$$ \newcommand{\uex}{{u_{\small\mbox{e}}}} \newcommand{\vex}{{v_{\small\mbox{e}}}} \newcommand{\half}{\frac{1}{2}} \newcommand{\tp}{\thinspace .} \newcommand{\Oof}[1]{\mathcal{O}(#1)} $$

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Using symbolic software

Can use sympy and the tools in truncation_errors.py:

def decay():
    u, a = sm.symbols('u a')
    diffop = DiffOp(u, independent_variable='t',
    D1u = diffop.D(1)   # symbol for du/dt
    ODE = D1u + a*u     # define ODE

    # Define schemes
    FE = diffop['Dtp'] + a*u
    CN = diffop['Dt' ] + a*u
    BE = diffop['Dtm'] + a*u
    # Residuals (truncation errors)
    R = {'FE': FE-ODE, 'BE': BE-ODE, 'CN': CN-ODE}
    return R

The returned dictionary becomes

decay: {
 'BE': D2u*dt/2 + D3u*dt**2/6,
 'FE': -D2u*dt/2 + D3u*dt**2/6,
 'CN': D3u*dt**2/24,

\( \theta \)-rule: see truncation_errors.py (long expression, very advantageous to automate the math!)

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