Displaying code

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!bc pycod
def solver(I, a, T, dt, theta):
    """Solve u'=-a*u, u(0)=I, for t in (0,T] with steps of dt."""
    dt = float(dt); N = int(round(T/dt)); T = N*dt
    u = zeros(N+1); t = linspace(0, T, N+1)

    u[0] = I
    for n in range(0, N):
        u[n+1] = (1 - (1-theta)*a*dt)/(1 + theta*dt*a)*u[n]
    return u, t

This gets rendered as

def solver(I, a, T, dt, theta):
    """Solve u'=-a*u, u(0)=I, for t in (0,T] with steps of dt."""
    dt = float(dt); N = int(round(T/dt)); T = N*dt
    u = zeros(N+1); t = linspace(0, T, N+1)

    u[0] = I
    for n in range(0, N):
        u[n+1] = (1 - (1-theta)*a*dt)/(1 + theta*dt*a)*u[n]
    return u, t