$$ \newcommand{\uex}{{u_{\small\mbox{e}}}} \newcommand{\Aex}{{A_{\small\mbox{e}}}} \newcommand{\half}{\frac{1}{2}} \newcommand{\Oof}[1]{\mathcal{O}(#1)} $$

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Implementation of the generalized model problem

$$ \begin{equation} u^{n+1} = ((1 - \Delta t(1-\theta)a^n)u^n + \Delta t(\theta b^{n+1} + (1-\theta)b^n))(1 + \Delta t\theta a^{n+1})^{-1} \end{equation} $$

Implementation where \( a(t) \) and \( b(t) \) are given as Python functions (see file decay_vc.py):

def solver(I, a, b, T, dt, theta):
    Solve u'=-a(t)*u + b(t), u(0)=I,
    for t in (0,T] with steps of dt.
    a and b are Python functions of t.
    dt = float(dt)            # avoid integer division
    Nt = int(round(T/dt))     # no of time intervals
    T = Nt*dt                 # adjust T to fit time step dt
    u = zeros(Nt+1)           # array of u[n] values
    t = linspace(0, T, Nt+1)  # time mesh

    u[0] = I                  # assign initial condition
    for n in range(0, Nt):    # n=0,1,...,Nt-1
        u[n+1] = ((1 - dt*(1-theta)*a(t[n]))*u[n] + \ 
                  dt*(theta*b(t[n+1]) + (1-theta)*b(t[n])))/\ 
                  (1 + dt*theta*a(t[n+1]))
    return u, t

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