Class for a scalar (or vector) field over a BoxGrid or UniformBoxGrid grid.
Bases: scitools.BoxField.Field
Field over a BoxGrid or UniformBoxGrid grid.
Attributes | Description |
grid | reference to the underlying grid instance |
values | array holding field values at the grid points |
copy_values(values) | Take a copy of the values array and reshape it if necessary. |
gridline(start_coor[, direction, end_coor, snap]) | Return a coordinate array and corresponding field values along a line starting with start_coor, in the given direction, and ending in end_coor (default: grid boundary). |
gridplane(value[, constant_coor, snap]) | Return two one-dimensional coordinate arrays and corresponding field values over a plane where one coordinate, constant_coor, is fixed at a value. |
set_values(values) | Attach the values array to this BoxField object. |
update() | Update the self.values array (if grid has been changed). |
alias of type
x.__delattr__(‘name’) <==> del
default object formatter
x.__getattribute__(‘name’) <==>
Initialize scalar or vector field over a BoxGrid/UniformBoxGrid.
Arguments | Description |
grid | grid instance |
name | name of the field |
vector | scalar field if 0, otherwise the no of vector components (spatial dimensions of vector field) |
values | (kwargs) optional array with field values |
Here is an example:
>>> g = UniformBoxGrid(min=[0,0], max=[1.,1.], division=[3, 4])
>>> print g
domain=[0,1]x[0,1] indices=[0:3]x[0:4]
>>> u = BoxField(g, 'u')
>>> u.values = u.grid.vectorized_eval(lambda x,y: x + y)
>>> i = 1; j = 2
>>> print 'u(%g, %g)=%g' % (g.coor[X][i], g.coor[Y][j], u.values[i,j])
u(0.333333, 0.5)=0.833333
>>> # visualize:
>>> from scitools.std import surf
>>> surf(u.grid.coorv[X], u.grid.coorv[Y], u.values)
u.grid.coorv is a list of coordinate arrays that are suitable for Matlab-style visualization of 2D scalar fields. Also note how one can access the coordinates and u value at a point (i,j) in the grid.
helper for pickle
helper for pickle
x.__setattr__(‘name’, value) <==> = value
size of object in memory, in bytes
Abstract classes can override this to customize issubclass().
This is invoked early on by abc.ABCMeta.__subclasscheck__(). It should return True, False or NotImplemented. If it returns NotImplemented, the normal algorithm is used. Otherwise, it overrides the normal algorithm (and the outcome is cached).
list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Return a coordinate array and corresponding field values along a line starting with start_coor, in the given direction, and ending in end_coor (default: grid boundary). Two more boolean values are also returned: fixed_coor (the value of the fixed coordinates, which may be different from those in start_coor if snap=True) and snapped (True if the line really had to be snapped onto the grid, i.e., fixed_coor differs from coordinates in start_coor.
If snap is True, the line is snapped onto the grid, otherwise values along the line must be interpolated (not yet implemented).
>>> g2 = UniformBoxGrid.init_fromstring('[-1,1]x[-1,2] [0:3]x[0:4]')
>>> print g2
UniformBoxGrid(min=[-1. -1.], max=[ 1. 2.],
division=[3, 4], dirnames=('x', 'y'))
>>> print g2.coor
[array([-1. , -0.33333333, 0.33333333, 1. ]),
array([-1. , -0.25, 0.5 , 1.25, 2. ])]
>>> u = BoxField(g2, 'u')
>>> u.values = u.grid.vectorized_eval(lambda x,y: x + y)
>>> xc, uc, fixed_coor, snapped = u.gridline((-1,0.5), 0)
>>> print xc
[-1. -0.33333333 0.33333333 1. ]
>>> print uc
[-0.5 0.16666667 0.83333333 1.5 ]
>>> print fixed_coor, snapped
[0.5] False
>>> #plot(xc, uc, title='u(x, y=%g)' % fixed_coor)
Return two one-dimensional coordinate arrays and corresponding field values over a plane where one coordinate, constant_coor, is fixed at a value.
If snap is True, the plane is snapped onto a grid plane such that the points in the plane coincide with the grid points. Otherwise, the returned values must be interpolated (not yet impl.).
Bases: scitools.BoxGrid.UniformBoxGrid
Extension of class UniformBoxGrid to non-uniform box grids. The coordinate vectors (in each space direction) can have arbitrarily spaced coordinate values.
