.. !split .. _fem:deq:1D:varform:ex: Examples on variational formulations ==================================== The following sections derive variational formulations for some prototype differential equations in 1D, and demonstrate how we with ease can handle variable coefficients, mixed Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions, first-order derivatives, and nonlinearities. Variable coefficient -------------------- Consider the problem .. _Eq:_auto25: .. math:: \tag{50} -\frac{d}{dx}\left( {\alpha}(x)\frac{du}{dx}\right) = f(x),\quad x\in\Omega =[0,L],\ u(0)=C,\ u(L)=D{\thinspace .} There are two new features of this problem compared with previous examples: a variable coefficient :math:`{\alpha} (x)` and nonzero Dirichlet conditions at both boundary points. Let us first deal with the boundary conditions. We seek .. math:: u(x) = B(x) + \sum_{j\in{\mathcal{I}_s}} c_j{\psi}_i(x){\thinspace .} Since the Dirichlet conditions demand .. math:: {\psi}_i(0)={\psi}_i(L)=0,\quad i\in{\mathcal{I}_s}, the function :math:`B(x)` must fulfill :math:`B(0)=C` and :math:`B(L)=D`. The we are guaranteed that :math:`u(0)=C` and :math:`u(L)=D`. How :math:`B` varies in between :math:`x=0` and :math:`x=L` is not of importance. One possible choice is .. math:: B(x) = C + \frac{1}{L}(D-C)x, which follows from :ref:`(48) ` with :math:`p=1`. We seek :math:`(u-B)\in V`. As usual, .. math:: V = \hbox{span}\{{\psi}_0,\ldots,{\psi}_N\}{\thinspace .} Note that any :math:`v\in V` has the property :math:`v(0)=v(L)=0`. The residual arises by inserting our :math:`u` in the differential equation: .. math:: R = -\frac{d}{dx}\left( {\alpha}\frac{du}{dx}\right) -f{\thinspace .} Galerkin's method is .. math:: (R, v) = 0,\quad \forall v\in V, or written with explicit integrals, .. math:: \int_{\Omega} \left(-\frac{d}{dx}\left( {\alpha}\frac{du}{dx}\right) -f\right)v {\, \mathrm{d}x} = 0,\quad \forall v\in V {\thinspace .} We proceed with integration by parts to lower the derivative from second to first order: .. math:: -\int_{\Omega} \frac{d}{dx}\left( {\alpha}(x)\frac{du}{dx}\right) v {\, \mathrm{d}x} = \int_{\Omega} {\alpha}(x)\frac{du}{dx}\frac{dv}{dx}{\, \mathrm{d}x} - \left[{\alpha}\frac{du}{dx}v\right]_0^L {\thinspace .} The boundary term vanishes since :math:`v(0)=v(L)=0`. The variational formulation is then .. math:: \int_{\Omega} {\alpha}(x)\frac{du}{dx}\frac{dv}{dx}{\, \mathrm{d}x} = \int_{\Omega} f(x)v{\, \mathrm{d}x},\quad \forall v\in V{\thinspace .} The variational formulation can alternatively be written in a more compact form: .. math:: ({\alpha} u',v') = (f,v),\quad \forall v\in V {\thinspace .} The corresponding abstract notation reads .. math:: a(u,v)=L(v)\quad\forall v\in V, with .. math:: a(u,v)= ({\alpha} u',v'),\quad L(v)=(f,v) {\thinspace .} We may insert :math:`u=B + \sum_jc_j{\psi}_j` and :math:`v={\psi}_i` to derive the linear system: .. math:: ({\alpha} B' + {\alpha} \sum_{j\in{\mathcal{I}_s}} c_j {\psi}_j', {\psi}_i') = (f,{\psi}_i), \quad i\in{\mathcal{I}_s} {\thinspace .