$$ \newcommand{\tp}{\thinspace .} $$

This chapter is taken from the book A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python by H. P. Langtangen, 5th edition, Springer, 2016.

Inheritance and class hierarchies

Most of this document tells you how to put related classes together in families such that the family can be viewed as one unit. This idea helps to hide details in a program, and makes it easier to modify or extend the program.

A family of classes is known as a class hierarchy. As in a biological family, there are parent classes and child classes. Child classes can inherit data and methods from parent classes, they can modify these data and methods, and they can add their own data and methods. This means that if we have a class with some functionality, we can extend this class by creating a child class and simply add the functionality we need. The original class is still available and the separate child class is small, since it does not need to repeat the code in the parent class.

The magic of object-oriented programming is that other parts of the code do not need to distinguish whether an object is the parent or the child - all generations in a family tree can be treated as a unified object. In other words, one piece of code can work with all members in a class family or hierarchy. This principle has revolutionized the development of large computer systems. As an illustration, two of the most widely used computer languages today are Java and C#, and both of them force programs to be written in an object-oriented style.

The concepts of classes and object-oriented programming first appeared in the Simula programming language in the 1960s. Simula was invented by the Norwegian computer scientists Ole-Johan Dahl and Kristen Nygaard, and the impact of the language is particularly evident in C++, Java, and C#, three of the most dominating programming languages in the world today. The invention of object-oriented programming was a remarkable achievement, and the professors Dahl and Nygaard received two very prestigious prizes: the von Neumann medal and the Turing prize (popularly known as the Nobel prize of computer science).

A parent class is usually called base class or superclass, while the child class is known as a subclass or derived class. We shall use the terms superclass and subclass from now on.

A class for straight lines

Assume that we have written a class for straight lines, \( y=c_0 + c_1x \):

class Line(object):
    def __init__(self, c0, c1):
        self.c0 = c0
        self.c1 = c1

    def __call__(self, x):
        return self.c0 + self.c1*x

    def table(self, L, R, n):
        """Return a table with n points for L <= x <= R."""
        s = ''
        import numpy as np
        for x in np.linspace(L, R, n):
            y = self(x)
            s += '%12g %12g\n' % (x, y)
        return s
The constructor __init__ initializes the coefficients \( c_0 \) and \( c_1 \) in the expression for the straight line: \( y=c_0 + c_1x \). The call operator __call__ evaluates the function \( c_1x+c_0 \), while the table method samples the function at n points and creates a table of \( x \) and \( y \) values.

A first try on a class for parabolas

A parabola \( y=c_0 + c_1x + c_2x^2 \) contains a straight line as a special case (\( c_2=0 \)). A class for parabolas will therefore be similar to a class for straight lines. All we have do to is to add the new term \( c_2x^2 \) in the function evaluation and store \( c_2 \) in the constructor:

class Parabola(object):
    def __init__(self, c0, c1, c2):
        self.c0 = c0
        self.c1 = c1
        self.c2 = c2

    def __call__(self, x):
        return self.c2*x**2 + self.c1*x + self.c0

    def table(self, L, R, n):
        """Return a table with n points for L <= x <= R."""
        s = ''
        import numpy as np
        for x in np.linspace(L, R, n):
            y = self(x)
            s += '%12g %12g\n' % (x, y)
        return s
Observe that we can copy the table method from class Line without any modifications.

A class for parabolas using inheritance

Python and other languages that support object-oriented programming have a special construct, so that class Parabola does not need to repeat the code that we have already written in class Line. We can specify that class Parabola inherits all code from class Line by adding (Line) in the class headline:

class Parabola(Line):
Class Parabola now automatically gets all the code from class Line. Exercise 1: Demonstrate the magic of inheritance asks you to explicitly demonstrate the validity of this assertion. We say that class Parabola is derived from class Line, or equivalently, that class Parabola is a subclass of its superclass Line.

Now, class Parabola should not be identical to class Line: it needs to add data in the constructor (for the new term) and to modify the call operator (because of the new term), but the table method can be inherited as it is. If we implement the constructor and the call operator in class Parabola, these will override the inherited versions from class Line. If we do not implement a table method, the one inherited from class Line is available as if it were coded visibly in class Parabola.

Class Parabola must first have the statements from the class Line methods __call__ and __init__, and then add extra code in these methods. An important principle in computer programming is to avoid repeating code. We should therefore call up functionality in class Line instead of copying statements from class Line methods to Parabola methods. Any method in the superclass Line can be called using the syntax

Line.methodname(self, arg1, arg2, ...)
# or
super(Parabola, self).methodname(arg1, arg2, ...)
The latter construction only works if the super class is derived from Python's general super class object (i.e., class Line must be a new-style class).

Let us now show how to write class Parabola as a subclass of class Line, and implement just the new additional code that we need and that is not already written in the superclass:

class Parabola(Line):
    def __init__(self, c0, c1, c2):
        Line.__init__(self, c0, c1)  # let Line store c0 and c1
        self.c2 = c2

    def __call__(self, x):
        return Line.__call__(self, x) + self.c2*x**2
This short implementation of class Parabola provides exactly the same functionality as the first version of class Parabola that we showed in the section A first try on a class for parabolas and that did not inherit from class Line. Figure 1 shows the class hierarchy in UML fashion. The arrow from one class to another indicates inheritance.

