.. !split .. _app:resources: Appendix: Scientific Python resources ===================================== Full tutorials on scientific programming with Python ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `Python Scientific Lecture Notes `__ (from EuroSciPy tutorials, based on `Python Scientific `__) * `Practical Numerical Methods with Python `__ * `Scientific Python Lectures as IPython notebooks `__ * `Stefan van der Walt's lectures `__ * "Finite Difference Computing with Exponential Decay Models": " ``_" (open access) NumPy resources ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `NumPy Tutorial `__ * `NumPy User Guide `__ * `Advanced NumPy Tutorial `__ * `Advanced NumPy Course `__ * `NumPy Example List `__ * `NumPy Medkit `__ * `NumPy and SciPy Cookbook `__ * `NumPy for Matlab Users `__ * `NumPy for Matlab/R/IDL Users `__ Useful resources ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `AstroPython `__ * `Talk on IPython by Fernando Perez `__ * `Useful software in the Scientific Python Ecosystem `__ * `IPython `__ * `Python(x,y) `__ * `Basic Motion Graphics with Python `__ .. This is now local in doc/literature since the link is broken: `Practical Scientific Computing with Python `__ .. Basic Motion Graphics with Python contains a lot about making movies .. and animation - check it out Some relevant Python books ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `Think Python `__ * `Learn Python The Hard Way `__ * `Dive Into Python `__ * `Think Like a Computer Scientist `__ * `Introduction to Python Programming `__ (for scientists) * `A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python `__ (`slides `__ are also available) * "Finite Difference Computing with Exponential Decay Models": " ``_" (open access) * `Programming for Computations `__ (open access) * `Python Scripting for Computational Science `__ Course material on Python programming in general ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `The Official Python Tutorial `__ * `Python Tutorial on tutorialspoint.com `__ * `Interactive Python tutorial site `__ * `A Beginner's Python Tutorial on wikibooks.org `__ * `Python Programming on wikibooks.org `__ * `Non-Programmer's Tutorial for Python on wikibooks.org `__ * `Python For Beginners `__ * `Gentle Python introduction for high school `__ (with `associated IPython notebooks `__) * `A Gentle Introduction to Programming Using Python `__ (MIT OpenCourseWare) * `Introduction to Computer Science and Programming `__ (MIT OpenCourseWare with videos) * `Learning Python Programming Language Through Video Lectures `__ * `Python Programming Tutorials Video Lecture Course `__ (Learners TV) * `Python Videos, Tutorials and Screencasts `__