} Isolating everything with the :math:`c_j` coefficients on the left-hand side and all known terms on the right-hand side gives .. math:: \sum_{j\in{\mathcal{I}_s}} ({\alpha}{\psi}_j', {\psi}_i')c_j = (f,{\psi}_i) - ({\alpha}(D-C)L^{-1}, {\psi}_i'), \quad i\in{\mathcal{I}_s} {\thinspace .} This is nothing but a linear system :math:`\sum_j A_{i,j}c_j=b_i` with .. math:: A_{i,j} &= ({\alpha}{\psi}_j', {\psi}_i') = \int_{\Omega} {\alpha}(x){\psi}_j'(x), {\psi}_i'(x){\, \mathrm{d}x},\\ b_i &= (f,{\psi}_i) - ({\alpha}(D-C)L^{-1},{\psi}_i')= \int_{\Omega} \left(f(x){\psi}_i(x) - {\alpha}(x)\frac{D-C}{L}{\psi}_i'(x)\right) {\, \mathrm{d}x} {\thinspace .} First-order derivative in the equation and boundary condition ------------------------------------------------------------- The next problem to formulate in terms of a variational form reads .. _Eq:_auto26: .. math:: \tag{51} -u''(x) + bu'(x) = f(x),\quad x\in\Omega =[0,L],\ u(0)=C,\ u'(L)=E{\thinspace .} The new features are a first-order derivative :math:`u'` in the equation and the boundary condition involving the derivative: :math:`u'(L)=E`. Since we have a Dirichlet condition at :math:`x=0`, we must force :math:`{\psi}_i(0)=0` and use a boundary function to take care of the condition :math:`u(0)=C`. Because there is no Dirichlet condition on :math:`x=L` we do not make any requirements to :math:`{\psi}_i(L)`. The simplest possible choice of :math:`B(x)` is :math:`B(x)=C`. The expansion for :math:`u` becomes .. math:: u = C + \sum_{j\in{\mathcal{I}_s}} c_j {\psi}_i(x) {\thinspace .} The variational formulation arises from multiplying the equation by a test function :math:`v\in V` and integrating over :math:`\Omega`: .. math:: (-u'' + bu' - f, v) = 0,\quad\forall v\in V We apply integration by parts to the :math:`u''v` term only. Although we could also integrate :math:`u' v` by parts, this is not common. The result becomes .. math:: (u',v') + (bu',v) = (f,v) + [u' v]_0^L, \quad\forall v\in V {\thinspace .} Now, :math:`v(0)=0` so .. math:: [u' v]_0^L = u'(L)v(L) = E v(L), because :math:`u'(L)=E`. Thus, integration by parts allows us to take care of the Neumann condition in the boundary term. .. index:: natural boundary condition .. index:: essential boundary condition .. admonition:: Natural and essential boundary conditions A common mistake is to forget a boundary term like :math:`[u'v]_0^L` in the integration by parts. Such a mistake implies that we actually impose the condition :math:`u'=0` unless there is a Dirichlet condition (i.e., :math:`v=0`) at that point! This fact has great practical consequences, because it is easy to forget the boundary term, and that implicitly set a boundary condition! Since homogeneous Neumann conditions can be incorporated without "doing anything" (i.e., omitting the boundary term), and non-homogeneous Neumann conditions can just be inserted in the boundary term, such conditions are known as *natural boundary conditions*. Dirichlet conditions require more essential steps in the mathematical formulation, such as forcing all :math:`{\varphi}_i=0` on the boundary and constructing a :math:`B(x)`, and are therefore known as *essential boundary conditions*. The final variational form reads .. math:: (u',v') + (bu',v) = (f,v) + E v(L), \quad\forall v\in V {\thinspace .