\newcommand{\uexd}[1]{{u_{\small\mbox{e}, #1}}}
\newcommand{\vexd}[1]{{v_{\small\mbox{e}, #1}}}
\newcommand{\tp}{\thinspace .}
\newcommand{\Ddt}[1]{\frac{D #1}{dt}}
\newcommand{\E}[1]{\hbox{E}\lbrack #1 \rbrack}
\newcommand{\Var}[1]{\hbox{Var}\lbrack #1 \rbrack}
\newcommand{\Std}[1]{\hbox{Std}\lbrack #1 \rbrack}
\newcommand{\dfc}{\alpha} % diffusion coefficient
\newcommand{\If}{\mathcal{I}_s} % for FEM
\newcommand{\Ifd}{{I_d}} % for FEM
\newcommand{\Ifb}{{I_b}} % for FEM
\newcommand{\setb}[1]{#1^0} % set begin
\newcommand{\sete}[1]{#1^{-1}} % set end
\newcommand{\sequencei}[1]{\left\{ {#1}_i \right\}_{i\in\If}}
\newcommand{\dX}{\, \mathrm{d}X}
\newcommand{\dx}{\, \mathrm{d}x}
\newcommand{\ds}{\, \mathrm{d}s}
Integration by parts
Second-order derivatives will hereafter be integrated by parts
\int_0^L u''(x)v(x) dx &= - \int_0^Lu'(x)v'(x)dx
+ [vu']_0^L\nonumber\\
&= - \int_0^Lu'(x)v'(x) dx
+ u'(L)v(L) - u'(0)v(0)
- Lowers the order of derivatives
- Gives more symmetric forms (incl. matrices)
- Enables easy handling of Neumann boundary conditions
- Finite element basis functions \( \basphi_i \) have discontinuous
derivatives (at cell boundaries) and are not suited for
terms with \( \basphi_i'' \)
Boundary function; principles
- What about nonzero Dirichlet conditions? Say \( u(L)=D \)
- We always require \( \baspsi_i(L)=0 \) (i.e., \( \baspsi_i=0 \) where Dirichlet conditions applies)
- Problem: \( u(L) = \sum_j c_j\baspsi_j(L)=\sum_j c_j\cdot 0=0\neq D \) - always
- Solution: \( u(x) = B(x) + \sum_j c_j\baspsi_j(x) \)
- \( B(x) \): user-constructed boundary function that fulfills the Dirichlet
- If \( u(L)=D \), \( B(L)=D \)
- No restrictions of how \( B(x) \) varies in the interior of \( \Omega \)