The coor argument must be a list of nsd (number of space dimension) components, each component contains the grid coordinates in that space direction (stored as an array).
compatible(data_array[, name_of_data_array]) | Check that data_array is a NumPy array with dimensions |
dirindex2name(i) | Inverse of name2dirindex. |
gridline_slice(start_coor[, direction, end_coor]) | Compute start and end indices of a line through the grid, and return a tuple that can be used as slice for the grid points along the line. |
gridplane_slice(value[, constant_coor]) | Compute a slice for a plane through the grid, defined by coor[constant_coor]=value. |
init_fromstring(s) | |
interpolate(v0, v1, x0, x1, x) | |
interpolator(point_values) | Given a self.nsd dimension array point_values with values at each grid point, this method returns a function for interpolating the scalar field defined by point_values at an arbitrary point. |
iter([domain_part, vectorized_version]) | Return iterator over grid points. |
locate_cell(point) | |
name2dirindex(name) | Return direction index corresponding to direction name. |
ncells(i) | Return no of cells in direction i. |
ok() | |
string2griddata(s) | Turn a text specification of a grid into a dictionary with the grid data. |
vectorized_eval(f) | Evaluate a function f (of the space directions) over a grid. |
alias of type
x.__delattr__(‘name’) <==> del
default object formatter
x.__getattribute__(‘name’) <==>
Return access to coordinate array in direction no i, or direction name i, or return the coordinate of a point if i is an nsd-tuple.
>>> g = UniformBoxGrid(x=(0,1), y=(-1,1), nx=2, ny=4) # xy grid
>>> g[0][0] == g.min[0] # min coor in direction 0
>>> g['x'][0] == g.min[0] # min coor in direction 'x'
>>> g[0,4]
(0.0, 1.0)
>>> g = UniformBoxGrid(min=(0,-1), max=(1,1), division=(2,4), dirnames=('y', 'z'))
>>> g[1][0] == g.min[1]
>>> g['z'][0] == g.min[1] # min coor in direction 'z'
Total number of grid points.
helper for pickle
helper for pickle
x.__setattr__(‘name’, value) <==> = value
size of object in memory, in bytes
Pretty print, using the syntax of init_fromstring.
Abstract classes can override this to customize issubclass().
This is invoked early on by abc.ABCMeta.__subclasscheck__(). It should return True, False or NotImplemented. If it returns NotImplemented, the normal algorithm is used. Otherwise, it overrides the normal algorithm (and the outcome is cached).
list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Check that data_array is a NumPy array with dimensions compatible with the grid.
Inverse of name2dirindex.
Compute start and end indices of a line through the grid, and return a tuple that can be used as slice for the grid points along the line.
The line must be in x, y or z direction (direction=0,1 or 2). If end_coor=None, the line ends where the grid ends. start_coor holds the coordinates of the start of the line. If start_coor does not coincide with one of the grid points, the line is snapped onto the grid (i.e., the line coincides with a grid line).
Return: tuple with indices and slice describing the grid point indices that make up the line, plus a boolean “snapped” which is True if the original line did not coincide with any grid line, meaning that the returned line was snapped onto to the grid.
>>> g2 = UniformBoxGrid.init_fromstring('[-1,1]x[-1,2] [0:3]x[0:4]')
>>> print g2.coor
[array([-1. , -0.33333333, 0.33333333, 1. ]),
array([-1. , -0.25, 0.5 , 1.25, 2. ])]
>>> g2.gridline_slice((-1, 0.5), 0)
((slice(0, 4, 1), 2), False)
>>> g2.gridline_slice((-0.9, 0.4), 0)
((slice(0, 4, 1), 2), True)
>>> g2.gridline_slice((-0.2, -1), 1)
((1, slice(0, 5, 1)), True)
Compute a slice for a plane through the grid, defined by coor[constant_coor]=value.
Return a tuple that can be used as slice, plus a boolean parameter “snapped” reflecting if the plane was snapped onto a grid plane (i.e., value did not correspond to an existing grid plane).
Given a self.nsd dimension array point_values with values at each grid point, this method returns a function for interpolating the scalar field defined by point_values at an arbitrary point.
2D Example: given a filled array point_values[i,j], compute interpolator = grid.interpolator(point_values) v = interpolator(0.1243, 9.231) # interpolate point_values
>>> g=UniformBoxGrid(x=(0,2), nx=2, y=(-1,1), ny=2)
>>> g
UniformBoxGrid(x=(0,2), nx=2, y=(-1,1), ny=2)
>>> def f(x,y): return 2+2*x-y
>>> f=g.vectorized_eval(f)
>>> f
array([[ 3., 2., 1.],
[ 5., 4., 3.],
[ 7., 6., 5.]])
