Source code for odespy.radau5

__author__ = ['Liwei Wang, Univ. of Oslo']

from odespy import Solver
import numpy as np
import sys

_parameters_Radau5 = dict(

    mas = dict(
        help='''User-supplied function to
calculate the mass matrix M in the linearly
implicit ODE system M*u' = f(u, t). This function
is used only when M is not I (the identity).
M can be supplied as full matrix or banded
matrix. The ``mas`` function returns M
and takes any number of user-defined parameters
as arguments, given through the parameter
``mas_args``. If M is sparse, a banded
matrix with dimensions ``(mlmas+mumas+1,neq)``
is returned, where ``mlmas`` and ``mumas`` are
the lower and upper half-bandwidth of the banded
matrix, and ``neq`` is the number of equations.

    mas_args = dict(
        help='''Extra positional arguments
to the ``mas`` function (it is called as
        type=(tuple, list, np.ndarray),

    mas_f77 = dict(
        help='''Fortran subroutine for mas.
This subroutine has the signature
(note that rpar,ipar are not used)::

        subroutine mas_f77(neq,mas,lmas,rpar,ipar)
  Cf2py intent(hide)   rpar,ipar
  Cf2py intent(in)     neq,lmas
  Cf2py intent(out)    mas
        integer neq,lmas,ipar
        double precision mas(lmas,neq),rpar
        mas(1,1) = ...


    mlmas = dict(
        help='Lower bandwith of mass matrix M',

    mumas = dict(
        help='Upper bandwith of mass matrix M',

    jac_f77_radau5 = dict(
        help='''Fortran subroutine for jac to be
provided to Radau5. This subroutine should be
defined as (note that rpar,ipar are not used)::

        subroutine jac_f77_radau5
       &           (neq,t,u,dfu,ldfu,rpar,ipar)
  Cf2py intent(hide) neq,rpar,ipar
  Cf2py intent(in)   t,u,ldfu
  Cf2py intent(out) dfu
        integer neq,ipar,ldfu
        double precision t,u,dfu,rpar
        dimension u(neq),dfu(ldfu,neq)
        dfu(1,1) = ...
        dfu(1,2) = ...


