When a DocOnce file mydoc.do.txt
containing quizzes (and other types
of text, like this document) is translated to some format by the
doconce format
command, a Python list of all the quizzes is created
and written to .mydoc.quiz
. Each list element represents one quiz as
a dictionary. The list corresponding to the quizzes in the current
document starts with
[{'choices': [[u'wrong', u'Helsinki'],
[u'wrong', u'Drammen'],
[u'right', u'Oslo'],
[u'wrong', u'Denmark']],
'no': 1,
'question': u'What is the capital of Norway?'},
A more complicated quiz with specification of prefix for the question and
one choice (see example above in the question admonition) has explanations
in the list for each choice, as well as two more
keys (choice prefix
and question prefix
{'choice prefix': [u'Answer:', None, None, None],
'choices': [
u"Stockholm is the capital of Sweden, Norway's neighboring country."],
u'Some people from Bergen may claim so... It is just the second\nlargest city in Norway.'],
[u'right', u'Oslo'],
[u'wrong', u'Denmark']],
'no': 5,
'question': u'What is the capital of Norway?',
'question prefix': u''},
The text in the Python list-dictionary data structure is ready-made for being displayed in HTML. Here is an example involving mathematics (MathJax syntax):
{'choices': [
u'Good attempt, especially when referring to the following story.
\n\n<p>\n<blockquote>\n An anthropologist was asking a primitive tribesman ab
out arithmetic.\n When the anthropologist asked, <em>What does two and two ma
ke?</em> the\n tribesman replied, <em>Five.</em> Asked to explain, the tribes
man said, <em>If I\n have a rope with two knots, and another rope with two kn
ots, and I\n join the ropes together, then I have five knots.</em>\n</blockqu
u'Seems trivial, but once upon a time...\n\n<p>\n<center><p><img src="fig/1p1.gif" align="bottom" width=180></p></center>'],
u'The computation does not make sense when \\( a \\) and \\( b \\) are given without\nunits.',
u'It is indeed possible to add pure numbers without any units.']],
'no': 6,
'question': u'Compute the result of \\( a+b \\) in the case \\( a=2 \\) and \\( b=2 \\).'},
Computer code gets typeset by nice colors by default (using the Pygments package):
u'Not exactly: <code>numpy.zeros</code> creates an array of zeros
, not a list.'],
u'Yes, provided we write <code>np</code> instead of <code>numpy</code>:\n\n<p>\n\n<!-- code=python (!bc pycod) typeset with pygments style "default" -->\n<div class="highlight" style="background: #f8f8f8"><pre style="line-height: 125%"><span style="color: #008000; font-weight: bold">import</span> <span style="color: #0000FF; font-weight: bold">numpy</span> <span style="color: #008000; font-weight: bold">as</span> <span style="color: #0000FF; font-weight: bold">np</span>\nmylist <span style="color: #666666">=</span> np<span style="color: #666666">.</span>zeros(n)\n</pre></div>\n<p>',
u'No, this is fully equivalent to the original code, so <code>mylist</code> becomes\nan array, not a list.'],
u'One would need to do <code>mylist = [0]*n</code> or <code>numpy.zeros(n).tolist()</code>.']],
'no': 8,
'question': u'We want to create a Python list object of length <code>n</code> where each\nelement is <code>0</code>. Is the following code then what we need?\n\n<p>\n\n<!-- code=python (!bc pycod) typeset with pygments style "default" -->\n<div class="highlight" style="background: #f8f8f8"><pre style="line-height: 125%"><span style="color: #008000; font-weight: bold">import</span> <span style="color: #0000FF; font-weight: bold">numpy</span>\nmylist <span style="color: #666666">=</span> numpy<span style="color: #666666">.</span>zeros(n)\n</pre></div>\n<p>'}
The keys in the dictionaries in this data structure are
: the text of the question. This key is always present.no
: the number of the quiz (starts at 1). This key is always present.keywords
: an optional list of keywords for the quiz.label
: an optional logical name for this quiz.choices
: list of all the choices as 2- or 3-lists. First element
is right
or wrong
, second is the text of the choice, the optional
third element is the explanation (if it was specified). This key
is always present.choice prefix
: optional list of the prefix specified for each choice.
implies the default prefix (depends on the format,
see the documentation
of the --quiz_choice_prefix=
option by typing doconce format --help
This key is absent if there are no specifications of such a prefix.question prefix
: The optional prefix specified for the question,
if different from the default value Question:
.new page
: Optional headline for a new page of quizzes. Also
indicates that a new page is to be made.