>>> i=g.interpolator(f)
>>> i(0.1,0.234) # interpolate (not a grid point)
>>> f(0.1,0.234) # exact answer
Return iterator over grid points. domain_part = ‘all’: all grid points domain_part = ‘interior’: interior grid points domain_part = ‘all_boundary’: all boundary points domain_part = ‘interior_boundary’: interior boundary points domain_part = ‘corners’: all corner points domain_part = ‘all_edges’: all points along edges in 3D grids domain_part = ‘interior_edges’: interior points along edges
vectorized_version is true if the iterator returns slice objects for the index slice in each direction. vectorized_version is false if the iterator visits each point at a time (scalar version).
Return direction index corresponding to direction name. In an xyz-grid, ‘x’ is 0, ‘y’ is 1, and ‘z’ is 2. In an yz-grid, ‘x’ is not defined, ‘y’ is 0, and ‘z’ is 1.
Return no of cells in direction i.
Turn a text specification of a grid into a dictionary with the grid data. For example,
>>> s = "domain=[0,10] indices=[0:11]"
>>> data = BoxGrid.string2griddata(s)
>>> data
{'dirnames': ('x', 'y'), 'division': [10], 'max': [10], 'min': [0]}
>>> s = "domain=[0.2,0.5]x[0,2E+00] indices=[0:20]x[0:100]"
>>> data = BoxGrid.string2griddata(s)
>>> data
{'dirnames': ('x', 'y', 'z'),
'division': [19, 99],
'max': [0.5, 2],
'min': [0.2, 0]}
>>> s = "[0,1]x[0,2]x[-1,1.5] [0:25]x[0:10]x[0:16]"
>>> data = BoxGrid.string2griddata(s)
>>> data
{'dirnames': ('x', 'y', 'z'),
'division': [24, 9, 15],
'max': [1.0, 2.0, 1.5],
'min': [0.0, 0.0, -1.0]}
The data dictionary can be used as keyword arguments to the class UniformBoxGrid constructor.
Evaluate a function f (of the space directions) over a grid. f is supposed to be vectorized.
>>> g = BoxGrid(x=(0,1), y=(0,1), nx=3, ny=3)
>>> # f(x,y) = sin(x)*exp(x-y):
>>> a = g.vectorized_eval(lambda x,y: sin(x)*exp(y-x))
>>> print a
[[ 0. 0. 0. 0. ]
[ 0.23444524 0.3271947 0.45663698 0.63728825]
[ 0.31748164 0.44308133 0.6183698 0.86300458]
[ 0.30955988 0.43202561 0.60294031 0.84147098]]
>>> # f(x,y) = 2: (requires special consideration)
>>> a = g.vectorized_eval(lambda x,y: zeros(g.shape)+2)
>>> print a
[[ 2. 2. 2. 2.]
[ 2. 2. 2. 2.]
[ 2. 2. 2. 2.]
[ 2. 2. 2. 2.]]
Bases: object
Simple uniform grid on an interval, rectangle, box, or hypercube.
Attributes | Description |
nsd | no of spatial dimensions in the grid |
min_coor | array of minimum coordinates |
max_coor | array of maximum coordinates |
division | array of cell divisions in the |
delta | array of grid spacings |
dirnames | names of the space directions (‘x’, ‘y’, etc.) |
shape | (nx+1, ny+1, ...); dimension of array over grid |
coor | list of coordinates; self.coor[Y][j] is the the j-th coordinate in direction Y (=1) X, Y, Z are predefined constants 0, 1, 2 |
coorv | expanded version of coor for vectorized expressions (in 2D, self.coorv[0] = self.coor[0][:,newaxis]) |
tolerance | small geometric tolerance based on grid coordinates |
npoints | total number of grid points |
compatible(data_array[, name_of_data_array]) | Check that data_array is a NumPy array with dimensions |
dirindex2name(i) | Inverse of name2dirindex. |
gridline_slice(start_coor[, direction, end_coor]) | Compute start and end indices of a line through the grid, and return a tuple that can be used as slice for the grid points along the line. |
gridplane_slice(value[, constant_coor]) | Compute a slice for a plane through the grid, defined by coor[constant_coor]=value. |
init_fromstring(s) | |
interpolate(v0, v1, x0, x1, x) | |
interpolator(point_values) | Given a self.nsd dimension array point_values with values at each grid point, this method returns a function for interpolating the scalar field defined by point_values at an arbitrary point. |
iter([domain_part, vectorized_version]) | Return iterator over grid points. |
locate_cell(point) | Given a point (x, (x,y), (x,y,z)), locate the cell in which the point is located, and return 1) the (i,j,k) vertex index of the “lower-left” grid point in this cell, 2) the distances (dx, (dx,dy), or (dx,dy,dz)) from this point to the given point, 3) a boolean list if point matches the coordinates of any grid lines. |
name2dirindex(name) | Return direction index corresponding to direction name. |
ncells(i) | Return no of cells in direction i. |
ok() | |
string2griddata(s) | Turn a text specification of a grid into a dictionary with the grid data. |
vectorized_eval(f) | Evaluate a function f (of the space directions) over a grid. |
alias of type
x.__delattr__(‘name’) <==> del
default object formatter
x.__getattribute__(‘name’) <==>
Return access to coordinate array in direction no i, or direction name i, or return the coordinate of a point if i is an nsd-tuple.