} In the abstract notation we have .. math:: a(u,v)=L(v)\quad\forall v\in V, with the particular formulas .. math:: a(u,v)=(u',v') + (bu',v),\quad L(v)= (f,v) + E v(L){\thinspace .} The associated linear system is derived by inserting :math:`u=C+\sum_jc_j{\psi}_j` and replacing :math:`v` by :math:`{\psi}_i` for :math:`i\in{\mathcal{I}_s}`. Some algebra results in .. math:: \sum_{j\in{\mathcal{I}_s}} \underbrace{(({\psi}_j',{\psi}_i') + (b{\psi}_j',{\psi}_i))}_{A_{i,j}} c_j = \underbrace{(f,{\psi}_i) + E {\psi}_i(L)}_{b_i} {\thinspace .} Observe that in this problem, the coefficient matrix is not symmetric, because of the term .. math:: (b{\psi}_j',{\psi}_i)=\int_{\Omega} b{\psi}_j'{\psi}_i {\, \mathrm{d}x} \neq \int_{\Omega} b {\psi}_i' {\psi}_j {\, \mathrm{d}x} = ({\psi}_i',b{\psi}_j) {\thinspace .} .. Too early: .. For finite element basis functions, it is worth noticing that the boundary term .. :math:`E{\psi}_i(L)` is nonzero only in the entry :math:`b_N` since all .. :math:`{\psi}_i`, :math:`i\neq N`, are zero at :math:`x=L`, provided the degrees of freedom .. are numbered from left to right in 1D so that :math:`x_{N}=L`. Nonlinear coefficient --------------------- Finally, we show that the techniques used above to derive variational forms apply to nonlinear differential equation problems as well. Here is a model problem with a nonlinear coefficient :math:`\alpha(u)` and a nonlinear right-hand side :math:`f(u)`: .. _Eq:_auto27: .. math:: \tag{52} -({\alpha}(u)u')' = f(u),\quad x\in [0,L],\ u(0)=0,\ u'(L)=E {\thinspace .} Our space :math:`V` has basis :math:`\left\{ {{\psi}}_i \right\}_{i\in{\mathcal{I}_s}}`, and because of the condition :math:`u(0)=0`, we must require :math:`{\psi}_i(0)=0`, :math:`i\in{\mathcal{I}_s}`. Galerkin's method is about inserting the approximate :math:`u`, multiplying the differential equation by :math:`v\in V`, and integrate, .. math:: -\int_0^L \frac{d}{dx}\left({\alpha}(u)\frac{du}{dx}\right)v {\, \mathrm{d}x} = \int_0^L f(u)v {\, \mathrm{d}x}\quad\forall v\in V {\thinspace .} The integration by parts does not differ from the case where we have :math:`{\alpha}(x)` instead of :math:`{\alpha}(u)`: .. math:: \int_0^L {\alpha}(u)\frac{du}{dx}\frac{dv}{dx}{\, \mathrm{d}x} = \int_0^L f(u)v{\, \mathrm{d}x} + [{\alpha}(u)vu']_0^L\quad\forall v\in V {\thinspace .} The term :math:`{\alpha}(u(0))v(0)u'(0)=0` since :math:`v(0)`. The other term, :math:`{\alpha}(u(L))v(L)u'(L)`, is used to impose the other boundary condition :math:`u'(L)=E`, resulting in .. math:: \int_0^L {\alpha}(u)\frac{du}{dx}\frac{dv}{dx}{\, \mathrm{d}x} = \int_0^L f(u)v{\, \mathrm{d}x} + {\alpha}(u(L))v(L)E\quad\forall v\in V, or alternatively written more compactly as .. math:: ({\alpha}(u)u', v') = (f(u),v) + {\alpha}(u(L))v(L)E\quad\forall v\in V {\thinspace .