Figure 1: UML diagram for the class hierarchy with superclass Line and subclass Parabola.

A quick demo of the Parabola class in a main program,

p = Parabola(1, -2, 2)
p1 = p(x=2.5)
print p1
print p.table(0, 1, 3)
gives this output:

           0            1
         0.5          0.5
           1            1

Program flow

The program flow can be somewhat complicated when we work with class hierarchies. Consider the code segment

p = Parabola(1, -1, 2)
p1 = p(x=2.5)
Let us explain the program flow in detail for these two statements. As always, you can monitor the program flow in a debugger as explained in the document Debugging in Python [1] or you can invoke the very illustrative Online Python Tutor.

Calling Parabola(1, -1, 2) leads to a call to the constructor method __init__, where the arguments c0, c1, and c2 in this case are int objects with values 1, -1, and 2. The self argument in the constructor is the object that will be returned and referred to by the variable p. Inside the constructor in class Parabola we call the constructor in class Line. In this latter method, we create two data attributes in the self object. Printing out dir(self) will explicitly demonstrate what self contains so far in the construction process. Back in class Parabola's constructor, we add a third attribute c2 to the same self object. Then the self object is invisibly returned and referred to by p.

The other statement, p1 = p(x=2.5), has a similar program flow. First we enter the p.__call__ method with self as p and x as a float object with value 2.5. The program flow jumps to the __call__ method in class Line for evaluating the linear part \( c_1x+c_0 \) of the expression for the parabola, and then the flow jumps back to the __call__ method in class Parabola where we add the new quadratic term.

Checking the class type

Python has the function isinstance(i,t) for checking if an instance i is of class type t:

>>> l = Line(-1, 1)
>>> isinstance(l, Line)
>>> isinstance(l, Parabola)
A Line is not a Parabola, but is a Parabola a Line?

>>> p = Parabola(-1, 0, 10)
>>> isinstance(p, Parabola)
>>> isinstance(p, Line)
Yes, from a class hierarchy perspective, a Parabola instance is regarded as a Line instance too, since it contains everything that a Line instance contains.

Every instance has an attribute __class__ that holds the type of class:

>>> p.__class__
<class __main__.Parabola at 0xb68f108c>
>>> p.__class__ == Parabola
>>> p.__class__.__name__   # string version of the class name
Note that p.__class__ is a class object (or class definition one may say), while p.__class__.__name__ is a string. These two variables can be used as an alternative test for the class type:

if p.__class__.__name__ == 'Parabola':
# or
if p.__class__ == Parabola:
However, isinstance(p, Parabola) is the recommended programming style for checking the type of an object.

A function issubclass(c1, c2) tests if class c1 is a subclass of class c2, e.g.,

>>> issubclass(Parabola, Line)
>>> issubclass(Line, Parabola)
The superclasses of a class are stored as a tuple in the __bases__ attribute of the class object:

>>> p.__class__.__bases__
(<class __main__.Line at 0xb7c5d2fc>,)
>>> p.__class__.__bases__[0].__name__  # extract name as string

Attribute vs inheritance: has-a vs is-a relationship

Instead of letting class Parabola inherit from a class Line, we may let it contain a class Line instance as a data attribute:

class Parabola(object):
    def __init__(self, c0, c1, c2):
        self.line = Line(c0, c1)  # let Line store c0 and c1
        self.c2 = c2

    def __call__(self, x):
        return self.line(x) + self.c2*x**2
Whether to use inheritance or an attribute depends on the problem being solved.

If it is natural to say that class Parabola is a Line object, we say that Parabola has an is-a relationship with class Line. Alternatively, if it is natural to think that class Parabola has a Line object, we speak about a has-a relationship with class Line. In the present example, we may argue that technically the expression for the parabola is a straight line plus another term and hence claim an is-a relationship, but we can also view a parabola as a quantity that has a line plus an extra term, which makes the has-a relationship relevant.

From a mathematical point of view, many will say that a parabola is not a line, but that a line is a special case of a parabola. Adopting this reasoning reverses the dependency of the classes: now it is more natural to let Line is a subclass of Parabola (Line is a Parabola). This easy, and all we have to do is

class Parabola(object):
    def __init__(self, c0, c1, c2):
        self.c0, self.c1, self.c2 = c0, c2, c2

    def __call__(self, x):
        return self.c0 + self.c1*x + self.c2*x**2

    def table(self, L, R, n):  # implemented as shown above

class Line(Parabola):
    def __init__(self, c0, c1):
        Parabola.__init__(self, c0, c1, 0)
The inherited __call__ method from class Parabola will work since the c2 coefficient is zero. Exercise 4: Create an alternative class hierarchy for polynomials suggests deriving Parabola from a general class Polynomial and asks you to discuss the alternative class designs.

Extension and restriction of a superclass.