>>> g = UniformBoxGrid(x=(0,1), y=(-1,1), nx=2, ny=4) # xy grid
>>> g[0][0] == g.min[0] # min coor in direction 0
>>> g['x'][0] == g.min[0] # min coor in direction 'x'
>>> g[0,4]
(0.0, 1.0)
>>> g = UniformBoxGrid(min=(0,-1), max=(1,1), division=(2,4), dirnames=('y', 'z'))
>>> g[1][0] == g.min[1]
>>> g['z'][0] == g.min[1] # min coor in direction 'z'
Initialize a BoxGrid by giving domain range (minimum and maximum coordinates: min and max tuples/lists/arrays) and number of cells in each space direction (division tuple/list/array). The dirnames tuple/list holds the names of the coordinates in the various spatial directions.
>>> g = UniformBoxGrid(min=0, max=1, division=10)
>>> g = UniformBoxGrid(min=(0,-1), max=(1,1), division=(10,4))
>>> g = UniformBoxGrid(min=(0,0,-1), max=(2,1,1), division=(2,3,5))
Total number of grid points.
helper for pickle
helper for pickle
x.__setattr__(‘name’, value) <==> = value
size of object in memory, in bytes
Pretty print, using the syntax of init_fromstring.
Abstract classes can override this to customize issubclass().
This is invoked early on by abc.ABCMeta.__subclasscheck__(). It should return True, False or NotImplemented. If it returns NotImplemented, the normal algorithm is used. Otherwise, it overrides the normal algorithm (and the outcome is cached).
list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Check that data_array is a NumPy array with dimensions compatible with the grid.
Inverse of name2dirindex.
Compute start and end indices of a line through the grid, and return a tuple that can be used as slice for the grid points along the line.
The line must be in x, y or z direction (direction=0,1 or 2). If end_coor=None, the line ends where the grid ends. start_coor holds the coordinates of the start of the line. If start_coor does not coincide with one of the grid points, the line is snapped onto the grid (i.e., the line coincides with a grid line).
Return: tuple with indices and slice describing the grid point indices that make up the line, plus a boolean “snapped” which is True if the original line did not coincide with any grid line, meaning that the returned line was snapped onto to the grid.
>>> g2 = UniformBoxGrid.init_fromstring('[-1,1]x[-1,2] [0:3]x[0:4]')
>>> print g2.coor
[array([-1. , -0.33333333, 0.33333333, 1. ]),
array([-1. , -0.25, 0.5 , 1.25, 2. ])]
>>> g2.gridline_slice((-1, 0.5), 0)
((slice(0, 4, 1), 2), False)
>>> g2.gridline_slice((-0.9, 0.4), 0)
((slice(0, 4, 1), 2), True)
>>> g2.gridline_slice((-0.2, -1), 1)
((1, slice(0, 5, 1)), True)
Compute a slice for a plane through the grid, defined by coor[constant_coor]=value.
Return a tuple that can be used as slice, plus a boolean parameter “snapped” reflecting if the plane was snapped onto a grid plane (i.e., value did not correspond to an existing grid plane).
Given a self.nsd dimension array point_values with values at each grid point, this method returns a function for interpolating the scalar field defined by point_values at an arbitrary point.
2D Example: given a filled array point_values[i,j], compute interpolator = grid.interpolator(point_values) v = interpolator(0.1243, 9.231) # interpolate point_values
>>> g=UniformBoxGrid(x=(0,2), nx=2, y=(-1,1), ny=2)
>>> g
UniformBoxGrid(x=(0,2), nx=2, y=(-1,1), ny=2)
>>> def f(x,y): return 2+2*x-y
>>> f=g.vectorized_eval(f)
>>> f
array([[ 3., 2., 1.],
[ 5., 4., 3.],
[ 7., 6., 5.]])
