison.rtol = rtol
[docs] def get_absolute_tolerance(self): return FloatComparison.atol
[docs] def get_relative_tolerance(self): return FloatComparison.rtol
[docs] def lt(self, a, b, rtol=None, atol=None): """Tests a < b with tolerance.""" if rtol is None: rtol = FloatComparison.rtol if atol is None: atol = FloatComparison.atol if isinstance(a, (float, int, long)): return, b + atol + rtol*math.fabs(b)) elif isinstance(a, complex): return, b.real, op, rtol, atol) and \, b.imag, op, rtol, atol) else: # assume NumPy array try: r = a < b + atol + rtol*abs(b) return r.all() # all must be true except: raise TypeError('Illegal types: a is %s and b is %s' % \ (type(a), type(b)))
[docs] def le(self, a, b, rtol=None, atol=None): """Tests a <= b with tolerance.""" return, b, rtol, atol)
[docs] def gt(self, a, b, rtol=None, atol=None): """Tests a > b with tolerance.""" if rtol is None: rtol = FloatComparison.rtol if atol is None: atol = FloatComparison.atol if isinstance(a, (float, int, long)): return, b - atol - rtol*math.fabs(b)) elif isinstance(a, complex): return, b.real, op, rtol, atol) and \, b.imag, op, rtol, atol) else: # assume NumPy array try: r = a > b - atol - rtol*abs(b) return r.all() # all must be true except: raise TypeError('Illegal types: a is %s and b is %s' % \ (type(a), type(b)))
[docs] def ge(self, a, b, rtol=None, atol=None): """Tests a >= b with tolerance.""" return, b, rtol, atol)
[docs] def __str__(self): """Return pretty print of operator, incl. tolerances.""" if self.comparison_op == '==': s = 'a == b, computed as abs(a-b) < %g + %g*abs(b)' % \ (FloatComparison.atol, FloatComparison.rtol) elif self.comparison_op == '!=': s = 'a != b, computed as abs(a-b) > %g + %g*abs(b)' % \ (FloatComparison.atol, FloatComparison.rtol) elif '>' in self.comparison_op: s = 'a %s b, computed as a > b - %g - %g*abs(b)' % \ (self.comparison_op, FloatComparison.atol, FloatComparison.rtol) elif '<' in self.comparison_op: s = 'a %s b, computed as a < b + %g + %g*abs(b)' % \ (self.comparison_op, FloatComparison.atol, FloatComparison.rtol) return s # define convenience functions for quicker use of class FloatComparison:
float_eq = FloatComparison('==') float_eq.__doc__ = ' Test if a == b within some tolerance.\n' + \ FloatComparison.__doc__ float_ne = FloatComparison('!=') float_ne.__doc__ = ' Test if a != b within some tolerance.\n' + \ FloatComparison.__doc__ float_lt = FloatComparison('<') float_lt.__doc__ = ' Test if a < b within some tolerance.\n' + \ FloatComparison.__doc__ float_le = FloatComparison('<=') float_le.__doc__ = ' Test if a <= b within some tolerance.\n' + \ FloatComparison.__doc__ float_gt = FloatComparison('>') float_gt.__doc__ = ' Test if a > b within some tolerance.\n' + \ FloatComparison.__doc__ float_ge = FloatComparison('>=') float_ge.__doc__ = ' Test if a >= b within some tolerance.\n' + \ FloatComparison.__doc__ def _test(): """Verify FloatComparison functions.""" a = 2.3 b1 = 2.30000001 b2 = 2.29999998 a_a = numpy.array([a, a+1]) a_b1 = numpy.array([b1, b1+1]) a_b2 = numpy.array([b2, b2+1]) funcs = [float_eq, float_ne, float_lt, float_le, float_gt, float_ge] for f in funcs: f.set_absolute_tolerance(1E-4) f.set_relative_tolerance(1E-4) print 'atol=%g, rtol=%g' % (float_eq.atol, float_eq.rtol) def printout(f): r1 = f(a, b1) print str(f) + ', a=%.16f, b=%.16f: ' % (a, b1) + str(r1) r2 = f(a, b2) print str(f) + ', a=%.16f, b=%.16f: ' % (a, b2) + str(r2) r3 = f(a_a, a_b1) print str(f) + ', a=%s, b=%s: ' % (a_a, a_b1) + str(r3) r4 = f(a_a, a_b2) print str(f) + ', a=%s, b=%s: ' % (a_a, a_b2) + str(r4) return r1, r2, r3, r4 ok = True for f in funcs: res = printout(f) if f != float_ne: if False in res: ok = False else: if True in res: ok = False msg = 'works' if ok else 'does not work' print '\nThe module', msg if __name__ == '__main__': _test()