In the example where Parabola as a subclass of Line, we used inheritance to extend the functionality of the superclass. The case where Line is a subclass of Parabola is an example on restricting the superclass functionality in a subclass.

How classes depend on each other is influenced by two factors: sharing of code and logical relations. From a sharing of code perspective, many will say that class Parabola is naturally a subclass of Line, the former adds code to the latter. On the other hand, Line is naturally a subclass of Parabola from the logical relations in mathematics. Computational efficiency is a third perspective when we implement mathematics. When Line is a subclass of Parabola we always evaluate the \( c_2x^2 \) term in the parabola although this term is zero. Nevertheless, when Parabola is a subclass of Line, we call Line.__call__ to evaluate the linear part of the second-degree polynomial, and this call is costly in Python. From a pure efficiency point of view, we would reprogram the linear part in Parabola.__call__ (which is against the programming habit we have been arguing for!). This little discussion here highlights the many different considerations that come into play when establishing class relations.

Superclass for defining an interface

As another example of class hierarchies, we now want to represent functions by classes, as described in the document Introduction to classes in Python [2], but in addition to the __call__ method, we also want to provide methods for the first and second derivative. The class can be sketched as

class SomeFunc(object):
    def __init__(self, parameter1, parameter2, ...)
        # Store parameters
    def __call__(self, x):
        # Evaluate function
    def df(self, x):
        # Evaluate the first derivative
    def ddf(self, x):
        # Evaluate the second derivative
For a given function, the analytical expressions for first and second derivative must be manually coded. However, we could think of inheriting general functions for computing these derivatives numerically, such that the only thing we must always implement is the function itself. To realize this idea, we create a superclass

class FuncWithDerivatives(object):
    def __init__(self, h=1.0E-5):
        self.h = h  # spacing for numerical derivatives

    def __call__(self, x):
        raise NotImplementedError\ 
        ('___call__ missing in class %s' % self.__class__.__name__)

    def df(self, x):
        """Return the 1st derivative of self.f."""
        # Compute first derivative by a finite difference
        h = self.h
        return (self(x+h) - self(x-h))/(2.0*h)

    def ddf(self, x):
        """Return the 2nd derivative of self.f."""
        # Compute second derivative by a finite difference:
        h = self.h
        return (self(x+h) - 2*self(x) + self(x-h))/(float(h)**2)
This class is only meant as a superclass of other classes. For a particular function, say \( f(x)=\cos (ax)+x^3 \), we represent it by a subclass:

class MyFunc(FuncWithDerivatives):
    def __init__(self, a):
        self.a = a

    def __call__(self, x):
        return cos(self.a*x) + x**3

    def df(self, x):
        a = self.a
        return -a*sin(a*x) + 3*x**2

    def ddf(self, x):
        a = self.a
        return -a*a*cos(a*x) + 6*x
The superclass constructor is never called, hence h is never initialized, and there are no possibilities for using numerical approximations via the superclass methods df and ddf. Instead, we override all the inherited methods and implement our own versions.


Many think it is a good programming style to always call the superclass constructor in a subclass constructor, even in simple classes where we do not need the functionality of the superclass constructor.

For a more complicated function, e.g., \( f(x)=\ln |p\tanh(qx\cos rx)| \), we may skip the analytical derivation of the derivatives, and just code \( f(x) \) and rely on the difference approximations inherited from the superclass to compute the derivatives:

class MyComplicatedFunc(FuncWithDerivatives):
    def __init__(self, p, q, r, h=1.0E-5):
        FuncWithDerivatives.__init__(self, h)
        self.p, self.q, self.r = p, q, r

    def __call__(self, x):
        return log(abs(self.p*tanh(self.q*x*cos(self.r*x))))
That's it! We are now ready to use this class:

>>> f = MyComplicatedFunc(1, 1, 1)
>>> x = pi/2
>>> f(x)
>>> f.df(x)
>>> f.ddf(x)
Class MyComplicatedFunc inherits the df and ddf methods from the superclass FuncWithDerivatives. These methods compute the first and second derivatives approximately, provided that we have defined a __call__ method. If we fail to define this method, we will inherit __call__ from the superclass, which just raises an exception, saying that the method is not properly implemented in class MyComplicatedFunc.

The important message in this subsection is that we introduced a super class to mainly define an interface, i.e., the operations (in terms of methods) that one can do with a class in this class hierarchy. The superclass itself is of no direct use, since it does not implement any function evaluation in the __call__ method. However, it stores a variable common to all subclasses (h), and it implements general methods df and ddf that any subclass can make use of. A specific mathematical function must be represented as a subclass, where the programmer can decide whether analytical derivatives are to be used, or if the more lazy approach of inheriting general functionality (df and ddf) for computing numerical derivatives is satisfactory.

In object-oriented programming, the superclass very often defines an interface, and instances of the superclass have no applications on their own - only instances of subclasses can do anything useful.

To digest the present material on inheritance, we recommend doing Exercise 1: Demonstrate the magic of inheritance-Exercise 4: Create an alternative class hierarchy for polynomials before reading the next section.