import solvers

[docs]class Radau5(Solver): """ This is a wrapper for radau5.f, a file containing the the ``radau5`` FORTRAN subtroutine for the numerical solution of a stiff ODEs or differential algebraic (DAE) systems, involving first order equations on the form .. math:: Mu' = f(u,t). The ODE system can be linearly implicit (mass-matrix :math:`M` is not identity matrix) or explicit. The method used is an implicit Runge-Kutta method (Radau IIA) of order 5 with step size control. The file ``radau5.f`` can be downloaded from `<>`_. Details about the implementation can be found in the book "Solving Ordinary Differential Equations II, Stiff and Differential-Algebraic Problems", by E. Hairer and G. Wanner, 2nd ed., 1996, published by Springer-Verlag (ISBN: 3-540-60452-9). """ _optional_parameters = Solver._optional_parameters + \ ['f_f77', 'jac_f77_radau5', 'atol', 'jac_banded', 'rtol', 'nsteps', 'ml', 'mu', 'first_step', 'jac', 'safety', 'max_step', 'nsteps', 'mas', 'mas_f77', 'mlmas', 'mumas', 'mas_args'] _error_messages = { -1: 'INPUT IS NOT CONSISTENT', -2: 'LARGER NMAX IS NEEDED', -3: 'STEP SIZE BECOMES TOO SMALL', -4: 'MATRIX IS REPEATEDLY SINGULAR', } _extra_args_fortran = {}
[docs] def initialize(self): '''Import extension module _radau5 and check that it exists.''' try: import _radau5 self._radau5 = _radau5 except ImportError: raise ImportError('Cannot find the extension module _radau5.\nRun again and investigate why was not successfully built.')
[docs] def adjust_parameters(self): try: del self._parameters['jac']['default'] del self._parameters['nsteps']['default'] except: pass
[docs] def validate_data(self): # lower- & upper-bound for banded Jacobian in range [0, neq] for name in ('ml', 'mu', 'mlmas', 'mumas'): if hasattr(self, name): self._parameters[name]['range'] = (0, self.neq+1) has_banded_jac = hasattr(self, 'jac_banded') ml, mu = getattr(self, 'ml', None), getattr(self, 'mu', None) if has_banded_jac and ((ml is None) or (mu is None)): raise ValueError('"ml" and "mu" have to be provided when banded Jacobian matrix is involved! Your input is (%s, %s).' % (ml, mu)) return Solver.validate_data(self)
[docs] def func_wrappers(self): if hasattr(self, 'f'): # If f is input in form of a Python function f(u,t), # let self.f_f77 wrap f and have arguments t, u. f = self.f self.f_f77 = lambda t,u: np.asarray(f(u,t)) elif hasattr(self, 'f_f77'): # The right-hand side "f" is input as a Fortran function # taking the arguments t,u. # Set self.f to be f_f77 wrapped to the general form f(u,t) # for switch_to(). f_f77 = self.f_f77 self.f = lambda u,t: np.asarray(f_f77(t,u)) if hasattr(self, 'jac'): # If jac is input as full matrix in form of jac(u,t), # wrap jac to jac_f77 for Fortran code. jac = self.jac self.jac_f77_radau5 = lambda t,u: np.asarray(jac(u,t), order='Fortran') elif hasattr(self, 'jac_banded'): # If jac is input as banded matrix in form of jac_banded(u,t,ml,mu), # wrap jac_banded to jac_f77_radau5 for Fortran code. jac_banded = self.jac_banded self._extra_args_fortran['jac_extra_args'] = (, self.jac_f77_radau5 = lambda t,u,ml,mu: \ np.asarray(jac_banded(u,t,ml,mu), order='Fortran') elif hasattr(self, 'jac_f77_radau5'): # If jas is input as Fortran subroutine jac = self.jac_f77_radau5 if 0 < getattr(self, 'ml', -1) < self.neq: ljac = + getattr(self, 'mu', 0) + 1 self.jac_banded = lambda u,t,ml,mu: jac(t,u,ljac) else: self.jac = lambda u,t: jac(t,u,self.neq) if hasattr(self, 'mas'): # If mas is input as Python function in form of mas(*mas_args), mas = self.mas self.mas_f77 = lambda : np.asarray(mas(*self.mas_args), order='Fortran') elif hasattr(self, 'mas_f77'): # If mas is input as Fortran subroutine mas = self.mas_f77 if 0 < getattr(self, 'mlmas', -1) < self.neq: lmas = self.mlmas + getattr(self, 'mumas', 0) + 1 else: lmas = self.neq self.mas = lambda : mas(self.neq, lmas)
[docs] def set_dummy_functions(self): for name in ('jac_f77_radau5', 'f_f77'): if getattr(self, name, None) is None: setattr(self, name, lambda x, y: 0.) if not hasattr(self, 'mas_f77'): setattr(self, 'mas_f77', lambda : 0.)
[docs] def set_tol(self): """ Tolerance parameters, rtol & atol, can be provided as either two scalars or two vectors. """ rtol_scalar = isinstance(self.rtol, (int, float)) atol_scalar = isinstance(self.atol, (int, float)) if (rtol_scalar and (not atol_scalar)): self.rtol = [self.rtol] * self.neq # Wrap to vector elif (atol_scalar and (not rtol_scalar)): self.atol = [self.atol] * self.neq # Wrap to vector # itol is a flag to indicate whether tolerance parameters are input # as scalars or vectors self.itol = int(not(atol_scalar & rtol_scalar))
[docs] def initialize_for_solve(self): self.func_wrappers() self.set_tol() # Flags to indicate whether jac and mas are provided self.ijac = int(hasattr(self, 'jac_f77_radau5')) self.imas = int(hasattr(self, 'mas_f77')) self.set_dummy_functions() ljac = self.neq if ((not hasattr(self, 'ml')) or \ ( == self.neq)) else ( + + 1) lmas = 0 if not self.imas else (self.neq \ if ((not hasattr(self, 'mlmas')) or (self.mlmas == self.neq)) \ else (self.mlmas + self.mumas + 1)) le = self.neq if ((not hasattr(self, 'ml')) or \ ( == self.neq)) else (2* + + 1) self.lwork = self.neq*(ljac + lmas + 3*le + 12) + 20 self.liwork = 3*self.neq + 20 # Arrays to specify how the problem is to be solved. self.iwork = np.zeros(self.liwork, int) = np.zeros(self.lwork, float) self.iwork[1] = getattr(self, 'nsteps', 0)[1] = getattr(self, 'safety')[6] = getattr(self, 'max_step', 0.) Solver.initialize_for_solve(self) # Common settings
[docs] def advance(self): ''' This function intends to one step forward with Radau5. ''' neq, u, n = self.neq, self.u, self.n t, t_next = self.t[n], self.t[n+1] mas = getattr(self.mas_f77, '_cpointer', self.mas_f77) f = getattr(self.f_f77, '_cpointer', self.f_f77) jac = getattr(self.jac_f77_radau5, '_cpointer', self.jac_f77_radau5) h = getattr(self, 'first_step', 0.) ml = getattr(self, 'ml', self.neq) mu = getattr(self, 'mu', 0) mlmas = getattr(self, 'mlmas', self.neq) mumas = getattr(self, 'mumas', 0) args = (f, t, u[n].copy(), t_next, h, self.rtol, self.atol, self.itol, jac, self.ijac, ml, mu, mas, self.imas, mlmas, mumas,, self.iwork) # In the last demo, do not work without printing u_n out. Why? # Try """ if not hasattr(self, 'printed'): print u[n].copy() self.printed = True""" u_new, t_new, iwork, idid = self._radau5.advance_radau5( *args, **self._extra_args_fortran) if idid < 0: # Error occurred print self._error_messages[idid] + str(t_new) sys.exit(1) # Interrupt return u_new ### end of class Radau5 ###
[docs]class Radau5Explicit(Radau5): """ Radau5 solver for explcit ODE problem. """ _optional_parameters = Solver._optional_parameters + \ ['f_f77', 'jac_f77_radau5', 'atol', 'jac_banded', 'rtol', 'nsteps', 'ml', 'mu', 'first_step', 'jac', 'safety', 'max_step', 'nsteps']
Radau5Implicit = Radau5