} Since the problem is nonlinear, we cannot identify a bilinear form :math:`a(u,v)` and a linear form :math:`L(v)`. An abstract formulation is typically *find :math:`u` such that* .. math:: F(u;v) = 0\quad\forall v\in V, with .. math:: F(u;v) = (a(u)u', v') - (f(u),v) - a(L)v(L)E {\thinspace .} By inserting :math:`u=\sum_j c_j{\psi}_j` and :math:`v={\psi}_i` in :math:`F(u;v)`, we get a *nonlinear system of algebraic equations* for the unknowns :math:`c_i`, :math:`i\in{\mathcal{I}_s}`. Such systems must be solved by constructing a sequence of linear systems whose solutions hopefully converge to the solution of the nonlinear system. Frequently applied methods are Picard iteration and Newton's method. .. _fem:deq:1D:varform:ex:DN:case: Computing with Dirichlet and Neumann conditions ----------------------------------------------- .. ex_varform1D.py: case2 Let us perform the necessary calculations to solve .. math:: -u''(x)=2,\quad x\in \Omega=[0,1],\quad u'(0)=C,\ u(1)=D, using a global polynomial basis :math:`{\psi}_i\sim x^i`. The requirement on :math:`{\psi}_i` is that :math:`{\psi}_i(1)=0`, because :math:`u` is specified at :math:`x=1`, so a proper set of polynomial basis functions can be .. math:: {\psi}_i(x)=(1-x)^{i+1}, \quad i\in{\mathcal{I}_s}{\thinspace .} A suitable :math:`B(x)` function to handle the boundary condition :math:`u(1)=D` is :math:`B(x)=Dx`. The variational formulation becomes .. math:: (u',v') = (2,v) - Cv(0)\quad\forall v\in V{\thinspace .} From inserting :math:`u=B + \sum_{j}c_j{\psi}_j` and choosing :math:`v={\psi}_i` we get .. math:: \sum_{j\in{\mathcal{I}_s}} ({\psi}_j',{\psi}_i')c_j = (2,{\psi}_i) - (B',{\psi}_i') - C{\psi}_i(0),\quad i\in{\mathcal{I}_s}{\thinspace .} The entries in the linear system are then .. math:: A_{i,j} &= ({\psi}_j',{\psi}_i') = \int_{0}^1 {\psi}_i'(x){\psi}_j'(x){\, \mathrm{d}x} = \int_0^1 (i+1)(j+1)(1-x)^{i+j}{\, \mathrm{d}x} = \frac{(i+1)(j+1)}{i + j + 1},\\ b_i &= (2,{\psi}_i) - (D,{\psi}_i') -C{\psi}_i(0)\\ &= \int_0^1\left( 2{\psi}_i(x) - D{\psi}_i'(x)\right){\, \mathrm{d}x} -C{\psi}_i(0)\\ &= \int_0^1 \left( 2(1-x)^{i+1} - D(i+1)(1-x)^i\right){\, \mathrm{d}x} -C\\ &= \frac{(D-C)(i+2) + 2}{i+2} = D - C + \frac{2}{i+2} {\thinspace .} Relevant ``sympy`` commands to help calculate these expressions are .. code-block:: python from sympy import * x, C, D = symbols('x C D') i, j = symbols('i j', integer=True, positive=True) psi_i = (1-x)**(i+1) psi_j = psi_i.subs(i, j) integrand = diff(psi_i, x)*diff(psi_j, x) integrand = simplify(integrand) A_ij = integrate(integrand, (x, 0, 1)) A_ij = simplify(A_ij) print 'A_ij:', A_ij f = 2 b_i = integrate(f*psi_i, (x, 0, 1)) - \ integrate(diff(D*x, x)*diff(psi_i, x), (x, 0, 1)) - \ C*psi_i.subs(x, 0) b_i = simplify(b_i) print 'b_i:', b_i The output becomes .. code-block:: text A_ij: (i + 1)*(j + 1)/(i + j + 1) b_i: ((-C + D)*(i + 2) + 2)/(i + 2) We can now choose some :math:`N` and form the linear system, say for :math:`N=1`: .. code-block:: python N = 1 A = zeros((N+1, N+1)) b = zeros(N+1) print 'fresh b:', b for r in range(N+1): for s in