$$ \newcommand{\tp}{\thinspace .} $$

This chapter is taken from the book A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python by H. P. Langtangen, 5th edition, Springer, 2016.


Chapter topics

Programs must be accurate!

A program is a collection of statements stored in a text file. Statements can also be executed interactively in a Python shell. Any error in any statement may lead to termination of the execution or wrong results. The computer does exactly what the programmer tells the computer to do!


The statement

some_variable = obj
defines a variable with the name some_variable which refers to an object obj. Here obj may also represent an expression, say a formula, whose value is a Python object. For example, 1+2.5 involves the addition of an int object and a float object, resulting in a float object. Names of variables can contain upper and lower case English letters, underscores, and the digits from 0 to 9, but the name cannot start with a digit. Nor can a variable name be a reserved word in Python.

If there exists a precise mathematical description of the problem to be solved in a program, one should choose variable names that are in accordance with the mathematical description. Quantities that do not have a defined mathematical symbol, should be referred to by descriptive variables names, i.e., names that explain the variable's role in the program. Well-chosen variable names are essential for making a program easy to read, easy to debug, and easy to extend. Well-chosen variable names also reduce the need for comments.

Comment lines

Everything after # on a line is ignored by Python and used to insert free running text, known as comments. The purpose of comments is to explain, in a human language, the ideas of (several) forthcoming statements so that the program becomes easier to understand for humans. Some variables whose names are not completely self-explanatory also need a comment.

Object types

There are many different types of objects in Python. In this document we have worked with the following types.

Integers (whole numbers, object type int):

x10 = 3
XYZ = 2

Floats (decimal numbers, object type float):

max_temperature = 3.0
MinTemp = 1/6.0

Strings (pieces of text, object type str):

a = 'This is a piece of text\nover two lines.'
b = "Strings are enclosed in single or double quotes."
c = """Triple-quoted strings can
several lines.

Complex numbers (object type complex):

a = 2.5 + 3j
real = 6; imag = 3.1
b = complex(real, imag)


Operators in arithmetic expressions follow the rules from mathematics: power is evaluated before multiplication and division, while the latter two are evaluated before addition and subtraction. These rules are overridden by parentheses. We suggest using parentheses to group and clarify mathematical expressions, also when not strictly needed.

-(t**2)*(g/2)         # equivalent
-t**(2*g)/2           # a different formula!

a = 5.0; b = 5.0; c = 5.0
a/b + c + a*c         # yields 31.0
a/(b + c) + a*c       # yields 25.5
a/(b + c + a)*c       # yields 1.6666666666666665
Particular attention must be paid to coding fractions, since the division operator / often needs extra parentheses that are not necessary in the mathematical notation for fractions (compare \( \frac{a}{b+c} \) with a/(b+c) and a/b+c).

Common mathematical functions

The math module contains common mathematical functions for real numbers. Modules must be imported before they can be used. The three types of alternative module import go as follows:

# Import of module - functions requires prefix
import math
a = math.sin(math.pi*1.5)

# Import of individual functions - no prefix in function calls
from math import sin, pi
a = sin(pi*1.5)

# Import everything from a module - no prefix in function calls
from math import *
a = sin(pi*1.5)


To print the result of calculations in a Python program to a terminal window, we apply the print command, i.e., the word print followed by a string enclosed in quotes, or just a variable:

print "A string enclosed in double quotes"
print a
Several objects can be printed in one statement if the objects are separated by commas. A space will then appear between the output of each object:

>>> a = 5.0; b = -5.0; c = 1.9856; d = 33
>>> print 'a is', a, 'b is', b, 'c and d are', c, d
a is 5.0 b is -5.0 c and d are 1.9856 33
The printf syntax enables full control of the formatting of real numbers and integers:

>>> print 'a=%g, b=%12.4E, c=%.2f, d=%5d' % (a, b, c, d)
a=5, b= -5.0000E+00, c=1.99, d=   33
Here, a, b, and c are of type float and formatted as compactly as possible (%g for a), in scientific notation with 4 decimals in a field of width 12 (%12.4E for b), and in decimal notation with two decimals in as compact field as possible (%.2f for c). The variable d is an integer (int) written in a field of width 5 characters (%5d).

Be careful with integer division!

A common error in mathematical computations is to divide two integers, because this results in integer division (in Python 2).

Complex numbers

Values of complex numbers are written as (X+Yj), where X is the value of the real part and Y is the value of the imaginary part. One example is (4-0.2j). If the real and imaginary parts are available as variables r and i, a complex number can be created by complex(r, i).

The cmath module must be used instead of math if the argument is a complex variable. The numpy package offers similar mathematical functions, but with a unified treatment of real and complex variables.