>>> i=g.interpolator(f)
>>> i(0.1,0.234) # interpolate (not a grid point)
>>> f(0.1,0.234) # exact answer
Return iterator over grid points. domain_part = ‘all’: all grid points domain_part = ‘interior’: interior grid points domain_part = ‘all_boundary’: all boundary points domain_part = ‘interior_boundary’: interior boundary points domain_part = ‘corners’: all corner points domain_part = ‘all_edges’: all points along edges in 3D grids domain_part = ‘interior_edges’: interior points along edges
vectorized_version is true if the iterator returns slice objects for the index slice in each direction. vectorized_version is false if the iterator visits each point at a time (scalar version).
Given a point (x, (x,y), (x,y,z)), locate the cell in which the point is located, and return 1) the (i,j,k) vertex index of the “lower-left” grid point in this cell, 2) the distances (dx, (dx,dy), or (dx,dy,dz)) from this point to the given point, 3) a boolean list if point matches the coordinates of any grid lines. If a point matches the last grid point in a direction, the cell index is set to the max index such that the (i,j,k) index can be used directly for look up in an array of values. The corresponding element in the distance array is then set 0. 4) the indices of the nearest grid point.
The method only works for uniform grid spacing. Used for interpolation.
>>> g1 = UniformBoxGrid(min=0, max=1, division=4)
>>> cell_index, distance, match, nearest = g1.locate_cell(0.7)
>>> print cell_index
>>> print distance
[ 0.2]
>>> print match
>>> print nearest
>>> g1.locate_cell(0.5)
([2], array([ 0.]), [True], [2])
>>> g2 = UniformBoxGrid.init_fromstring('[-1,1]x[-1,2] [0:3]x[0:4]')
>>> print g2.coor
[array([-1. , -0.33333333, 0.33333333, 1. ]), array([-1. , -0.25, 0.5 , 1.25, 2. ])]
>>> g2.locate_cell((0.2,0.2))
([1, 1], array([ 0.53333333, 0.45 ]), [False, False], [2, 2])
>>> g2.locate_cell((1,2))
([3, 4], array([ 0., 0.]), [True, True], [3, 4])
Return direction index corresponding to direction name. In an xyz-grid, ‘x’ is 0, ‘y’ is 1, and ‘z’ is 2. In an yz-grid, ‘x’ is not defined, ‘y’ is 0, and ‘z’ is 1.
Return no of cells in direction i.
Turn a text specification of a grid into a dictionary with the grid data. For example,
>>> s = "domain=[0,10] indices=[0:11]"
>>> data = BoxGrid.string2griddata(s)
>>> data
{'dirnames': ('x', 'y'), 'division': [10], 'max': [10], 'min': [0]}
>>> s = "domain=[0.2,0.5]x[0,2E+00] indices=[0:20]x[0:100]"
>>> data = BoxGrid.string2griddata(s)
>>> data
{'dirnames': ('x', 'y', 'z'),
'division': [19, 99],
'max': [0.5, 2],
'min': [0.2, 0]}
>>> s = "[0,1]x[0,2]x[-1,1.5] [0:25]x[0:10]x[0:16]"
>>> data = BoxGrid.string2griddata(s)
>>> data
{'dirnames': ('x', 'y', 'z'),
'division': [24, 9, 15],
'max': [1.0, 2.0, 1.5],
'min': [0.0, 0.0, -1.0]}
The data dictionary can be used as keyword arguments to the class UniformBoxGrid constructor.
Evaluate a function f (of the space directions) over a grid. f is supposed to be vectorized.
>>> g = BoxGrid(x=(0,1), y=(0,1), nx=3, ny=3)
>>> # f(x,y) = sin(x)*exp(x-y):
>>> a = g.vectorized_eval(lambda x,y: sin(x)*exp(y-x))
>>> print a
[[ 0. 0. 0. 0. ]
[ 0.23444524 0.3271947 0.45663698 0.63728825]
[ 0.31748164 0.44308133 0.6183698 0.86300458]
[ 0.30955988 0.43202561 0.60294031 0.84147098]]
>>> # f(x,y) = 2: (requires special consideration)
>>> a = g.vectorized_eval(lambda x,y: zeros(g.shape)+2)
>>> print a
[[ 2. 2. 2. 2.]
[ 2. 2. 2. 2.]
[ 2. 2. 2. 2.]
[ 2. 2. 2. 2.]]
Turn a DOLFIN P1 finite element field over a structured mesh into a BoxField object. (Mostly for ease of plotting with scitools.) Standard DOLFIN numbering numbers the nodes along the x[0] axis, then x[1] axis, and so on.
If the DOLFIN function employs elements of degree > 1, one should project or interpolate the field onto a field with elements of degree=1.