range(N+1): A[r,s] = A_ij.subs(i, r).subs(j, s) b[r,0] = b_i.subs(i, r) The system becomes .. math:: \left(\begin{array}{cc} 1 & 1\\ 1 & 4/3 \end{array}\right) \left(\begin{array}{c} c_0\\ c_1 \end{array}\right) = \left(\begin{array}{c} 1-C+D\\ 2/3 -C + D \end{array}\right) The solution (``c = A.LUsolve(b)``) becomes :math:`c_0=2 -C+D` and :math:`c_1=-1`, resulting in .. _Eq:_auto28: .. math:: \tag{53} u(x) = 1 -x^2 + D + C(x-1), We can form this :math:`u` in ``sympy`` and check that the differential equation and the boundary conditions are satisfied: .. code-block:: python u = sum(c[r,0]*psi_i.subs(i, r) for r in range(N+1)) + D*x print 'u:', simplify(u) print "u'':", simplify(diff(u, x, x)) print 'BC x=0:', simplify(diff(u, x).subs(x, 0)) print 'BC x=1:', simplify(u.subs(x, 1)) The output becomes .. code-block:: text u: C*x - C + D - x**2 + 1 u'': -2 BC x=0: C BC x=1: D The complete ``sympy`` code is found in `u_xx_2_CD.py `__. The exact solution is found by integrating twice and applying the boundary conditions, either by hand or using ``sympy`` as shown in the section :ref:`fem:deq:1D:models:simple`. It appears that the numerical solution coincides with the exact one. This result is to be expected because if :math:`({u_{\small\mbox{e}}} - B)\in V`, :math:`u = {u_{\small\mbox{e}}}`, as proved next. When the numerical method is exact ---------------------------------- We have some variational formulation: find :math:`(u-B)\in V` such that :math:`a(u,v)=L(u)\ \forall V`. The exact solution also fulfills :math:`a({u_{\small\mbox{e}}},v)=L(v)`, but normally :math:`({u_{\small\mbox{e}}} -B)` lies in a much larger (infinite-dimensional) space. Suppose, nevertheless, that :math:`{u_{\small\mbox{e}}} - B = E`, where :math:`E\in V`. That is, apart from Dirichlet conditions, :math:`{u_{\small\mbox{e}}}` lies in our finite-dimensional space :math:`V` we use to compute :math:`u`. Writing also :math:`u` on the same form :math:`u=B+F`, :math:`F\in V`, we have .. math:: a(B+E,v) &= L(v)\quad\forall v\in V,\\ a(B+F,v) &= L(v)\quad\forall v\in V{\thinspace .} Since these are two variational statements in the same space, we can subtract them and use the bilinear property of :math:`a(\cdot,\cdot)`: .. math:: a(B+E,v) - a(B+F, v) &= L(v) - L(v)\\ a(B+E-(B+F),v) &= 0\\ a(E-F),v) &= 0 If :math:`a(E-F),v) = 0` for all :math:`v` in :math:`V`, then :math:`E-F` must be zero everywhere in the domain, i.e., :math:`E=F`. Or in other words: :math:`u={u_{\small\mbox{e}}}`. This proves that the exact solution is recovered if :math:`{u_{\small\mbox{e}}} - B` lies in :math:`V`., i.e., can expressed as :math:`\sum_{j\in{\mathcal{I}_s}}d_j{\psi}_j` if :math:`\{{\psi}_j\}_{j\in{\mathcal{I}_s}}` is a basis for :math:`V`. The method will then compute the solution :math:`c_j=d_j`, :math:`j\in{\mathcal{I}_s}`. The case treated in the section :ref:`fem:deq:1D:varform:ex:DN:case` is of the type where :math:`{u_{\small\mbox{e}}} - B` is a quadratic function that is 0 at :math:`x=1`, and therefore :math:`({u_{\small\mbox{e}}} -B)\in V`, and the method finds the exact solution.