.. Automatically generated reST file from Doconce source (http://code.google.com/p/doconce/) Combining FEniCS with Your Favorite Software in C, C++, Fortran, or MATLAB ========================================================================== :Author: Kent-Andre Mardal (kent-and at simula.no), Hans Petter Langtangen (hpl at simula.no) :Date: May 22, 2013 Introduction ============ FEniCS is an easy-to-use tool for solving partial differential equations (PDEs) and enables very flexible specifications of PDE problems. However, many scientific problems require (much) more than solving PDEs, and in those cases a FEniCS solver must be coupled to other types of software. This is usually easy and convenient if the FEniCS solver is coded in Python and the other software is either written in Python or easily accessible from Python. Coupling of FEniCS solvers in Python with MATLAB, Fortran, C, or C++ codes is possible, and in principle straightforward, but there might be a lot of technical details in practice. Many potential FEniCS users already have substantial pieces of software in other more traditional scientific computing languages, and the new solvers they write in FEniCS may need to communicate with this existing and well-tested software. Unfortunately, the world of gluing computer code in very different languages with the aid of tools like F2PY, SWIG, Cython, and Instant is seldom the focal point of a computational scientist. We have therefore written this document to provide some examples and associated detailed explanations on how the mentioned tools can be used to combine FEniCS solvers in Python with other code written in MATLAB, Fortran, C, and C++. We believe that even if the examples are short and limited in complexity, the couplings are technically complicated and broad enough to cover a range of different situations in the real world. To illustrate the tools and techniques, we focus on four specific case studies: 1. *A flow problem with boundary conditions depending on a system of ODEs*. The ODE solver and the ODE system are implemented in Fortran, and we use F2PY to generate wrapper code such that the ODE solver is accessible from Python. 2. *A flow optimization problem*. The goal here is to compute the optimal placement, permeability and size of a porous medium within a flow field such that certain flow properties are minimized in a given region. A FEniCS flow solver is coupled to sophisticated MATLAB/Octave code for steps in the optimization process (kriging and surrogate modeling). 3. *DOLFIN library-level programming in C++*. A new C++ utility, based on DOLFIN, for fast repeated evaluations of finite element functions on parallel computers is developed. We glue C++ code, DOLFIN, and Python with the aid of the FEniCS JIT compiler Instant. 4. *A parabolic FEniCS solver in Python coupled to a C++ ODE solver at each node*. In this example we illustrate F2PY, SWIG, and Cython as alternative ways for coupling C++ and Python codes. This tutorial is meant for FEniCS users. For introductions to FEniCS, see the gentle tutorial [Ref01]_, the paper [Ref02]_, or the more comprehensive book about the FEniCS project [Ref03]_. The present tutorial is found on GitHub: ``_. The following command downloads all the files: .. code-block:: console Terminal> git clone https://github.com/hplgit/fenics-mixed.git The source code for the examples are located in the subdirectory `doc/src/src-fenics-mixed `_. The code examples are tested with FEniCS version 1.2.