Some Python and computer science terms briefly covered in this document are

Example: Trajectory of a ball


What is the trajectory of a ball that is thrown or kicked with an initial velocity \( v_0 \) making an angle \( \theta \) with the horizontal? This problem can be solved by basic high school physics as you are encouraged to do in Exercise 13: Derive the trajectory of a ball. The ball will follow a trajectory \( y=f(x) \) through the air where $$ \begin{equation} f(x) = x\tan\theta - {1\over 2v_0^2}{gx^2\over\cos^2\theta} + y_0\tp \tag{6} \end{equation} $$ In this expression, \( x \) is a horizontal coordinate, \( g \) is the acceleration of gravity, \( v_0 \) is the size of the initial velocity that makes an angle \( \theta \) with the \( x \) axis, and \( (0,y_0) \) is the initial position of the ball. Our programming goal is to make a program for evaluating (6). The program should write out the value of all the involved variables and what their units are.

We remark that the formula (6) neglects air resistance. Exercise 11: Compute the air resistance on a football explores how important air resistance is. For a soft kick (\( v_0=30 \) km/h) of a football, the gravity force is much larger than the air resistance, but for a hard kick, air resistance may be as important as gravity.


We use the SI system and assume that \( v_0 \) is given in km/h; \( g = 9.81\hbox {m/s}^2 \); \( x \), \( y \), and \( y_0 \) are measured in meters; and \( \theta \) in degrees. The program has naturally four parts: initialization of input data, import of functions and \( \pi \) from math, conversion of \( v_0 \) and \( \theta \) to m/s and radians, respectively, and evaluation of the right-hand side expression in (6). We choose to write out all numerical values with one decimal. The complete program is found in the file trajectory.py:

g = 9.81    # m/s**2
v0 = 15     # km/h
theta = 60  # degrees
x = 0.5     # m
y0 = 1      # m

print """\
v0    = %.1f km/h
theta = %d degrees 
y0    = %.1f m
x     = %.1f m\
""" % (v0, theta, y0, x)

from math import pi, tan, cos
# Convert v0 to m/s and theta to radians
v0 = v0/3.6
theta = theta*pi/180

y = x*tan(theta) - 1/(2*v0**2)*g*x**2/((cos(theta))**2) + y0

print 'y     = %.1f m' % y
The backslash in the triple-quoted multi-line string makes the string continue on the next line without a newline. This means that removing the backslash results in a blank line above the v0 line and a blank line between the x and y lines in the output on the screen. Another point to mention is the expression 1/(2*v0**2), which might seem as a candidate for unintended integer division. However, the conversion of v0 to m/s involves a division by 3.6, which results in v0 being float, and therefore 2*v0**2 being float. The rest of the program should be self-explanatory at this stage in the document.

We can execute the program in IPython or an ordinary terminal window and watch the output:

v0    = 15.0 km/h
theta = 60 degrees
y0    = 1.0 m
x     = 0.5 m
y     = 1.6 m

About typesetting conventions in this book

This version of the document applies different design elements for different types of "computer text". Complete programs and parts of programs (snippets) are typeset with a light blue background. A snippet looks like this:

a = sqrt(4*p + c)
print 'a =', a
A complete program has an additional, slightly darker frame:

C = 21
F = (9.0/5)*C + 32
print F
As a reader of this document, you may wonder if a code shown is a complete program you can try out or if it is just a part of a program (a snippet) so that you need to add surrounding statements (e.g., import statements) to try the code out yourself. The appearance of horizontal lines or not will then quickly tell you what type of code you see.

An interactive Python session is typeset as

>>> from math import *
>>> p = 1; c = -1.5
>>> a = sqrt(4*p + c)
Running a program, say ball_yc.py, in the terminal window, followed by some possible output is typeset as

At t=0.0417064 s and 0.977662 s, the height is 0.2 m.
Recall from the section IPython that we just write the program name. A real execution demands prefixing the program name by python in a terminal window, or by run if you run the program from an interactive IPython session. We refer to the document Different ways of running Python programs [2] for more complete information on running Python programs in different ways.

Sometimes just the output from a program is shown, and this output appears as plain computer text:

h = 0.2
order=0, error=0.221403
order=1, error=0.0214028
order=2, error=0.00140276
order=3, error=6.94248e-05
order=4, error=2.75816e-06
Files containing data are shown in a similar way in this document:

date   Oslo   London   Berlin   Paris   Rome   Helsinki
01.05  18     21.2     20.2     13.7    15.8   15
01.06  21     13.2     14.9     18      24     20
01.07  13     14       16       25      26.2   14.5

Style guide for Python code

This book presents Python code that is (mostly) in accordance with the official Style Guide for Python Code, known in the Python community as PEP8. Some exceptions to the rules are made to make code snippets shorter: multiple imports on one line and less blank lines.